
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Thursday, May 25, 2023

The Crosses in 1994

 Dear ones, 

Many of you have read my story from the very beginning. 

 Wanting to improve myself and to

become closer to Jesus on a daily basis is

where my focus was and remains.

When the Crosses began appearing on my bedroom walls

was of course surprising but most humbling.

I never asked God why but I did know the crosses

was given for a reason.

I never kept my story quiet from the very beginning.

I told my priest first and then began telling my close

relatives and friends.

I thought the crosses would possibly

 go away after the third day that I had placed

"Army of Prayer" in my news article, but they continue 

to appear daily.

I will never forget Blessed Mary's Images appearing on my 

bedroom walls during the Rwanda genocide, in 1994.

In USA the month of June 1994, the news media 

kept showing the 

OJ Simpson murder trial and

the world treated it as if it was some kind of sport.

Now that I have seen videos and documentaries of what 

really happened during the genocide, makes me look

at our world differently. 

How can we as a people continue our everyday activities

and pretend nothing horrific is happening across the 

globe and often in our own cities!

The Crosses appearing along with Blessed Mary's images

ran parallel to the unspeakable evil crimes committed on 


As you will see in Lori Foster's Story I explain how

I was the only one that could see her images appear

on all four walls during prayer. The images of my 

blessed Mary statue 

were so bright

I could see the outline of her veil, dress, and eyes.

During prayer and rosary her images would appear

many on all four walls in my bedroom.

The images would actually stay on the wall for

a few seconds and appear over and over again. 

Then the images would become fewer after prayer

and rosary. 

The images would appear on my walls for 2 years

time, until my young son, climbed on

the dresser and accidently broke my statue.

The dresser landed on the bed and my son

was unharmed. 

Blessed Mary knew I had gotten the message! 

 It's unacceptable and disgraceful of how the 

small number of UN troops 

were assigned in Rwanda, Africa!

 And how they 

were left to take care of this massive evil event unfolding

right before their very eyes with helplessness!


Lori Foster's Story

Pleading for Help