
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Roe Verses Wade ( Jan. 22, 1973)

A MUST SEE; Gianna Jessen, an abortion survivor

Mercy, by Casting Crowns

Abortion was legal on Jan. 22, 1973
Norma McCorvey, never wanted an abortion
she was seeking a divorce from her husband
and was pregnant at the time. But her young
pro- abortion feminist attorney used McCorvey's
case as a means of attempting to over turn
Texas Law making most abortions illegal.
The feminist Attorney took the case
all the way to the Supreme Court,
which invalidated every pro-life
state law in the nation protecting unborn
children and the rest is history.
McCorvey who was "pro-choice" on
abortion at the time, is now a
"pro-life" advocate. She is now dedicated
to reversing the Supreme Court case
that bears her fictitious name, Jane Roe.
Please know Norma McCorvey never
had abortion, and has three daughters.

Jane Roe's Change of Heart video (Norma McCorvey passed away on Feb. 18, 2017)
Norma McCorvey converted to Our Lord. She turned away from the worlds evil ways.
She saw God's Light, turned towards Him, and found His embrace of Love.

The Heavens Are Weeping 5-2017

Choose Life The Gospel Truth video ( A mothers story about her daughter)

A Twin Lives Through an Abortion

Woman's Rights and The Rainbow

Kellyanne Conway Speech, March of Life 201

Project Rachel and Gabriel for pregnancies, depression, addiction

Prepare The Way for The Lord (Luke Ch. 7)

Where Are You My People

Abba by John Michael Talbot

Please go to provided link on this blog:
Pro Life Commercials to View ; posted Aug 17, 2016
You will find video's, and written pro life stories.
You will also find a prayer called: " For The Helpless Unborn"

Dear One, if you have had an abortion , Our Loving Lord
is with you now more than ever. Seek and You Shall Find,
Knock and the Door Shall Be Open.  
Our Lord is embracing you on the Cross.
Embrace The Cross Of Jesus. 
May We Pray for ALL who are 
"Embracing The Cross of Jesus"

God Bless You forever and Always,  Lori Foster

Blessed Redeemer, video

Broken Vessels ( Amazing Grace)

A Text Message From God For You

A Love Letter From Jesus

A Story of Gods Forgiveness and Perfect Love

Oh The Deep Deep Love of Jesus, by Selah

Oh The Deep Deep Love of Jesus, by Sovereign Grace