
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Baby Remains Silent

We want to have the Right To Kill 
our baby ! Women , Men, holding
up signs !
Please keep our Rights !
It should be a woman's choice!

The baby remains silent *

Never in a time of History has
a female been ignored and 
Abortion keeps telling the female
"You don't deserve this !
You deserve better !
You matter !

The baby remains silent *

They tell me my life is a mess
and the baby will only cause
more pain !

The baby remains silent *

The female goes through
with her abortion . 

Now I am alone and in
deep pain of sorrow.
My baby had no rights !
They never once told me
"My baby matters!" 
I ask a question to myself
"If my own flesh and blood
doesn't matter , then what
really matters ? "

Without You / 5-7-2017

After All  This / 5-8-2017

Change My Life / 2-28-2017

Pro Life Video's & Stories / 8-2016