
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Ascension of Jesus / Pentecost / Peter's Discourse

 Jesus Appears to the Eleven ; Luke Ch. 24 Verses 36-49
While they were still speaking about all this, he
himself stood in their midst (and said to
them , "Peace to you." In their panic and
fright they thought they were seeing a ghost.
He said to them, Why are you disturbed?
Why do such ideas cross your mind ?
Look at my hands and my feet ; it is really I.
Touch me, and see that a ghost does not have
flesh and bones as I do ."
As he said this he showed them his hands and feet.
They were still incredulous for sheer joy and
wonder, so he said to them, "Have you 
anything here to eat?" They gave him
a piece of cooked fish.  which he took
and ate in their presence.  Then he said
to them. "Recall those words I spoke to you
when I was still with you ; everything written
about me in the law of Moses and the
prophets and psalms had to be fulfilled."
Then he opened their minds to the under-
standing of the Scriptures.
He said to them: "Thus it is written
that the Messiah must suffer and rise from
the dead on the third day.  In his name,
penance for the remission of sins is to be
preached to all the nations , beginning at
Jerusalem. You are witnesses of this. See,
I send down upon you the promise of
my Father. Remain here in the city until
you are clothed with power from on High."

The Ascension: Then he led them out
near Bethany , and with hands upraised ,
blessed them.  As he blessed, he left them,
and was taken up to heaven. They fell
down to do him reverence, them returned
to Jerusalem filled with joy.
There they were to be found in the temple
constantly, speaking the praises of God.
The Lord will come back to his Apostles
ten days later on Pentecost Sunday !
And they will receive the Power
of the Holy Spirit ; the third person
of the Holy Trinity of God.


Pentecost Sunday is a Christian Holiday +++++
which is celebrated on the Seventh Sunday
(49 days) after Easter (Christ Resurrection)
Pentecost commemorates the "Descent of
the Holy Spirit " upon the Apostles
and other followers of Jesus Christ
while they were in Jerusalem celebrating
the (Feast of Weeks) as described in 
the Acts of the Apostles.

Acts Ch 2 Descent of the Holy Spirit
When the day of Pentecost came it
found them gathered in one place.
Suddenly from up in the sky there
came a noise like strong , driving
wind which was heard all through
the house where they were seated.
Tongues as of fire appeared ,
which parted and came to rest on
each of them.  All were filled of
the Holy Spirit. They began to express
themselves in foreign tongues and make
bold proclamations as the Spirit prompted

Peter's Discourse: Acts Ch 2 Verses 36-41
Therefore let the whole house of Israel
know beyond any doubt that God has made
both Lord and Messiah this Jesus whom
you crucified."
When they heard this , they were deeply
shaken. They asked Peter and the other
apostles, "What are we to do , brothers?"
Peter answered : " You must reform and
be baptized , each one of you , in the name
of Jesus Christ, that your sins may be
forgiven ; then you will receive the 
gift of the Holy Spirit.  It was to you and 
your children that the promise was 
made , and to all those still far off 
whom the Lord our God calls."
In support of his testimony he used
many other arguments, and kept
urging , "Save yourselves from this
generation which has gone astray."
Those who accepted his message
were baptized; some three thousand
were added that day.

Communal Life: Acts Ch 2 Verses 42-47
They devoted themselves to the Apostles'
instruction and the communal life, to the
breaking of bread and the prayers +++++
A reverent fear overtook them all , for
many wonders and signs were performed
by the Apostles.  those who
believed shared all things in common;
they would sell their property and goods,
dividing everything on the basis of each
one's need.  They went to the temple
area together every day, while in 
their homes they broke Bread +++++
With exultant and sincere hearts
they took their meals in common.
Praising God and winning approval
of all the people. Day by day the
Lord added to their number those
who were being saved.

Dear One's if you wish to be baptized and
receive The Holy Spirit of Christ our Lord,
Seek out a Priest or Preacher and they
will be glad to give you direction.
Do Not Be Afraid Our Lord is With You.

Jesus of Nazareth Don't Be Afraid / 5-29-2020
Son of God I Will Give My Rock / 5-29-2020
The Soft Words of Blessed Mary with video beneath ; 4-2016
Peter's Canticle (song) 9-11-2016