
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

I Will Protect My Soul

I will protect my soul
I am a rebel against evil

When the world places
evil ways before me
I will stand firm.

When the world wants
me to engage in the
"New Ways" against
my God, I will not
get caught up.

I will protect my soul +

When the world places
before me in holding
up "The Rainbow" 
and abusing it for
their own gain

I will always remember 
Satan is the greatest copycat.

Why are you seeking out
places that are against me?
Do you not know you will
not find me there ; says 
the Lord !

I will defend and listen to 
my Lord +

When the  world says
it's "Your rights" but
has not been granted
nor approved by God.

I will remember the
"Road Map" to Jesus
in "His Word" the 
"Holy Bible" and remain
with him.

When the world will
press forward in their
wickedness and avoid
God's words.

I will remain focused 
on the Lord and never
close my eyes.

I will protect my soul +

When people say the bible
is outdated and useless.

I will remember God can
never be outdated for
he always was and always
will be 
He is visible and invisible +

His almighty power is endless +

When the world continues to
make improvements and
introduce advancements

I will see what God sees +

I will ask my self if God
approves or disapproves

I will seek out His Words from
scripture and His Church

I will Trust In God +
at all times for he will
make himself known to
me !
I will protect my soul +

When my mind and body is
entering into a direction far
away from my Lord,

I will choose to remain
alone with Jesus +

+Jesus will help guide me

+ Jesus will show me his path
of his light

+Jesus will stay true and honest
with me

+Our God has given us one
body and one soul.
We must protect them both
for if we don't  nobody
else will

+I will always keep engaged to
Christ even when it hurts

+He alone will help build
my body and mind and soul
up to a better place 

+Through Jesus I am complete+

One Thing Remains / 8-2016

Here Now Madness / 11-2016

Closer Than You Know / 11-2016

The Gift of The Rainbow (scripture) 12-2016

Messages of The Rainbow / 10-2017

More about the Rainbow / 1-2017

A Piece of You My Lord / 5-2018

Feelings / 5-2018

Bishop Barron on Original Sin  / 5-2018

Praying in the State of Mortal Sin / 5-2018