
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Army of Prayer & Rosary

 Today is  Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go 

to Days of  the week music ; you will find Thurs.

  between the Crosses+++

Uniting in Prayer in the Army of God +++

Blessings Always in Christ Love,



Dwelling in The Lord ; 7-2021

Just Love her ; 9-2021

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Army of Prayer & Rosary +++

 Today is Tues. "Army of Prayer & Rosary."  May you go 

to Days of the week music ; you will find Thurs. between

the Crosses+++

Uniting together in the Army of God +++

Blessings to you and yours,



Because It's Me / 8-2018

Because It's You / 2-2018

Monday, September 27, 2021

Just Love Her

 Just Love Her :

She feels empty

She is afraid and

feels so alone.

she see's people lives

going forward 

all around her and

she doesn't want

to impose herself

on anyone.

She remains silent.

her tears of sadness

is like nothing she 

had ever imagined.

She feels there is

nobody who will

understand her or

embrace her.

Her tears keep falling

She knows she has 

to go to  work and

she is struggling just

to get there.

A co-worker can see

she is down and not


She smiled gently at

the broken girl with

drooped shoulders.

And she asked if she

was having a bad day ?

The broken girl looked

up to her and nodded 

her head 'yes.

The co-worker decided

it would be best to 

speak with her during

their lunch hour.

She approached the

broken girl and asked

if she would like to

go to lunch and the girl

agreed to go.

They both decided

on a restaurant to

eat at 

and went through the

drive -thru.

I noticed you've

been a little down

and not yourself lately?

Is there something wrong?

The broken girl looked

up to her co-worker

with big blue eyes of

sadness , and tears 

began to flow down 

her cheeks.

"I just found out I'm

pregnant and I am scared !"

The co-worker looked at her

with so much compassion.

She embraced her and 

said," You are not alone dear

and I am here for you."

Have you found a doctor

yet ?

Yes, and I am two months

pregnant .

What about your boyfriend ?

Does he know ?

The broken girl answered,

"Yes , and he's scared as

well. "

The co-worker said, "You 

must focus on yourself

right now and the well

being of your baby.

When is your next

doctor's appointment ,

I would like to come ?

The broken girl gave

her the appointment date

and kindly said , "You

don't have to be with me ,"

 with tears still flowing

down her face."

The co-worker replied ,"I

want to be with you, and

I'm going with you on

your next appointment.

I will be with you 

through it all ."

The broken girl broke

down and said , "How

can I ever thank you , " 

smiling up to her 


"Your smile already did ."

To my reader

Just Love Her+++


Take Courage ; 5-2018

Never Ever ; 5-2018 (When I'm fragile 

you're invincible)

It is Well ; 4-2018

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Gloria Prayer & Song

 In the "Gloria" prayer the  word "You" is

said ( 11 times ) it's a beautiful and  powerful 

prayer we say at the beginning of  Mass.+++

It's all about You Dear Jesus , Christ,

Our God +++


The Gloria prayer:

Glory to God in the

highest, and on earth

peace to people of

good will. We praise

you , we bless you, we

adore you, we glorify

you, we give you

thanks for your great 

glory, Lord God,

heavenly King , O God

almighty Father.

Lord Jesus Christ,

Only Begotten Son,

Lord God, Lamb of

God, Son of the

Father, you take away

the sins of the world,

have mercy on us; you

take away the sins of 

the world, receive our

prayer; you are seated

at the right hand of

the Father, have

mercy on us.

for you alone are the

Holy One, you alone

are the Lord, you

alone are the Most

High , Jesus Christ,

with the Holy Spirit , in

the glory of God the

Father. Amen


Glory to God ; 1-29-2020

 Lover of My Soul ; 5-11-2017

What A Beautiful Name it is ; 7-2017

Pope John Paul ll Feast Day is; 10-22-2022


note: If you wish to follow along

with the "Gloria" prayer in

song ; use web version on your

device and click on (Jan. 2020) you will

see the months underneath 'Page views on

the right hand side. 

Then scroll down click on the VIDEO   (not the title)

" Glory to God  , by John Michael Talbot"

then scroll UP to the  "Gloria prayer"

on the John Michael Talbot Songs post.

note: you will find the prayer  towards the bottom. 


