
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Glass Window Door ( Story)

Dear Reader, I am giving you a dream Our Lord had given to me on
June 20, 2000, here's my dream:

 I had a short dream that I was in a building, a hospital of some sort,
maybe an abortion clinic.  I was looking through a glass window of
a door, and what I was looking at was so sad.  I could see a long
hallway with doors in a row, and God allowed me to see babies,
infants, lined up in front of each door. The babies were facing
the doors. The babies were adorable. They had little round faces,
some had hair, and they were all crying that little, tiny cry as
infants: newborns do. But God was showing me that these
babies were about to be aborted, and I remember being so sad.
I was wanting someone to stop what was happening!
I was crying on the other side of the glass window door.
I was pounding the glass window and yelling Please!
Someone stop this!
I remember thinking in the dream God was showing me
what might have been, if evil didn't take over, and
what these babies would have looked like,
if they were allowed to have their lives given as 
God planned. But evil and selfish people, or
women who have no support do away with them
as if they never existed.
God showed me, they do have a face
They are " My Creation. "And Because
Mankind undone them; each of the aborted
babies' souls will be unto me and complete!
Dear Reader, I continued on in my writing:

Be " My Voice" for I cannot speak
I do not want thrown away and discarded:
Please help pregnant women in any way you can.
Tell my mom she will love and hold me,
as I will love and hold her also.
from "The Aborted Children" who want listened to.
pray and God Bless You and USA (Our World)