I have a STORY TO TELL..I have been waiting for many years to have the opportunity to speak about "My Story" . I have been waiting for someone to give me approval to speak out to what I have to say. Blessed Mary is telling me " LORI IT HAS TO COME FROM YOU , FOR IT'S YOUR STORY." ONLY YOU CAN TELL YOUR OWN STORY." My story goes back to Jan. 17 , 1994 the "Day of the California Earthquake" .
Here are some writings taken from my Journal. My first page is written on my 2nd grade daughters
preschool paper with diamonds , circles, and squares around it.
On Jan. 17th 1994, the Day of the California Earthquake, I saw on the morning news that
took so many peoples lives.
That afternoon, I sat down at my kitchen table and was inspired to write "Army of Prayer and Rosary." Uniting All people in prayer to Our Lord, Jesus . I began writing at 1:00 p.m. to
1:00 a.m. Please remember I had four children ages 8, 6, 4, and 2 that I had to attend to.
That night when I went to bed , I was pondering on "The Army of Prayer and Rosary".
I was sitting up in bed and said these simple words, "Dear Lord and Blessed Mary is this
is what you are wanting me to do ?"
Suddenly , a glow began to form from a large wreath we had hanging on a wall . The wreath was directly in front of our bed. The glow continued to form very slowly. It 's white glow would
get larger than smaller repeating several times. I woke up my husband to see if he could figure it out but neither of us could. My husband walked over to the glowing light and raised
his hand up to it, and the glow disappeared. We have never seen the glow again.
I told my husband "I believe that was a sign from God and Mary !" I continued in telling him
that I had just asked for a sign . I explained to him about what I had been writing and about
the "Army of Prayer and Rosary."
Dear One's , you may view what I had written on this link:
***Army of Prayer and Rosary / 09-27-2016 ( The given times are extended)
To continue "My Story" I began writing many forms to my family and friends and
neighbors. This Army was to begin on Mar. 1, 1994.
MY ARTICLE IN THE NEWSPAPER*****************************
On Feb. 11, 12, and 13th (1994) I decided to place an article in the Newspaper.
this is what I wrote : Army of Prayer , People in Christ, we must pray for Our World.
Make a commitment form (I will pray or say rosary every Tues., Thurs., Sat. for 15 mins.
If I miss a day I will try to pray the next given day. I will renew my signature every March, add new names who joined. Must ask Our Lord, Blessed Mary for Help In Our World. Will begin March 1, 1994. (I still have that newspaper article in my journals)
THE DAY THE CROSSES BEGAN+++++++++++++++++++++++++++
On Feb. 12th ( the second day of my placed newspaper article ) it was on a Saturday morning my husband got up at 6:30 a.m. to go to work. I rolled over to go back to sleep, however I looked at my wall with our crucifix on it , and Suddenly crosses started appearing all over the wall. They were appearing everywhere ! The crosses are the same size as the crucifix and a yellowish glowing color.(That very cross is the cross I mention falling to my knees to in "My Conversion" two years prior.
I called my husband in our bedroom and He could see them appear also. We were extremely amazed for we knew we were witnessing an act from God. I then told my husband about the article I had just put in the Newspaper. ( The next day we went to a local priest whom blessed our crucifix and I told him "My Story" in tears. My priest was very kind and he told me this is a sign given to you for your mission. I was thinking to myself "A mission?" It terrified me, but I knew
I had to go with God's Plan he was asking of me.( please note: The priest came to our home and did a house blessing . ) The crosses never did go away and has continued to appear around
all our crucifixes in our home. They are still appearing to this day.++++++++
NOTE: The SIGNS I have been allowed to visually see are not to place fear upon anyone.
The CROSSES are very PEACEFUL and BEAUTIFUL . I do not take them for granted and I hope "MY STORY" can bring forth PEACE & STRENGTH . MAY OUR LORD GRANT YOU HIS BLESSINGS ALL OF YOUR DAYS. I pray for ALL whom are Embracing The Cross of Our Lord , Lori Foster (My priest know about my writings and the signs I have been given. They are receiving of what I have presented to them . Praying and attending Mass has been my ultimate strength throughout my given Mission for Our Lord.
{March 1, 1994}
I began working on "The Army of Prayer and Rosary" in sending out forms to both my side of the family and my husbands. I was trying to gather as many people possible before March 1, 1994.
I decided to move my Blessed Mary's statue that was placed on my bedroom dresser , against the wall my crucifix was on.
I thought it would be best if Blessed Mary , would be underneath Jesus crucifix.
