John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Humanism and Transhumanism
What is Transhumanism?
Transhumanism is a way of thinking about the
future that is based on the premise that the
human species in its current form does not
represent the end of our development but rather
a comparatively early phase.
Transhumanism is a loosely defined movement
that has developed gradually over the past
two decades.
Transhumanism is a cultural and intellectual
movement that believes we can, and should,
improve the human condition through the use
of advanced technologies. One of the core concepts
in transhumanist thinking is life extension: Through
genetic engineering , nonotech , cloning , and other
emerging technologies, eternal life may soon be possible.
Likewise, transhumanists are interested in the ever-
increasing number of technologies that can boost
our physical , intellectual , and psychological
capabilities beyond what humans are naturally
capable of (thus the term transhuman). Transcranial
direct current stimulation (tDCS). for example, which
speeds up reaction times and learning speed by running
a very weak electric current through your brain,
has already been used by military to train snipers. On
the more extreme side, transhumanism deals with the
concepts of mind uploading to a computer, and what
happens when we finally craft a computer with greater-
than-human intelligence (the technological singularity).
Beyond the obvious benefits of eternal life or superhuman
strength, transhumanism also investigates the potential
dangers and ethical pitfalls of human enhancement. In
the case of life extension, if every human on Earth
suddenly stopped dying , overpopulation would trigger
a very rapid and very dramatic socioeconomic disaster.
Unless we stopped giving birth to babies, of course, but
that merely rips open another can of worms: Without
birth and death, would society and humanity continue
to grow and evolve, or would it stagnate, suffocated by
the accumulated ego of intellectuals and demagogues
who just will not die ? Likewise, if only the rich have
access to intelligence-and strength-boosting drugs
and technologies, what would happen to society?
Should everyone have the right to boost their
intellect? Would society still operate smoothly if
everyone had an IQ of 300 and five doctorate
What is Humanism ?
An outlook or system of thought prime importance
to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.
Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness
of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and
seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.
Humanist believe that human experience and rational
thinking provide the only source of both knowledge and
a moral code to live by. They reject the idea of knowledge
'revealed' to human beings by gods, or in special books.
What is a simple definition of humanism?
is a belief that human needs and values are more
important than religious beliefs, or the needs and
desires of humans. An example of humanism is the
belief that the person creates their own set of ethics.
What does it mean to be a humanist?
Humanists believe that human experience and rational
thinking provide the only source of both knowledge and
a moral code to live by.... Humanism is a democratic and
ethical life stance , which affirms that human beings
have the right and responsibility to give meaning and
shape to their own lives.
Is Humanism a religion?
Religious humanism is an integration of humanist
ethical philosophy with congregational but
non-theistic rituals and community activity which
center on human needs, interest, and abilities.
What is the difference between a humanist and
an atheist? It's only a minor difference. Atheists are
basically humanists who do not believe in a god or God.
Humanists are people who focus on humans and appreciate
them for their human worth, not spiritual value. funnily
enough, they can still be spiritual and have some spiritual
connection to humans.
Can humanist believe in God ?
Because humanists do not believe in any kind of god
or supernatural force that will solve their problems,
they believe that human beings must take sole
responsibility for solving the world's environmental
problems. Only humans are capable of finding the
solutions that can lead to a sustainable existence.
Do Humanists believe in the soul?
The word 'spirituality' has religious roots,
originally referring to the idea that human beings
have a non-material spirit or soul. since humanist
are materialists and don't believe in a spiritual
realm, many humanists prefer not to use the
What does humanism mean today ?
In modern times , humanist movements are typically
non-religious movements aligned with secularism,
and today humanism may refer to nontheistic life
stance centred on human agency and looking to
science rather than revelation from a supernatural
source to understand the world.
What does the humanism symbol mean?
Secular humanism posits that human beings
are capable of being ethical and moral without
religion or belief in a deity....The "Happy Human"
is recognized as the official symbol of humanism
internationally , used by secular humanist
organizations in every part of the world.
What are the types of humanism?
Two common forms of humanism are
religious humanism and secular humanism.
What is it called if you believe in God but not
Agnosticism is the doctrine or tenet of agnostics
with regard to the existence of anything beyond
and behind material phenomena or to knowledge
of a First Cause or God , and is not a religion.
Do humanists have a place of worship?
Humanists do not have a regular place of worship.
They do , however , hold talks, lectures and discussion
groups all around the country. Humanist also have
ceremonies, celebrations or special occasions.
Do humanists have a holy book?
Humanists do not believe in a god. They believe it is
possible to live a good and fulfilling life without
following a traditional religion. They do not follow
a holy book either. Humanists value traits like reason
and rely on science to explain the way things are.
The History of Humanistic Psychology
Maslow (1943) developed a hierarchical theory of
human motivation. Carl Rogers (1946) publishes
significant aspects of client-centered therapy
(also called person centered therapy).
What is Humanistic therapy?
is a mental health approach that emphasizes the importance
of being your true self in order to lead the most fulfilling life...
Humanistic therapy also involves a core belief that people
are good at heart and capable of making the right choices
for themselves.
What does a humanist believe about behavior ?
Humanistic psychologists look at human behavior
notonly through the eyes of the observer, but
through the eyes of the person doing the behaving
Humanistic psychologists believe that an individual's
behavior is connected to his inner feelings and self-
An Inserted Chip (video's) / 4-2018