
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Sunday, July 25, 2021

In My Loneliness

(My story is beneath the scriptures)

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and

just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse

us from all unrighteousness."  "For I will

forgive their wickedness and will remember

their sins no more." ... "The Lord our God is

merciful and forgiving, even though we

have rebelled against him."


Psalm 103: 12

"As far as the east is from the west,

so far has he removed our transgressions

from us."


Isaiah 43: 25

"I, even I, am he who blots out your

transgressions, for my own sake,

and remembers your sins

no more "

Transgression: Something that is

against a command or law. 

 A sin against God.



My alarm goes off!

Oh' It's my day off and

I could have slept in!

I fix my hot cup of tea

and bagels with cream cheese 

and strawberry jam.

Meow!  Oh ' Charlie, 

just a moment; I 'll get

your breakfast!

I began eating my breakfast

and noticed the nice breeze

coming through my kitchen

window. I realized 

I haven't been on my antique

blue bicycle for quite some


After my breakfast, I put

on my jeans and tennis shoes,

and grabbed my hat and headed

out my back door!

Meow! Charlie wanted my attention.

I picked him up with my kiss and

said, "See you soon Charlie!"

Before I shut my door, I grabbed

a water bottle, towel, and granola

bar.  I also spotted my sketch pad

and pencil sitting on my table.

I placed them in my wicker basket

and rode to my favorite place to 


It's near a creek with a huge

tree standing tall near the water.

The creek flows through a 

park with beautiful flower


I comfortably sat on my

towel and began drawing

things of nature, such as

turtles, fish, and rocks on

the water.   

It's late in September and 

the color's on the trees are

beginning to change

I'm looking forward for Fall.

It's my favorite season.

I need a change for I have

had a difficult summer.

     Hi!  My name is Ann,

 I am a twenty-one year old

woman.  I live in a townhouse in

Bar Harbor, Maine.   I'm in college

and I am working on my teaching 

degree in English.

I work part-time at a Library and

live alone with my cat Charlie!

But the last few months have 

been very difficult and most of

all lonely.

In June, I made a decision to

have an abortion.  I was three

months pregnant and the baby

would have changed my whole

life!  My boyfriend, who was

the father of the baby,

didn't want me to have an


I'm trying hard to focus on

my teaching degree and to go 

forward with my life.

Flutter ' Flutter ' Oh how 

nice; a beautiful blue

butterfly landed on my 

shoulder!  It's so nice

and peaceful here; 

listening to the birds 

singing from the trees.

My Birthday is on Oct. 20th. 

and will be here soon!

  My cake was always

decorated in Fall colors and sometimes

with leaves and pumpkins.  

Maybe that is why I love Fall so much!

But this time I'm afraid it will 

seem unpleasant.  

Lately, my boyfriend and I have

been seeing less and less of 

one another.  and there

seems to be a void between us.

He lives about 20 minutes away, 

and has been working a lot of

hours.  I have been studying 

hard and working as well.

Our minds seem to be drifting

apart from one another.

O-K enough of my problems!

I close my art sketch pad and

drink my water as I take a ride

through the nearby park.

I can hear laughter of children

playing on the slides.  I decide

to go sit and rest on the

 wooden bench

underneath the shade tree.

I noticed a little girl about

ten years old; sitting on a

swing.  She was holding

a bundle of pink flowers.

Suddenly, out of nowhere my

eyes became watery and I wiped

my tears with my hand. 

The little girl smiled at me and

began to walk towards me.

she had long blonde hair, pulled

back in a loose pony.

She sat on the other end of the bench

and gently placed the flowers between


She softly said, "Hi ' my name is Page,

what's your name?"

I answered back, "Ann."

Oh!  That's my middle name!

Suddenly, a flash of memory

came to me!  I remembered

I was going to name my

unborn baby ' Present ' and

if she was a girl, her middle

name would have been

Ann 'Present Ann' my 


was to be born on 

Christmas Day! 

I looked down at the flowers

with tears falling upon them.

The little girl handed the 

pink flowers to me and 

said," I want you to have them

Ann!"   Maybe they will

cheer you up!   And they will

look good in your wicker


I looked at her with a sad


and said, "Thank you "

She said, "Your welcome Ann!"

And then she had to leave.

I yelled back at her, "What 

was your name again?"

"My name is Page! Page Ann!"

Finally, that evening I relaxed

on my couch with Charlie and

simply enjoyed the flowers that I 

had placed in my glass vase.

A few days had passed by, and I 

thought it would be good to 

invite my boyfriend to ride our

bikes to the creek.  

He was excited 

to go and we packed

our picnic lunches.

It was getting late

in the evening and

we decided to take

a walk in the park.

I found the same

empty bench that 

I had previously 

sat on; with the little


My boyfriend found a

small, zip lock plastic

bag sitting underneath

the bench.  He pulled

it out and we noticed a

written note inside it.

on the front of the note

it read -- 

{Dear Ann, and inside it


I thought maybe you would

be coming back sometime,

to rest on the bench. I made

something for you!  I hope

you like it!

My big sister taught me how

to make beaded bracelets with

crosses on them.

I made yours of crystal beads with

pink roses in between. 

May the Crystal beads remind you 

of --Strength and Courage!

Pink roses remind you

of --Love.

 And the Cross

remind you of --Jesus Love

for us and by His Cross

He redeemed the World. 

I learned all this from my


P.S.  I hope to see you again


 your friend,

Page Ann}

Tears ran down my face

and my boyfriend knew my 

pain was great!

Through this little girl

I was given peace and


My boyfriend embraces

me and carefully places the

bracelet on my wrist.

It fit perfectly!  I remembered

I had my sketch book

and pen in my bicycle basket!

I wrote--

{Dear Page,

Me and my boyfriend

found your plastic bag

with my name on it.

I want to thank you for

being so thoughtful.

My pink flowers are still

in a vase, sitting on my

living room table, and

the bracelet fit perfectly!

I will keep your note and

bracelet forever!

Thanks for coming to me

in my loneliness.

with my love,


I placed my written letter into

the plastic bag that my bracelet and note 

was found in, and placed it 

 underneath the bench

with a small rock on it.

I know in my heart she will

find it!  

And I now have a new friend!

Please, Lord, Bless Page and

Keep me and my boyfriend within

you always and keep us both

strong!  And most of all

take care and 

Bless Our little Present +++ 


May Our Lord Bless You 

Always in His Divine Love,

Lori Foster

(May Jesus Bless You with His Kiss)

My  Holy Kiss ; 9-3-2021

Svanire / Be still and know that I Am God / 9-2021

Present and Knox -11-2020 (related to this story)

I Was Suppose to Be me -7-2021 (related to this story as well) May

you read Present and Knox First ; link above. 

I Am Not Alone ; by Kari Jobe / 3-2018

He'll Carry You ; by Hilary Weeks ; 12-2017

Oh The Deep Deep Love , by Sovereign Grace ; 4-2017

Broken Vessels ; 9-2016

Known , by Tauren Wells ; 6-2019

Lord will fight our every battle

We are not alone

For it is Jesus

who will heal Us 

as His own +++