Suddenly , Blessed Mary's image began to appear on the wall the same as the crosses did.
I was extremely amazed ! I must tell you more of the crosses and Blessed Mary's image
appear during prayer and rosary. Blessed Mary's image was the same size as the
statue, and a glowing white color. The same as the crosses. Some family members and friends came to visit our home and were able to see the crosses form. Some people could see Blessed Mary's image form as well. Please note: the crosses and Blessed Mary's image remained on one wall only; the wall with the crucifix. The image of Blessed Mary, did not leave the wall onto other walls , however that will soon change.
ON APRIL 28th, 1994, ++++++++++++++++++++++++
I was praying my rosary in my bedroom and Blessed Mary's image and the crosses were appearing as they have been, however Blessed Mary's image LEFT THE WALL
onto another wall. In my journal I wrote that TWO of her images appeared onto another wall.
Soon after during prayer, her image would appear on ALL FOUR WALLS. (Please know I was the only one who could see her image LEAVE THE MAIN WALL THAT THE CRUCIFIX WAS ON. (Please know I have gone to my priest every step of the way.)
I began working on "The Army of Prayer and Rosary" in sending out forms to both my side of the family and my husbands. I was trying to gather as many people possible before March 1, 1994.
I decided to move my Blessed Mary's statue that was placed on my bedroom dresser , against the wall my crucifix was on.
I thought it would be best if Blessed Mary , would be underneath Jesus crucifix.
Suddenly , Blessed Mary's image began to appear on the wall the same as the crosses did.
I was extremely amazed ! I must tell you more of the crosses and Blessed Mary's image
appear during prayer and rosary. Blessed Mary's image was the same size as the
statue, and a glowing white color. The same as the crosses. Some family members and friends came to visit our home and were able to see the crosses form. Some people could see Blessed Mary's image form as well. Please note: the crosses and Blessed Mary's image remained on one wall only; the wall with the crucifix. The image of Blessed Mary, did not leave the wall onto other walls , however that will soon change.
ON APRIL 28th, 1994, ++++++++++++++++++++++++
I was praying my rosary in my bedroom and Blessed Mary's image and the crosses were appearing as they have been, however Blessed Mary's image LEFT THE WALL
onto another wall. In my journal I wrote that TWO of her images appeared onto another wall.
Soon after during prayer, her image would appear on ALL FOUR WALLS. (Please know I was the only one who could see her image LEAVE THE MAIN WALL THAT THE CRUCIFIX WAS ON. (Please know I have gone to my priest every step of the way.)
NOTE: Lori Fosters story is continued below)
Dear One's the writings I have just told you were also written in "My Thirteen-page letter."
that I had mentioned on this Link:
***(In The name of Jesus / 9-13-2017)
( please note: AFTER I had written the 13 page letter I was given the dream of a very large city.
My Given Dream in a large city / 7-6-2017
Dear One's the writings I have just told you were also written in "My Thirteen-page letter."
that I had mentioned on this Link:
***(In The name of Jesus / 9-13-2017)
( please note: AFTER I had written the 13 page letter I was given the dream of a very large city.
My Given Dream in a large city / 7-6-2017
In the late Summer of 1994 or Early fall, I was given my First Spiritual Dream or Vision "My Dream in Africa (below).
RWANDA AFRICA'S GENOCIDE++++++++++++++++++++++
My Letter to a genocide survivor,
{On April 2, 2013, I received a book called "Left to Tell" about the Rwanda Genocide on my doorstep from a young lady whom I know.
I had seen her during Spring Break, and I shared "My Story" to her. She sent me "A Rwanda book about the genocide that happened in April of 1994. I am so grateful for her prompt action of kindness. I finished the book in two days on April 4,}
I decided to write the genocide survivor a letter that evening; after I finished the book.
April 4, 2013
Dear genocide survivor,
I read your story and I wish I could hug you right now and kiss your
cheeks. I needed to read your book for it's been past due to do so. I'm sorry from the
depth of my soul what you had to undergo and what your family had to face and endure
before their lives were taken to God. Please know Blessed Mary was constantly with
all of your people. Her sorrow was great, and she never left you nor your loved ones.
Dear genocide survivor, Blessed Mary's image was appearing many all over my bedroom walls
beginning March 1, 1994, and I didn't quite understand why. I only knew it was urgent and very important. Crosses began appearing in my home around my crucifixes since Feb. 12, 1994, daily and still are. Her image of the statue that was against the same wall would appear on the same wall the crucifix was on. I had been trying to tell others the importance of prayer and rosary.
