John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
The Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul +++
Today is June 29th "The Feast Day of St. Peter and Paul." May you go
to Days of the Week Music ; you will find Feast Days between
the Crosses+++Also today is Tues. " Army of Prayer & Rosary" you
will also find Tues. between the Crosses +++
May we turn out nightlights on +++
Blessings always in Christ Love,\
Lori Foster
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Be Attentive to Prayer
Colossians Ch. 4 Verses 2-6 Pray perseveringly, be
attentive to prayer, and pray in a spirit of thanksgiving.
Pray for us, too, that God may provide us with an
opening to proclaim the mystery of Christ, for
which i am a prisoner. Pray that I may speak
it clearly, as I must. Be prudent in dealing
with outsiders, make the most of every
opportunity. Let your speech be always
gracious and in good taste, and strive to
respond properly to all who address you.
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Before Investigating find no fault
Sirach Ch. 11 Verses 7-17
Before investigating , find no fault:
examine first, then criticize.
Before hearing , answer not,
and interrupt no one in the middle
of his speech.
Dispute not about what is not your concern;
in the strife of the arrogant take no part.
My son, why increase your cares.
since he who is avid (greedy) for wealth
will not be blameless ?
Even if you will never overtake
it; however you seek it , you will not
find it.
One may toil and struggle and drive,
and fall short all the more.\
Another goes his way a weakling and a failure,
with little strength and great misery-
Yet the eyes of the Lord look favorably upon
he raises him free of he vile dust.
Lifts up his head and exalts him
to the amazement of the many.
Good and evil, life and death,
poverty and riches , are from the Lord.
Wisdom and understanding and knowledge
of affairs , love and virtuous paths are from
the Lord.
Error and darkness were formed with sinners
from their birth,
and evil grows old with evildoers.
The Lord's gift remains with the just;
his favor brings continued success.
Come to Me ; You make me brave
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Honor your Father and Mother (parents)
Deuteronomy Ch:5 Verse 16
"Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord
you God has commanded you. that your days
may be prolonged and that it may go well with
you on the land which the Lord your God gives
Leviticus Ch: 19 Verse 3
Every one of you shall reverence his mother and
his father , and you shall keep My Sabbaths , I am
the Lord your God.
Proverbs Ch:23 Verse 22
Listen to your father who begot you,
and do not despise your mother when she is old.
1 Timothy Ch5: Verse 4
But if any widow has children or grandchildren,
they must first learn to practice piety in regard
to their own family and to make some return to
their parents; for this is acceptable in the sight
of God.
Piety ( The quality of being religious or reverent. " acts of
piety and charity."
Friday, June 18, 2021
Embrace The Cross
Today is Friday "Embrace The Cross." May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Fridays between
May we turn our nightlights on +++
May God Bless ALL Fathers+++
Have a Beautiful Father's Day Weekend+++
Yours in Christ Love,\
Lori Foster
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Where your treasure is , there your heart is also
Matthew Ch:6 Verses 21-24 : Remember , where your treasure is,
there your heart is also. The eye is the body's lamp. If your
eyes are good, your body will be filled with light; if your
eyes are bad, your body will be in darkness. And if your
light is darkness, how deep will the darkness be !
No man can serve two masters. He will either hate
one and love the other or be attentive to one and
despise the other.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
You Have Searched Me Lord ' and You know Me
Psalm 139: Verse 1
You have searched me Lord, and you know me.
Psalm 139: Verse 2
You know when I sit and when I rise, you
perceive my thoughts from afar.
Psalm 139:Verse 3
You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
Psalm 139: Verse 14
I Praise you because I am fearfully and
wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Jeremiah Ch:1 Verse 5
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart; I
appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Psalm 139 Verse 13
For you created by inmost being; you knit
me together in my mother's womb.
Psalm 139: Verse 16
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the
days ordained for me were written in your
book before one of them came to be.
Friday, June 11, 2021
Where I Am going you cannot come
John Ch: 8 Verses 21-30 Again he said to them:
"I am going away. You will look for me
but you will die in your sins.
Where I am going you cannot come."
