
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Monday, December 13, 2021

You Can't Give Up

 I'm taking you back in my journal and there was a moment

that was inspirational to me and helped me when I needed it.

On May 13, 2019, I was sitting in my living room one morning

and I was very sad and lost for words.  My daughter Rachel, who

 was a Senior at that time, was sitting across from me

 in a soft brown chair.  I looked up to her

and I said, " I am done writing to " broken places." 

 I just can't write

anymore and tears flow from my face.  Rachel, blurts out and

says, " But Mom!  You can't give up!  They need you to write

to them too!

They need "Embrace the Cross!"    I looked at her and

never spoke a word.  I went into my kitchen and sat at

my table.  I pulled out some paper from my small black

desk and began to write my letter.   Throughout all my writings

since January 17, 1994, no one has ever told me not to give up!

I instantly knew she was right.  "Embrace The Cross" isn't about me

nor my feelings.  It's about people in need of prayer!

It's about others willing to join into others pain and sorrows.

It's about others asking for God's Help and in need of his strength.

My letter flowed.

May we find the strength from Our Lord to be able to help others

even if it is uncomfortable and painful.  


My recent stories pulled from my journals ; 12-2021

Lori Foster's Timeline; 1-28-2025

The Soft Brown Chair; 1-28-2025

I Won't Give Up / 09-2019 Still Looking Up

Everything / Our Lord is With You 

All I Am Asking for / In the Still of Your Hands / Love Speaks in Silence

By Your Side / Jesus is Our Hope and  He will never leave Us.