On April 28, 1994, Blessed Mary's image (only two) left the wall onto a different wall in my
bedroom. Soon many appeared on all four walls of all sizes. They were extremely bright and actually stayed on the walls for a few seconds ; then reappear again and again.
I was the only one who could see them leave the wall for some people could see her image on the wall of the crucifix. Meanwhile the crucifix was having crosses appear around it at the same time.
Dear genocide survivor, I did not know what was going on in your country at that time.
I remember being on a boat, and my father-in-law commenting on the killings in Africa how horrible it was. But I knew very little until the genocide was over. Here I was a housewife , mother of four children having a good time as it should be and across the world mothers and fathers were fleeing running to hide with their children from evil people, who were on a killing spree.
The image of Blessed Mary was appearing during prayer and rosary and I kept praying.
God did give me a dream and I was placed in Africa.
DREAM IN AFRICA +++++++++++++++++++
I had a dream in the summer or early fall in 1994 that God placed me what appeared to be in Africa. I remember standing in a field and I could see many black people running extremely fast through the fields and woods. I could see other black people, with weapons in their hands. And they were running after them to kill them. I could hear their feet pounding so quickly as they passed by me, and I could hear the grass movement. I even could hear their panic and breathlessness. I remember one of the men
that was running for his life stopped in front of me. He was trying to rest and catch
his breath! I remember him stooping down in the tall grass. I ask him "What was happening?" He only looked forward and ran! Witnessing the people running for their lives was horrifying!
I knew I was in a place I knew nothing about. Dream ended I wrote in my journal (I knew this dream was for a great purpose.
The image of Blessed Mary was appearing during prayer and rosary and I kept praying.
God did give me a dream and I was placed in Africa.
DREAM IN AFRICA +++++++++++++++++++
I had a dream in the summer or early fall in 1994 that God placed me what appeared to be in Africa. I remember standing in a field and I could see many black people running extremely fast through the fields and woods. I could see other black people, with weapons in their hands. And they were running after them to kill them. I could hear their feet pounding so quickly as they passed by me, and I could hear the grass movement. I even could hear their panic and breathlessness. I remember one of the men
that was running for his life stopped in front of me. He was trying to rest and catch
his breath! I remember him stooping down in the tall grass. I ask him "What was happening?" He only looked forward and ran! Witnessing the people running for their lives was horrifying!
I knew I was in a place I knew nothing about. Dream ended I wrote in my journal (I knew this dream was for a great purpose.
note: In my journal I also mentioned seeing army tanks.
During this time period, I found out about the killing sprees on a Christian T.V. channel. they showed images of the mass murders that took place and bodies young and old everywhere.)
Genocide survivor, I did not know when the people of Rwanda were being slaughtered and raped and villages burned down took place. I read in a church magazine in 2008 "of how the Rwanda, genocide began in April 1994. It's when Blessed Mary's Image left the main wall onto ALL four walls. There were so many I couldn't begin to count them. her image lasted daily for almost 2 years until my son, a toddler accidentally broke her (my statue) She knew I had gotten the message.
I do know Blessed Mary was constantly with the people of Rwanda, in all the evil that surrounded them. She is all peace and love of her Dear Son. She is comforting many of the victims in this genocide that had taken place, and she is praying for our World to know and love her Son Jesus.
God Bless,
Lori Foster
During this time period, I found out about the killing sprees on a Christian T.V. channel. they showed images of the mass murders that took place and bodies young and old everywhere.)
Genocide survivor, I did not know when the people of Rwanda were being slaughtered and raped and villages burned down took place. I read in a church magazine in 2008 "of how the Rwanda, genocide began in April 1994. It's when Blessed Mary's Image left the main wall onto ALL four walls. There were so many I couldn't begin to count them. her image lasted daily for almost 2 years until my son, a toddler accidentally broke her (my statue) She knew I had gotten the message.
I do know Blessed Mary was constantly with the people of Rwanda, in all the evil that surrounded them. She is all peace and love of her Dear Son. She is comforting many of the victims in this genocide that had taken place, and she is praying for our World to know and love her Son Jesus.
God Bless,
Lori Foster
Note: I wish I could place the genocide survivor's name on my blog
but the survivor doesn't know my story.
NOTE: on May 30, 2013, only (one month) after I had read "Left to Tell" about the Rwanda Africa Genocide." I watched the documentary of the genocide in Rwanda, Africa. I found out "The Feast Day of Our Lady of Kibeho, in Africa is on NOVEMBER 28TH.