Friday, September 24, 2021

Sat. is "Army of Prayer & Rosary"

 Saturday is "Army of Prayer & Rosary."  May you go to 

Days  of the week music ; you will find Sat. between\

the Crosses +++

Together we will Unite in the Army of God +++


I Was Suppose to be Me ; 7-2021

In My Loneliness ; 7-2021

Embrace The Cross

 Today is Friday "Embrace The Cross."  may you go to 

Days of the Week Music ; you will find Fridays between 

the Crosses+++

Embracing the Cross together at the feet of Christ+++

May we turn our nightlights on +++

May God Bless You,



Fire fighters Tribute / 9-2018

My Love for you will never be shaken ; 9-11-2017

Christ Speaks to Us Alone ;12-2017

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Army of Prayer & Rosary +++

 Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary . "  May you go

to Days of the Week Music ; you will find Thurs. between 

the Crosses+++

Uniting in prayer  and building the Army of God+++

Remember you can read scripture during the "Army of Prayer & 

Rosary for Our Lord +++

May Our Dear Lord Bless You ,



Mention of Your Name ; 5-2018

Before Investigating find not fault ; 6-2021 

I Will Carry You / 12-2017

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Sept. 21 St. "The Feast Day of St. Matthew & "Army of Prayer & Rosary"

 Today is "The Feast Day of St. Matthew & Thurs. "Army of Prayer

& Rosary." May you go to Days of the Week Music ; 

you will find Feast Days & Thurs. between the Crosses+++

Uniting in Prayer in the Army of God +++

Blessings Always in Christ Love,\

Lori Foster 

May we turn our nightlights on +++


St. Matthew Feast Day ; 9-21-2021 { I am sending

you out like sheep among wolves}

Jesus of Nazereth { Don't be afraid } 5-2020

Jesus of Nazareth Soundtrack ; 3-2018

The Passion of Christ Soundtrack ; 3-2018

St. Matthew Feast Day +++ "I Am Sending You Out Like Sheep Among Wolves"

 September 21 St. is "The Feast Day of St. Matthew."  He was the Chief among 

the tax collector.  His commitment to follow Christ demonstrates that God

has the power to transform the most depraved sinner into a saint

for his glory. On Sept. 21, we celebrate the feast of this sinner-turned

saint, Saint Matthew the Apostle. (Matthew of Galilee)

Matthew presented evidence reconciling the Old

Testament prophecies with the Life of Jesus

demonstrating that Jesus was the Messiah. The 

main message of the Gospel of Matthew is that 

Jesus is the Messiah that the Jews had long


{ St. Matthew died as a Martyr of the Church.

St. Matthew the Evangelist,  author of the

Gospel of Matthew .  According to tradition,

the saint was killed on the orders of the

king of Ethiopia while celebrating

Mass at the altar. }


Matthew Ch. 10 V 1 : 

Then he summoned his twelve disciples

and gave them authority to expel unclean

spirits and to cure sickness and disease of

every kind. 

Matthew Ch. 10 V 5-23

Jesus sent these men on a mission as the

Twelve, after giving them the following


"Do not visit pagan territory and do not

enter a Samaritan town.  Go instead after

the lost sheep of the house of Israel.  As

you go , make this announcement : 'The

reign of God is at hand !"  Cure the sick, raise

the dead, heal the leprous, expel demons.

The gift you have received, give as a gift.

Provide yourselves with neither gold nor

silver nor copper in your belts;  no traveling

bag , no change of shirt, no sandals, no

walking staff.  The workman, after all , is

worth his keep.

Look for a worthy person in every

town  or village you come to and stay with

him until you leave.  As you enter his

home bless it.  If the home is deserving

your blessing will descend on it.  If it is not,

your blessing will return to you.  If anyone

does not receive you or listen to what you

have to say, leave that house or town, and

once outside it shake its dust from your feet.

I assure you, it will go easier for the 

region of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day

of judgment than it will for that town.

