
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Helen Keller's Quotes

Helen Keller "The Miracle Worker"

Quotes by Helen Keller 

{It's truly an honor and treasure to 

be able to know "Helen Keller's 

Story" and her quotes.

She had a lot of life difficulties, pain, 

and trials. She also had joy, victorious

moments, and successes.}

1) The only thing worse than being

blind is having sight but no vision.

Never bend your head, always

hold it high, look the world

straight in the eye.

2) I cannot do everything, but still I

can do something; and because I

cannot do everything, I will not

refuse to do something that I can


3) To Keep on trying in spite of

disappointment and failure is the 

only way to keep young and 

brave. Failures become victories

if they make us wise-hearted.

4)The best and most beautiful things in

the world cannot be seen or even

touched-- they must be felt with the 


5) Alone we can do so little; together we

can to so much.

6) Life is either a daring adventure or

nothing at all.

7) What I'm looking for is not out there,

it is in me."

8) Character cannot be 

developed in ease and quiet.

Only through experience of

trail and suffering can the 

soul be strengthened, vision

cleared, ambition inspired,

and success achieved.

9) Keep your face to the sun

and you will never see the 

shadows. It's what

the sunflowers do.

10) Be of good cheer. Do not

think of today's failures, but

of the success that may

come tomorrow. You have

set yourselves a difficult

task, but you will succeed if

you persevere; and you will 

find a joy in overcoming

obstacles. Remember, no

effort that we make to attain

something beautiful is ever


11) What we once enjoyed and 

deeply loved we can never

lose, for all that we love

deeply becomes a part of us.

12) The highest result of 

education is tolerance.

13) I long to accomplish a great

and noble task, but it is my

chief duty to accomplish

small tasks as if they were

great and noble.

14) A bend in the road is not

the end of the road...Unless you

fail to make the turn.

15) We could never learn to be

brave and patient if there

were only joy in the world.

16) Everything has its wonders,

even darkness and silence,

and I learn, whatever state I

may be in, therein to be


17) Happiness does not come

from without, it comes from


18) Many persons have a wrong

idea of what constitutes true 

happiness. It is not attained

through self-gratification

but through fidelity to a

worthy purpose.

19) Face your deficiencies and

acknowledge them; but do

not let them master you, Let

them teach you patience,

sweetness, insight.

20) Optimism is the faith that

leads to achievement.

Optimism: hopefulness and confidence

about the future or the successful outcome

of something

21) When we do the best that

we can, we never know

what miracle is wrought in 

our life, or in the life of


wrought: molded, shaped

22) For three things I thank God

every day of my life; thanks

that he has vouchsafed me

knowledge of his works;

deep thanks that he has set

in my darkness the lamp of

faith; deep, deepest thanks

that I have another life to

look forward to--a life

joyous with light and

flowers and heavenly song.

23) For, after all, everyone who

wishes to gain true

knowledge must climb the 

Hill Difficulty alone, and

since there is no royal road

to the summit, I must zigzag

it in my own way. I slip back

many times, I fall, I stand

still, I run against the edge

of hidden obstacles, I lose

my temper and find it again

and keep it better, I trudge on.

I gain a little, I feel

encouraged, I get more

eager and climb higher and

begin to see the widening

horizon. Every struggle is a

victory. One more effort and

I reach the luminous cloud,

the blue depths of the sky,

the uplands of my desire.

24) I believe that God is in me

as the sun is in the color

and fragrance of a flower--

the Light in my darkness, 

the Voice in my silence.

25) So long as you can sweeten another's

pain, life is not in vain.

26) Life is a succession of lessons

which must be lived to be


27) Four things to learn in life;

To think clearly without

hurry or confusion; To love

everything with the highest

motives; To trust

God unhesitatingly.

28) Self-pity is our worst enemy

and if we yield to it, we can

never do anything good in

the world.

29) Knowledge is love and light

and vision.

