
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Courage and Rejection

 Dear One's, 

     Every April hits a nerve inside my soul.  It takes me back at the beginning of "My Journals in 1994."  As you have read "Lori Foster's Story." I try to explain how the crosses began appearing

on my bedroom wall and how Blessed Mary's image began to appear on March 1, 1994.  Then remarkably her image left the main wall onto another on April 28, 1994.  Then soon after; her image appeared on all four of my bedroom walls. May you go to link provided below "Lori Foster's Story." it will explain why and how the signs were given. 

note: The Crosses are still appearing around my crucifixes daily.

     During April 1994, I was in awe of what God allowed me to witness.  Since

(Jan. 17, 1994, "The Day of the California Earthquake.")  I never kept my story quiet.  I told my story to my Priest, family and friends from the very beginning.  The given signs were very inspirational. But  learning about the Rwanda Genocide in July of 1994 , made me think about humanity. 

How can people go up to another person and kill them ?  How can people wipe out a group of people just because of their differences ? Watching the genocide unfold on the news; after it was all over was most devastating .   Witnessing Blessed Mary's image form and appear on my bedroom walls was very peaceful but ; also meaningful.  I had no answers at that time why ?  The only answer I  could think of was "urgent prayer" and to keep building the "Army of Prayer and Rosary."  

     Now that it has been 27 years since the Rwanda Genocide , and seeing how they have rebuilt their

country, is inspirational to the world. Since that horrific day of April 7, 1994, they have worked from the inside out in "reconciling "towards one another . They gathered up resources that could help build the bridges of reconnecting in their villages, and their  cities.  They asked God for help and he has blessed them in abundance.  With their obedience to the Lord and through the power of prayer has helped them flourish. May our God Keep Blessing them !

     Our Lord did give me a piece of that horrible time in the History of mankind.  He gave me a short dream of placing me in Africa.  It was terrifying and as if I was in a movie . I had carried this dream almost 20 years ; before I built up the courage to take it to my priest. He was receiving and showed

compassion on what I had to say ; and that gave me peace within. Overtime , I had tried to build up  courage in trying to connect with a genocide survivor.  I wanted to present the survivor a hand written letter I wrote on April 4, 2013 , but I never have been successful .

      I did try to reach out to the Genocide Survivor's  book publishing Co. only to be called "Spam , and for me not to contact them again." During that time period , I was new at learning how to answer emails and didn't know what "Spam" meant.  But I knew it wasn't good.  I could have sat at my computer and cried ;  I only sat there in great disappointment.

      ( I did reply back in saying , " The documents was to be forwarded to the Genocide Survivor These documents are from my writings of twenty years time.  It is obvious my writings are not to be in your care. I will not contact you again. ) 

     For several more years I tried to reach out to the Genocide Survivor , but I never received any response.  

     My sadness of being rejected wasn't so much about my writings not being  observed ; for it's not what I had asked of them. My only request was to simply forward my documents to the Rwanda Genocide Survivor . 

  I explained to the "Book Publishing Co."  I had given  them over twenty years of writings and  they were personally for the "Genocide Survivor. "  They dismissed my writings in about a 15 minute time frame.  

       In April of 2016 , I began writing on my blog and kept praying about "My Story."   On Dec. 13, 2017 , I got brave and began writing  "My Story " on my blog.   I Knew that if I wanted my story to be known ,   I  must be the one to tell it.  

Yours In Christ Love,

Lori Foster

Lori Foster's Story ; 12-13-2017

My Tears Flowed/4-2024

April 28, 1994/ Because It's your Heart I See

Our Lady of Kibeho Feast Day

Rwanda Videos and Movie clips

A Visit of Comfort and Peace / 11-2017

Glorious Ruins ; 12-31-2017 

From The Inside Out ; 12-2017