Isaiah Ch. 54 Verse 10 : Though the mountains leave their place
and the hills be shaken,
My love shall never leave you
nor my covenant of peace be shaken.
says the Lord, who had mercy on you.+++
Zephaniah Ch. 3 Verse 17: The Lord, your God, is in your midst,
a mighty savior;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
and renew you in his love,
He will sing joyfully because of you,
as one sings at festivals.+++
Psalm 86 Verses 15-17: But you , O Lord, are a God merciful and
slow to anger, abounding in kindness and
Turn toward me, and have pity on me;
give your strength to your servant,
and save the son of your handmaid.
Grant me a proof of your favor,
that my enemies may see , to their confusion,
that you, O Lord, have helped and comforted