What I am doing is sending you out

like sheep among wolves.  You must be clever

as snakes and innocent as doves.  Be on

your guard with respect to others. They will

hale you into court. They will flog you in

their synagogues.  You will be brought

to trial before rulers and kings, to give witness

before them and before the Gentiles on my

account.  When they hand you over, do 

not worry about what you will say or how

you will say it.  When the hour comes,

you yourselves will not be the speakers, the Spirit

of your Father will be speaking in you.

Brother will hand over brother to

death, and the Father his child; children will

turn against parents and have them put to

death. You will be hated by all on account

of me.  But whoever holds out till the end

will escape death.  When they persecute

you in one town, flee to the next.  I solemnly

assure you, you will not have covered the

towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

Matthew Ch. 10 V 26-42

Do not let them intimidate you.  Nothing is 

concealed that will not become known.  

What I tell you in darkness, speak in the 

light.  What you hear in private ,  proclaim from

the housetops. 

"Do not fear those who derive the

body of life but cannot destory the soul.

Rather fear him who can destroy both body

and soul in Gehenna.  Are not two sparrows

sold for next to nothing ?  Yet not a

single sparrow falls to the ground without

your Father's consent.  As for you, every

hair of your head has been counted; so 

do not be afraid of anything.  You are worth 

more than an entire flock of sparrows.

Whoever acknowledges me before men

I will acknowledge before my Father in

heaven.  Whoever disowns me before

men I will disown before my Father in\


"Do not  suppose that my mission on

earth is to spread peace.  My mission is to 

spread , not peace, but division.  I have

come to set a man at odds with his father,

a daughter with her mother, a daughter-

in-law with her mother-in-law; in

short, to make a man's enemies those

of his own household.  Whoever loves

father or mother, son or daughter, more than

me is not worthy of me.  he who will

not take up his cross and come after me

is not worthy of me.  He who seeks only

himself brings himself to ruin, where as he

who brings himself to naught for me discovers

who he is. 

"he who welcomes you welcomes me,

and he who welcomes me welcomes him

who sent me.  He who welcomes a prophet

because he bears the name of prophet

receives a prophet's reward; he who welcomes

a holy man because he is known to holy

receives a holy man's reward.  

And I promise you that whoever gives

a cup of cold water to one of these lowly

ones because he is a disciple will not

want for his reward. 


September 21 , The Feast Day of St. Matthew ; 9-21-2021

Water Ways , by Ludovico Einaudi ' Such talent , You will love this video ! The middle to the end is remarkable !

Svanire , by Ludovico Einaudi 'Be Still and Know That I Am God+++


Monday, September 20, 2021

Doctrine of The Cross / Jesus Transfigured

 Doctrine of the Cross : Matthew Ch. 16 V 24-28

Jesus then said to his disciples: "If a man wishes 

to come after me, he must deny his very self, take

up his cross, and begin to follow in my

footsteps.  Whoever would save his life

will lose it, but whoever loses his life for

my sake will find it.  What profit would

a man show if he were to gain the whole

world and destroy himself in the process?

What can a man offer in exchange for his

very self ?  The Son of Man will come

with his Father's glory accompanied by his

angels.  When he does, he will repay each

man according to his conduct.  I assure 

you , among those standing here there are

some who will not experience death before

they see the Son of Man come in his


Jesus Transfigured : Matthew Ch. 17 1-8

Six days later Jesus

took Peter, James, and his brother John and

led them up on a high mountain by themselves.

He was transfigured before their 

eyes.  His face became as dazzling as the 

sun, his clothes as radiant as light. 

suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared to 

them conversing with him.  Then Peter said to

Jesus, "Lord how good that we are here !

With your permission I will erect three booths (tents)

here, one for you, one for Moses , and one

for Elijah ."  He was still speaking when

suddenly a bright cloud overshadowed them.

Out of the cloud came a voice which said,

"This is my beloved Son on whom my favor

rests. "Listen to Him."  When they heard

this the disciples fell forward on the ground,

overcome with fear.  Jesus came toward

them and laying his hand on them, said,

"Get up ! so not be afraid."  When they

looked up they did not see anyone but Jesus. 