30) No pessimist ever

discovered the secret of the

stars or sailed an uncharted

land, or opened a new

doorway for the human


pessimist: A person who tends to see

the worst aspect of things or believe

that the worst will happen

31) We bereaved are not alone,

We belong to the largest

company in all the world--

the company of those who

have known suffering.

Bereaved: Deprived of a close relation

or friend through their death

32) The unselfish effort to bring

cheer to others will be the

beginning of a happier life

for ourselves.

33) So much has been given to

me I have not time to 

ponder over that which has

been denied.

34) We can do anything we 

want as long as we stick to it

long enough.

35) Your success and happiness

lie in you.

36) There are no shortcuts to 

any place worth going.

37) I do not want the peace

which passes

understanding, I want the

understanding which

brings peace.

38) Faith is the strength by

which a shattered world

shall emerge into light.

39) One painful duty fulfilled

makes the next plainer and


40) I began my studies with

eagerness. Before me I saw

a new world opening in 

beauty and light, and I felt

within me the capacity to

know all things. In the 

wonderland of Mind I

should be as free as another

{with sight and hearing}. It's

people, scenery, manners,

joys, and tragedies should

be living tangible

interpreters (inventors) of the real

world. The lecture halls

seemed filled with the spirit

of the great and wise, and I

thought the professors were

the embodiment of

wisdom... But I soon

discovered that college was

not quite the romantic

lyceum I had imagined.

lyceum: a hall for public

lectures or discussions:

an association providing

public lectures, concerts,

and entertainments.

Many of the dreams that had

delighted my young

inexperience became

beautifully less and "faded

into the light of common

day." Gradually I began to

find that there were

disadvantages in going to 

college. The one I felt and

still feel most is lack of time.

I used to have time to think,

to reflect, my mind and I.

We would sit together of an

evening and listen to the

inner melodies of the spirit,

which one hears only in 

leisure moments when the

words of some loved poet

touch a deep, sweet chord in

the soul that until then had

been silent. But in college

there is no time to commune

with one's thoughts. One

goes to college to learn, it

seems, not to think. When

one enters the portals of

learning, one leaves the

dearest pleasures--solitude,

books and imagination--

outside with the whispering

pines. i suppose I ought to

find some comfort in the

thought that I am laying up

treasures for future

enjoyment, but I am

improvident enough to

prefer present joy to

hoarding riches against

a rainy day.

Improvident: Not having or showing

foresight; spendthrift or thoughtless

note: This quote is not putting down

college, rather it's reminding us not

to lose ourselves along the way.

This also includes our jobs, work-duties

at our homes and offices. We can also

lose ourselves and miss out on those

around us in our own hobbies.}

41) I wonder what becomes of

lost opportunities? Perhaps

our guardian angel gathers

them up as we drop them,

and will give them back to

us in the beautiful sometime

when we have grown wiser,

and learned how to use

them rightly.

42) Blindness separates people

from things;

deafness separates people

from people.

43) There is no better way to 

thank God for your sight

than by giving a helping

hand to someone in the 


note: This can be in someone's

loneliness or in physical pain. 

44) I cried because I had no

shoes until I met a man who

had no feet.

45) It is wonderful how much

time good people spend

fighting the devil. If they

would only expand the same

amount of energy

loving their fellow men, the 

devil would die in his own

tracks of ennui.

ennui: dissatisfaction

Note: Helen Kellers first word she said

was "water."

In Every Age (song)


Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880,

Tuscumbia Alabama, U.S --- died Jun1, 1968,

Westport, Connecticut. 

She was an American author and educator

who was blind and deaf. her education and

training represent an extraordinary

accomplishment in the 

education of persons with these disabilities. 

She became deafblind at the age of 19 months.

Keller became very ill with a high fever, leaving

her totally deaf and blind. Doctors at that time

diagnosed it as "brain fever."

Experts today believe she suffered

from scarlet fever or meningitis.