Matthew Ch. 18 verses 1-7
Just then the disciples
came up to Jesus with the question.
"Who is of greatest importance in
the kingdom of God?" He called a
little child over and stood him
in their midst. and said: "I
assure you, unless you change and
become like little children , you will not
enter the kingdom of God. Whoever
makes himself lowly, becoming like this
child , is of greatest importance in that
heavenly reign.
"Whoever welcomes one such child
for my sake welcomes me. On the
other hand, it would be better for
anyone who leads astray one of these
little ones who believe in me, to be drowned
by a millstone around his neck, in the
depths of the sea. What terrible things will come
on the world through scandal ." It is inevitable
that scandal should occur. Nonetheless , woe
to that man through whom scandal comes !