The Church is the mystical Body of Jesus +

The Church is the community of People

who have been Transfigured by Christ ;

by His heavenly Power+

Our Job is to do His work by bringing

Heaven and Earth Together +


God's Love , God's Mercy is 

Greater than Sin +

Our Redemption is through

His Cross+++


Ascension of Jesus Christ ; 5-25-2017

The Ascension of Jesus ; 5-25-2017

The Power of the Cross ; 4-10-2020

At The Cross ; 3-2018

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Sat. is "Army of Prayer & Rosary "

 Today is Sat. "Army of Prayer & Rosary."  May you go to 

Days of the Week Music; you will find Sat.  between the 


Uniting in Prayer in the Army of God +++


Salt Water Heart

To Save A Life

The Day that I found God

Your Love is a song



Friday, September 17, 2021

Friday is "Embrace The Cross"

 Today is Friday "Embrace The Cross" may you go to 

Days of the Week Music; you will find Fridays 

between the Crosses+++

Uniting together at the feet of the Cross+++

Blessings Always in Christ Love,

Lori Foster

May we turn our nightlights on +++


I will  Protect My Soul ; 5-2018

Clinging To Christ ; 9-2021

My Soul Clings to You O' My God / 3-2021

The Narrow Door

Luke Ch. 13 Verses 22-30

The Narrow Door :  He went through cities

and towns teaching-- all the while making

his way toward Jerusalem.  Someone asked 

him. "Lord, are they few in number who

are to be saved ?"  He replied: "Try to

come in through the narrow door.  Many

I tell you , will try to enter and be unable.

When once the master of the house has 

risen to lock the door and you stand outside

knocking and saying, "Sir , open for us, ' he

will say in reply, "I do not know where you

come from."  Then you will begin to say,

"We ate and drank in your company.  You

taught in our streets."  But he will answer ,

"I tell you,  I do not know where you come

from. Away from me, you evildoers !"

"There will be wailing and grinding

of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,

and all the prophets safe in the Kingdom

of God,  and you yourselves rejected.  People

will come from the east and the west,

from the north and the south, and will take

their place at the feast in the kingdom of

God.  Some who are last will be first 

and some who are first will be last."


I will protect My Soul ; 5-2018

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Thursday "Army of Prayer & Rosary"

 Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary" May you go to

Days of the Week Music ; you will find Thurs. between 

the Crosses+++

Uniting in prayer to Our Lord in his Army+++

Blessings Always in Christ love,

Lori Foster


Be Still and Know that I am God ; 9-2021

{note: you can find this posted on the link Scripture

it is provided on my home page underneath

"My Favorites."  use web version for mobiles. } You will

find  the links on the left hand side .

Clinging to Christ ; 9-2021

Be Still and know that I am God+++

 Be Still for in your silence I am near you +++

John Ch. 16 Verse 33 " These things I have spoken

unto you, that in me ye might have peace.

In the world ye shall have tribulation:

but be of good cheer; I have overcome

the world."

Psalm 46 Verses 8-10 "Come, behold the works of 

the LORD , how he has brought desolations on the

earth.  He makes wars cease to the end of the 

earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the 

spear; he burns the shields with fire.

He says,

+++"Be still , and know that I am God."+++

I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted in the earth." 

Romans Ch:14 Verse 11  "It is written:

"As surely as I live, says the Lord,

every knee will  bow before me;

every tongue will acknowledge



Peace Be Still ;  12-2018

Be Still My Soul ; 5-4-2017

Wordless ; 5-2017

Speak To Me ; 7-2020

Noel ; 12-2016 Oops 2018

Svanire ; 9-2021

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Clinging To Christ

 Oh ' My Lord , Jesus !

If I only would have 

or should have done 

things this way ! 

These are the words I keep

holding on to !

I try hard to go forward 

but something keeps pulling

me backwards. 

Things  keep 

reminding me of my past

 that brings me down. 

I keep telling myself

"If only I would have

or should have."

I try to stay positive but

guilt, shame, and loneliness

arises ! 


"Cling to me my child."

You will not find me in

the past .  I Am your

Creator and I Am always

in the Present"

I know the  Crosses you are carrying 

are heavy and sometimes seems

 unbearable .

