
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

We See Your Tears Ukraine

 We see you my friend

and see your tears of pain.

We see your great sorrow

and we see how you've had to

be pushed out from your own

cities and homeland.

But we also see the brokenness

of your people!

The little boy weeping in the

middle of the street, holding

a plastic bag.  His tears we 

will never forget!

His little face of fear and 


Our question is what was

in his precious bag?

Were those some of his favorite

toys and a few clothes inside?

Oh ' our hearts pour

out for him and all the Ukrainian


We see a little girl with her flowered

headband on and purple coat.

She is looking around at all 

of the people and wondering

why is she there?

We see the young and elderly

having to walk over a plank

to cross a broken-down bridge

that was destroyed!

We also see people coming

together to help those in


People are reaching out

to help in any way possible!

People carrying the lame and

the weak on their backs.

We see parents holding

their children tight and

tears from leaving their


We see all of you Ukraine !

We see your buildings all

torn to pieces!

There use to be laughter and

people filled with joy! But

now it has been taken by

evil men who only want

more and more !

The monsters will stop

at nothing and the Life

of the people they 

choose to ignore !

But the WORLD is

watching and we wont

forget !

We can see in your eyes

Ukraine the worrisome

and what will become of 

you !

Women wondering what will 

happen to their husbands,

sons , and boyfriends 

 left behind to fight for

Ukraine's Life of 

freedom !

Oh ' dear Ukrainians we 

are all praying for you !

Please hold fast to one

another and place your

strength in God!

Our God hears the cries

of his people!

He knows and see's your

pain and suffering!

He will 

raise you up through 

 all the

shadows of darkness.

He will remind you 

to remain in him and him

in you +++

Be strong Ukraine!

The world loves you !

Our prayers are going

up to Almighty God +++



Lonely Wind 

I'll Stand By You

Lean on Me 

Hold On

Dust in the Wind

Bridge Over Troubled Water


Place Your Divinity Upon Ukraine