
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Thursday, December 7, 2017


Dear Ones,
Christ often speaks to us in our quite times alone.
He allows us to think about our lives and
where we are heading.
In a story I had written called
The Mud and Two Sticks ( on embraceholycross.com)
The weight of the mud is our sins and ignoring
the consequences .
Jesus knows when we are missing out of his
own desire for us and our families.
God weeps when he longs for us to pay
attention to him .
Jesus desires for us to receive him in our
daily lives and  our needs.
He provides us with his Holy Cross and
is constantly telling us to
Our sins can allow us to become
broken, depressed, and lonely.
Remember always, when we attend
our church services provided for us,
on Saturday evening's vigil Mass or
Sunday's services,  we become uplifted !
The mud or sins become like
white linen cloth.
We become clean, soft, and healed
spiritually, emotionally, and often
May we place the Cross or Crucifix of
Jesus in our homes !
May we place  crosses in all of our bedrooms !
If one wishes you may pin a cross or crucifix to
your pillow or bed sheet. You may also wish to
place one underneath your pillow.
Place a crucifix, rosary , near your bedside
for peace and comfort.
Simply holding Jesus cross in your
hand will give you strength.
 Your Guardian Angels candle will
 remain lit and the flame 
of our Lord's love will always be 
your light.
May peace be given,  love Lori Foster 

I Love My Rosary / 2-14-2020

A Text Message from God / 3-23-2021
Wordless 5-3-17
In God We Trust (song)
Trust in My Love for I am Near You (short story) 9-9-2017
My Love for You will Never Be Shaken 
Quotes from Saint Mother Teresa