It is I who will help you  carry

your Cross+++

May you look at me as I carried

My Cross along the dirt fields and

hillsides of Calvary.  

As you are carrying your Cross

I will lighten your heavy load

each and every time you think

of me in my loneliness.  I was

spat on , whipped,  called

profane names and my blood 

was poured out for All of


My Holy Cross I Carried for You !


Oh' Jesus !  I will look at you every time

whenever I am down

and feel low !  When I keep 

going in reverse  ; remind me you are 

there !  When I try to undo something that 

simply cannot be undone , I will look up

and be reminded of you carrying  

your  Cross+++

For you fell three times and even had

help picking up your Cross by Simon.

You said you will help me carry

my Cross +++

I will place my full Trust in you 

my Lord  !

 I  know you are the

Only Way , Truth, and Life !

I will cling to you Christ 

like never before !

It is you that is wiping my 

face clean and showering me

with Your Breath of Holiness +++


Jeremiah  Ch.29 Verse 11 He says: 

"For I know the plans I have for you,

declares the Lord, plans to prosper you

 and not to harm you, plans to give you 

hope and a future."


Through  The Cross of Jesus

He Has  Redeemed The World+++

By Your  Stripes We Are Healed +++


My Soul Clings to You My God ; 3-12-2021

My Holy Kiss ; 9-2021

Breath of Heaven ; 2-2017

Holy Spirit ; 4-2017

Touch of Heaven ; 6-2021

You Have Searched Me Lord ' and you Know Me ; 6-2021

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Does God Hear Us

 Today is Tues. "Army of  Prayer & Rosary."  May you go to

Days of the Week Music ; you will find Tues. between the 


Blessings in Christ Love,

Lori Foster


Does God Hear Us ?  7-2021

Friday, September 10, 2021

Friday is "Embrace The Cross" & Sat. is The 20th Anniversary of 9/11

 Today is Friday "Embrace The Cross." and Sat. is

"Army of Prayer & Rosary and "The 20th  Anniversary

of  the attack on 9/11 ."  May you go to 

Days of the Week Music; you will find Fridays , Sat. and

Important Dates or Special Events , between the 


May we turn our nightlights on for BOTH days +++

We Honor those lives whom were taken on that day+++

May Our Loving Lord Rest Upon ALL whom were

affected and  give you His 

Peace of Love+++

God Bless You Always,

in Christ Divine Love,

Lori Foster 

This is for you ***

Dust in The Wind / 9-2019

Don't Stop Believing / 4-2020

Dust In The Wind (video) 2-2018

Don't Stop Believing (live) 2-2018


My Given Dream in A Large City/ 7-2017

The Fall of 9/11 / 8-2021

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary"

 Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary" may you go to 

Days of the Week Music; you will find Thurs. between

the Crosses+++

Uniting in Prayer in The Army of God+++

Blessings Always , 

in Christ Love +++


Live it Well ; 5-2017

Love Alone is Worth the Fight ; 4-2017

Shine Like Gold ; 4-2020

This is Home ; 5-2018

What If ; 8-2017

Who You Say I am ; 9-2020

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Tuesday "Army of Prayer & Rosary" & Blessed Mary's Birthday is Sept. 8th / Sept. 5th St. Teresa's Feast Day

Today is Tues. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." and tomorrow

Sept. 8th  Blessed Mary's Birthday !  May you go to

Days of the week Music; you will find Tues. and Special and

Important events between the Crosses+++

Uniting in Prayer to Our Lord Jesus Christ+++

Blessings Always to you and Your loved Ones,

Lori Foster

Blessed Mary's Birthday is Sept. 8th /9-2017

Sept. 5th is St. Teresa of Calcutta's Feast Day (when she

went to be with  Our Lord) 9-2017

May we turn our nightlights on +

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Sat. is "Army of Prayer & Rosary " and " Embrace The Cross " is on Sept. 5th +++

