
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ The Assumption of Blessed Mary is Aug. 15th/ She wiped his tears/ At my table

 Today is Sat. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." & Mon. Aug. 15th

is "The Assumption of Blessed Mary." May you go to 

Days of the Week Music: you will find Sat. & Holy or Feast days

between the Crosses+++Your click will be your given response.

Uniting together at the feet of Christ and His love of embrace+

May we turn our nightlights on for Aug. 15th "The Assumption

of Blessed Mary."+++

Blessed Mary with words of Wisdom and always pointing the way 

to Christ pray for us+++

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori Foster


The Assumption of Blessed Mary is Aug. 15th

She Wiped His Tears (short story)

Mary Goes to Jesus

At My Table (short story)