I had watched a man on a T.V. program
presenting a chip that is to be
inserted underneath the skin. The chip he invented
was surgically inserted behind the ear.
Over a period of time you would have to
have the chip re-inserted.
This young man had no emotion
while he presented the chip.
He seemed very empty inside.
The thing is , it's people like him
that will deceive many and they will
follow his path to damnation.
It reminded me of a given dream
I had in the summer of 2013
This is what I had written
in my journal.
Here is my dream:
I was in a store and I was trying
to use my debit card to buy some
items. My debit card wasn't working
and no longer in use.
I knew there was money on the
card . I was speaking to the
man behind the counter whom
was at the cash register .
I could see in his eyes that
they were empty , cold, and
no personality.
He never explained to me why
my debit card would not
work. He only shook his
head at me.
I then turned to another
store clerk , whom seemed
to be confused and didn't
know what was happening.
end of dream
I wrote in my journal that maybe
I was in a cashless society, and
even a debit card would not
work. in order to buy. It would
have to be a chip placed
underneath your
skin to be scanned in order
to purchase. It was an
uncomfortable dream
and scary.
April 25, 2018 , I had seen a clipping
on T.V.
they are implanting chips underneath
peoples skin at their own will.
Revelation Ch. 13 verses 15-18
The second wild beast was then
permitted to give life to the
beast's image, so that the
image had the power of speech
and of putting to death anyone
who refused to worship it.
It forced all men, small and
great, rich and poor, slave and
free, to accept a stamped image\
on their right hand or their forehead.\
Moreover, it did not allow a man to buy
or sell anything. Unless he was first
marked with the name of the
beast or with the number that
stood for its name.
A certain wisdom is needed here;
with a little ingenuity anyone can
calculate the number of the
beast, for it is a number that
stands for a certain man.
The man's number is
six hundred sixty-six.
666 means anti-Christ.
Dear One's allowing a chip
of any kind inside your
body is NOT a good
idea. This type of
behavior and invention
is extremely AGAINST
GOD no matter what.
The introduction of the
device or chip will seem
to be harmless, and
I can only tell you
Is this a warning from
Revelation Ch. 13 ?
note: No one knows when
and exactly how Rev. Ch. 13
will take place , however
one may ask themselves
is having a chip inserted
in your body the beginning
of Satan's Agenda ?
The beginning of
Satan's Seed ?
This information is not
to place anyone in fear
only to be alert and
aware of what is happening
around us and in our
Wis. Firm Offers Microchip Implaints to Employees / 5-2-2020
People Are Getting Microchips Implanted Underneath Their Skin / 5-2-2020
I put a payment chip in my hand to replace my wallet / 4-30-2018
Sweden Sees Microchip Implant Revolution / 5-2-2020
Microchip implants could improve lives , but cost privacy / 4-30-2018
What Is Nanotechnology/5-2-2020
Quantum Dot Tattoo and Future of Education / 5-2-2020 What is Humanism ?
Humanism / 5-3-2020 What is Transhumanism ?
Revelation and Psalms God Speaks / 4-27-2018
I Will Meet You (story) / 4-2018
Revelation Song , by Newsboys / 9-19-2016
Revelation (lyrics) by Kari Jobe / 10-23-2017
Revelation (live) by Kari Jobe / 10-23-2017
idea. This type of
behavior and invention
is extremely AGAINST
GOD no matter what.
The introduction of the
device or chip will seem
to be harmless, and
I can only tell you
Is this a warning from
Revelation Ch. 13 ?
note: No one knows when
and exactly how Rev. Ch. 13
will take place , however
one may ask themselves
is having a chip inserted
in your body the beginning
of Satan's Agenda ?
The beginning of
Satan's Seed ?
This information is not
to place anyone in fear
only to be alert and
aware of what is happening
around us and in our
Wis. Firm Offers Microchip Implaints to Employees / 5-2-2020
People Are Getting Microchips Implanted Underneath Their Skin / 5-2-2020
I put a payment chip in my hand to replace my wallet / 4-30-2018
Sweden Sees Microchip Implant Revolution / 5-2-2020
Microchip implants could improve lives , but cost privacy / 4-30-2018
What Is Nanotechnology/5-2-2020
Quantum Dot Tattoo and Future of Education / 5-2-2020 What is Humanism ?
Humanism / 5-3-2020 What is Transhumanism ?
Revelation and Psalms God Speaks / 4-27-2018
I Will Meet You (story) / 4-2018
Revelation Song , by Newsboys / 9-19-2016
Revelation (lyrics) by Kari Jobe / 10-23-2017
Revelation (live) by Kari Jobe / 10-23-2017