
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Friday, May 6, 2022

Where is Rachel ?

 Have you ever lost your child and your heart 

practically stopped?

  Many of us have turned around and

one of our children are missing!

We automatically go in a panic!

And when we find them even if

it's only a few seconds, we are

feeling a lot of emotions!

Well, that's what happened to our

family back in 2004. 

My family was at Mass and church

was getting near the end.  I remember

taking Rachel and Isaac, up to communion

with me.   My oldest daughter Jessica,

was also taking communion and helping me

with the children.  At that time Rachel was

four years old and Isaac was one. 

This church is massive with 

cathedral style structure! 

Jessica and I return at the back of

the church into the Cry room. 

We begin to get Isaac and Rachel's

things ready, such as their toys and

books, to place in the diaper bag.

While we were busy Rachel went

out of the cry room and into the

large foyer where the huge

exit doors are.  I remember a couple

leaving church and I continued staying

busy with Isaac.  

Meanwhile, the communion is still

going on but near the end. Jessica,

goes out to the foyer to get Rachel

back into the cry room , but she 

was nowhere to be found!

I wasn't quite nervous yet , but

I told Jessica to look into our

family's pew.  So Jessica

went to look, 

came back and said , Rachel's

not there!

I begin to panic!

At this time the church has

completed communion and

the last song will soon take


My mind is going a mile a minute!

Jessica is in tears and trying to 

look in different areas in the 

back of the church.

I remember seeing the couple

that left earlier and thinking Rachel

might have slipped through

the castle like exit doors!

Jessica, goes to our family

still in the pew and tells them

Rachel is gone and we can't 

find her!

This church has a huge parking

lot of every direction and all I

could think of; that Rachel

was going to get ran over!

Rachel, had been missing for

about 15 minutes by now and 

the church members were 

already leaving. 

I began to panic and Jessica

is in tears!

My husband, my boys and

Jessica are outside of the church

looking for Rachel. 

They looked in the garden that

she and Isaac like to run around,

but she wasn't there. 

 I remember

telling a couple about her missing

and they asked what she was wearing!

I could barely speak but managed

to explain her flowered jacket with

flowered pants and her dark hair. 

By then the church is completely 

empty and I am a wreck!

Finally!  The boys spotted her in a

far off distance , playing on a

"Little Tikes" playset in someone's


I will never forget seeing her carried,

and brought to me around the corner

of the church!

She knew she had done something wrong

and she was crying!  Of course me and

Jessica was crying  when we finally

had her back in our arms!

We talk about this story from time

to time and Rachel remembers

some of it!  I thank the Lord for

protecting and watching over her. 

I often think of Blessed Mary and 

St. Joseph , losing Jesus for three days!

I am sure Blessed Mary was in a panic

and Joseph had to keep her calm. 

They found Jesus in the temple speaking

among the priest and rabbis!

Luke Ch.2 V- 49-51  (And He said to them,

"Why is it that you were looking for Me? 

Did you not know that I had to be in My

Father's house?" 

And He went down with them and came to

Nazareth, and He continued in subjection

to them; and His mother treasured all

these things in her heart. 


Boy Jesus Lost In Temple / 2-2017