
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Monday, April 25, 2016

The Soft Words of Blessed Mary(Full of Grace Trailer video)

(A message I believe she is telling the world)

My Son's heart beat is ONE with mine , and His Blood was in MY blood.
My Son nursed at my breast, and his tiny hands held onto mine.
When He stumbled, I helped him stand up!
His eyes brightly shined into mine.

Oh Dear Ones,
Your unborn baby's heart beats TOGETHER as ONE!
Your baby's blood is in your blood.
His tiny hands you will hold onto.
When He falls, you will help pick Him up.

Our Lord’s hands are our hands.
His flesh and blood is our flesh and blood.
His joy is our joy!
His suffering is our suffering.

St. John ch:8 verses 12-­20 ( I am the light of the world, no follower of mine shall ever walk in darkness; no, he shall possess the light of Life.)

"Many claim to know the truth, but they do not know My Son, Jesus."
Please, get to know him through his Life, Death, and His Resurrection.
Darkness was lifted, and My Son, Our Lord, is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD!

My Love Always,

Blessed Mary, Jesus’ Mother


You may wish to view a Movie "Full Of Grace" about Blessed Mary's words spoken to the disciples of Jesus. She gives wisdom to Peter and reminds Him of the words given to Him by Jesus. See how Peter was in doubt, and how He finds strength again! You will see how Peter gives Mass for the people of Jesus. He is reminded that nothing is impossible with God. This movie will help give inner strength and faith of Our Lord.

 You can purchase this movie on Amazon or through the Leaflet Missal catalog at 1-­800­-328-­9582 order number 29922 or order on line www.leafletonline.com

FULL OF GRACE TRAILER: Production film by: Andrew Hyatt and starring Noam Jenkins