 Today is Sat. "Army of Prayer & Rosary and Sept. 5th

is "Embrace The Cross." May you go to 

Days of the Week Music; you will find

Sat. & the 5th of the month between the 


Together we will unite in Prayer and Embrace

Our Lord at his feet +++

May we turn our nightlights on +++

May you have a blessed and safe  Labor Day +++

Lori Foster

At Your Feet / 9-2017

My Vibrant One / 9-29-2020

My Holy Kiss+ / 9-3-2021

See the Beauty Within My People / 9-2021

Friday, September 3, 2021

Friday "Embrace The Cross"

 Today is Friday "Embrace The Cross" may you go to 

Days of the Week Music; you will find Fridays between

the Crosses+++

Uniting together at the feet of Jesus 'Embrace The Cross'

May we turn our nightlights on +++

May Our Loving Lord Look down upon you,

My Holy Kiss+ 9-3-2021

See The Beauty Within My People / 9-2-2021

My Holy Kiss +

 Oh' Christ My Lord ' 

My pain and suffering

is so strong !  How can

you enter into my pain ?

My life hasn't been easy

and do you really want

to know how I feel ?

I look around at many

people in their joy and

happiness . But I can't 

seem to get there .  How 

My Lord can I even 

come close ?

My life has been turned

upside down and I feel

as though I am falling !

Do you hear Me Lord ?

{ Wasn't it I whom

created you ?

Your whole being

I formed and there

will never be anyone

else like you }

But My Lord ' you 

know there are many

things I can't undo !

How must I go on ?

{ Did I not say that

I would never abandon

you ? }

But My Lord' I feel

lonely and as if no

one understands me .

I need you here at 

my side Lord !

{It's in your quite moments

where I will place my softness

upon you like none other. I

will place ' My Divine  Hands'

around you .  My love for

you goes so deep .  My eyes

are looking into your very

soul +  Trust In My Love

for it is given unto you +}

When you weep I will lift

you up unto myself+

When you are feeling lost

I will bring you comfort

My Light +

I am sending down 

My Holy Kiss +++


Everything , by Lifehouse / 2-2018

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Thursday "Army of Prayer & Rosary"

 Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary."  May you go

to Days of the week Music ; you will find Thurs. between

the Crosses+++

Together we will unite in Prayer in the Army of God+++

Blessings Always in Christ Love,

Lori Foster


See The Beauty Within My People ' Says the Lord ! 9-2-2021

Shepherd Me O God / 1-2019

See The Beauty Within My People ' Says the Lord !

 "See the Beauty within My People ' says the Lord"

(His mercy extends to those who fear Him ; Luke Ch. 1 Verses 46-55 :

Blessed Mary's Magnificat.)

God's Holy Word will remain always+++

The Angel Gabriel told Mary during

the Annunciation "God will cast a shadow over you."

The Prophet Isaiah spoke "Behold , he wrote, "a virgin

shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name 

Immanuel ."  Isaiah Ch. 7 Verse 14 . 

Tears of Joy, Faith, Love, and even fear was within

the Mother of Our Lord.

She not only had to announce this message to her

parents , but to Joseph as well. 

"Because Joseph to whom she was engaged , was 

a righteous man and did not want to disgrace her

publicly, so he decided to break the engagement


But after he had

considered this , an Angel of the Lord appeared to him in

a dream and said, "Joseph son of David , do not fear to

take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her

is from the Holy Spirit." Matthew Ch. 1 Verse 20

Mary took Joseph by the hand and said "Trust in

The Lord."

The  "Mystery" of Christ love is through his 

Mother's womb. 

With Joseph facing all obstacles  , by passing the

thoughts of man and "Trusting in God ;  His Holy

Words." Joseph held the infant Jesus hand , knowing

he would be taking  care of Mary and  Jesus , in facing

whatever may come.

Mary of Nazareth Movie Trailer ; 9-2-2021

The Presentation Mary of Nazareth ; 9-2021

Oh Mary Mother of God Hymn (beautiful) 9-2-2021

Mary's Magnificat / 8-2016

The Magnificat Mary's Canticle (Luke Ch. 1 / 8-2016

Shepherd Me O God / 1-2019

Oh Mary Mother of God Hymn (beautiful)

The Presentation Mary of Nazareth

Mary of Nazareth Movie Trailer