In "My Conversion" I stated that I could never have picked up that pen that day without my conversion. I could have never been inspired to write " Army of Prayer and Rosary" two years after my conversion.
Thank you for listening to "My Story" I will pray for ALL THOSE EMBRACING THE CROSS OF JESUS !
NOTE: on May 30, 2013, only (one month) after I had read "Left to Tell" about the Rwanda Africa Genocide." I watched the documentary of the genocide in Rwanda, Africa. I found out "The Feast Day of Our Lady of Kibeho, in Africa is on NOVEMBER 28TH.
Blessed Mary appeared to some teenage girl's in Kibeho , Rwanda on Nov. 28, 1981. She showed the teenage girls or visionaries what would happen in their country if the people did not turn towards God. She said there will be great suffering.
She was asking for conversion to Christ. She showed the visionary's visions of many
dead bodies in the river's in their country.
She was asking for conversion to Christ. She showed the visionary's visions of many
dead bodies in the river's in their country.
It was a great warning to the people
of Rwanda Africa. Almost a million people were killed in the Rwanda Genocide in
three months time.
I believe that is why Blessed Mary's image LEFT my wall onto another on APRIL 28, 1994.
note: I wanted to mention Blessed Mary's Image from my statue, began to appear on ONE wall only beginning Mar. 1, 1994, on the same wall the crucifix was on. Her image LEFT the wall onto another on April 28th, 1994 (two images only) and soon after, her image would appear on ALL FOUR walls. The images were of different sizes and actually stayed on the walls for a few seconds, reappearing over and over again.
The Rwanda, genocide began on April 7, 1994, and ended in July 1994; an estimate of 800,000 to 1 million people's lives were taken.
May my story give you some inspiration of Our Lord.
of Rwanda Africa. Almost a million people were killed in the Rwanda Genocide in
three months time.
I believe that is why Blessed Mary's image LEFT my wall onto another on APRIL 28, 1994.
note: I wanted to mention Blessed Mary's Image from my statue, began to appear on ONE wall only beginning Mar. 1, 1994, on the same wall the crucifix was on. Her image LEFT the wall onto another on April 28th, 1994 (two images only) and soon after, her image would appear on ALL FOUR walls. The images were of different sizes and actually stayed on the walls for a few seconds, reappearing over and over again.
The Rwanda, genocide began on April 7, 1994, and ended in July 1994; an estimate of 800,000 to 1 million people's lives were taken.
May my story give you some inspiration of Our Lord.
In "My Conversion" I stated that I could never have picked up that pen that day without my conversion. I could have never been inspired to write " Army of Prayer and Rosary" two years after my conversion.
Thank you for listening to "My Story" I will pray for ALL THOSE EMBRACING THE CROSS OF JESUS !
IT'S EVERYONE'S WORLD / poem / 10-9-2017
Embrace The Cross / began on Feb.5, 2008 (prayer method) +++
***THE PASSION OF CHRIST / 12-16-2017
***We Found Love / you will love this video ! 9-7-2017
***I Will Carry You /12-08-2017 ( Dear One's , this is a story that helps brings forth the strength of Our Lord. I hold onto this story at all times. It reminds me to take Jesus hand and never let go ! May We Place Our Trust In Jesus in our daily lives and our UNKNOWN paths.
Wordless (song) 5-22-2017
By Your Side (song) 10-2017
All I am asking for 10-2017 / May nothing come in between of you and Jesus , he knows our love is fragile. May we place ourselves into His Sacred Heart !
Everything (song) 10-2017
Hanging by a Moment (song) 10-2017
Miracles , by Kari Jobe (song) 5-11-2017
***The Heavens Are Weeping / 5-17-2017
IT'S EVERYONE'S WORLD / poem / 10-9-2017
Embrace The Cross / began on Feb.5, 2008 (prayer method) +++
***THE PASSION OF CHRIST / 12-16-2017
***We Found Love / you will love this video ! 9-7-2017
***I Will Carry You /12-08-2017 ( Dear One's , this is a story that helps brings forth the strength of Our Lord. I hold onto this story at all times. It reminds me to take Jesus hand and never let go ! May We Place Our Trust In Jesus in our daily lives and our UNKNOWN paths.
Wordless (song) 5-22-2017
By Your Side (song) 10-2017
All I am asking for 10-2017 / May nothing come in between of you and Jesus , he knows our love is fragile. May we place ourselves into His Sacred Heart !
Everything (song) 10-2017
Hanging by a Moment (song) 10-2017
Miracles , by Kari Jobe (song) 5-11-2017
***The Heavens Are Weeping / 5-17-2017