
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Thursday, May 9, 2024

50 Days of Easter+

 How long does Easter last for Christian Catholics?

50 days

The Church celebrates the Easter season

(also known as "Eastertide") for 50 days,

culminating with the feast of Pentecost,

where Scripture (Acts Ch.2 Verses 1-31)

tells us that the Holy Spirit descended on the


What is the 50 days after Easter for the 

Christian Catholic Church?

On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit gave the 

disciples the strength to fulfill their

commission to spread the Good News of

Jesus. The Church marks this day through

a special liturgical celebration: The Solemnity

of Pentecost, on the fiftieth day of 

Easter concludes the Easter season.


The Ascension of Jesus

Pentecost Sunday (The Birth of the Church)