
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

John Michael Talbot Songs

1) The Bread of Life       Note: You can find John Michael Talbot's songs on  Bundle of Music you can find the link underneath "My Favorites." use web version on devices. 

2) One Faith

3) Psalm 131

4) Come Holy Spirit

5) The Master Musician

6) Wonderful Counselor

7) Surrender

8) The Hiding Place

9) St. Theresa's Prayer

10) Healer of My Soul

11) Lord Every Nation on Earth
Shall Adore You

12) I Am The Bread of Life

13) Lilies of The Field

14) Holy Is His Name

15) Glory To God

16) Come Worship The Lord

17) One Bread One Body

18) In The Beginning

19) Peace Prayer of St. Francis

20) Forever Will I Sing (one of my favorites)

21) Holy , Holy , Holy

22) Communion Song

23) Lamb of God

24) I Am The Bread of Life

25) Confessions Song

26) Peter's Canticle

27) Be Not Afraid

28) Assisi Psalm 131

29)  Come to the Quiet (Album) beautiful!

Extra Songs:

Bread of Angels (St. Mary's University Choir)

We Hunger and Thirst

Behold The Lamb

Psalm 34) Taste and See

In Remembrance of Me

Gentle Woman

Gentle Woman ( Hail Mary) Luke 1 V 42-45

Words in songs of prayer in the Holy Mass / 7-3-2016


Gloria Prayer & Song #15 above link: 
In the "Gloria" prayer the word "You" is
said (11 times) it's a beautiful and powerful
prayer we say at the beginning of Mass+++
It's all about You Dear Jesus, Christ,
Our God+++
You can pray this prayer anytime you want or
Blessings Always,
in Christ Love +++

The Gloria prayer:

Glory to God in the
highest , and on earth
peace to people of
good will. We praise
you, we bless you, we
adore you, we glorify
you, we give you
thanks for your great
glory, Lord God,
heavenly King, O God
almighty Father. 
Lord Jesus Christ,
Only Begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of
God, Son of the
Father, you take away
the sins of the word,
have mercy on us; you 
take away the sins of
the world, receive our
prayer; you are seated
at the right hand of
the Father, have 
mercy on us ,
for you alone are the
Holy One, you alone
are the Lord, you
alone are the Most
High, Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit, in
the glory of God the
Father. Amen

{If you wish to follow along ;
with the Gloria prayer in song:
use web version on your
device and 
click on Jan. 2020 you will 
see the months 
underneath 'Page  views on the
right hand side. 

scroll down click on the VIDEO (not
the title) of Glory to God , 
then scroll UP to the "Gloria prayer"
 on the  John Michael Talbot songs post.
note:  you will find the prayer
towards the bottom.

note: the song will be a little bit
different from the prayer , but it's
still  the same prayer .