At this some of the Jews began to ask,
"Does he mean he will kill himself when
he claims, "Where I am going you cannot
come.?" He went on:
"You belong to what is below;
I belong to what is above.
You belong to this world-
a world which cannot hold me.
That is why I said you would die in
your sins.
You will surely die in your sins
unless you come to believe that I AM."
"Who are you then.?" they asked him.
Jesus answered:
What I have been telling you from the
I could say much about you in condemnation.
but no, I only tell the world
what I have heard from him,
the truthful One who sent me."
They did not grasp that he was speaking
to them of the Father. Jesus continued:
"When you lift up the Son of Man.
you will come to realize that I Am
and that I do nothing by myself.
I say only what the Father has taught me.
The One who sent me is with me.
He has not deserted me
since I always do what pleases him."
Because he spoke this way, many came to
believe in him.
Condemnation : The expression of very strong disapproval
What A Beautiful Name ; 7-2017 one of my favorite
Text Message from God ; 1-10-2018
Thursday, June 10, 2021
The Spirit of The Lord
Isaiah Ch. 11 Verses 2-3 As it is written: "The Spirit of the Lord
shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of counsel and might , the Spirit of knowledge
and of the fear of the Lord, and he will delight in the
fear of the Lord."
Reasons why Jesus sent the Holy spirit
to the disciples after his ascension . He would empower the disciples
to be able to speak with courage / confidence / authority.
Ascension means : The Ascension of Jesus is Christian teaching
that Christ physically departed from Earth by rising into Heaven,
in the presence of eleven of his apostles. According to the
New Testament narrative, the Ascension occurred forty days
after the resurrection.
Sunday, June 6, 2021
Sunday "Corpus Christi + The Body and Blood of Christ+
Giving Others the Needs of God
An Awesome Momentary View (You will find spiritual communion song, spiritual
communion prayer, and Videos of Sacraments , communion songs and more. )
May Jesus Bless You All in a very special way +++
Friday, June 4, 2021
The 5th of the month is "Embrace The Cross"
June 5th is "Embrace The Cross" and Saturday is
"Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find the 5th
of the month and Sat. between the Crosses+++
May we turn our nightlights on +++
Blessings always in Christ Love ,
Lori Foster
"Embrace The Cross"
Today is Friday "Embrace The Cross." May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Friday's between
Blessings always to you and your loved ones,
Lori Foster
May we turn our nightlights on +++
Thursday, June 3, 2021
An Awesome momentary view
Dear ones,
I am giving you an awesome given dream from our Lord written
in my journal on Dec. 13, 1996. I think it is fitting for this
"Corpus Christi Feast Day " ; this is what I wrote:
I had a dream that I was in my church during Mass.
I remember going in line for communion and I received
the Holy Eucharist (communion) on my hand ; from a
Eucharistic Minister. She was my daughter's Sunday school
teacher. After I received the host I ate it . But as I was walking
back to my pew , blood began to formed on my hand. I showed my husband
and my dream ended.
This dream was given to my priest.
note: The blood that I momentarily was allowed to view on the palm of my hand;
was not the Eucharist itself. In my given dream I had already consumed the host .
But God wanted me to see his blood form on my hand as a given sign of his
realness in the Holy Eucharist ; His Body and His Blood. +++
The Holy Eucharist is a constant reminder of Our Oneness with Christ. During
"The Last Supper" ; the night before Our Lord's Crucifixion.
Christ asked for all people to receive him in "His Body and His Blood " in appearance
of Bread and Wine. The priest (Consecrate) the Eucharist at the altar changing the
Bread into Christ Body and Wine into Christ Blood (Transubstantiation).
*Consecrate: Make or declare (something, typically a church)
sacred; dedicate formally to a religious or divine purpose
* (In Christian belief) make (bread or wine) into the
body or blood of Christ . ( John Chapter 6 ) Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist at the
altar and he did not receive comments from anyone . He said "Remain in me and I will
remain in you. Many of his followers could not believe in what Our Lord had to say and
left him. He turned to his twelve disciples and asked if they to want to leave ? They said
"To whom shall we go ?" They remained with Christ except for Judas would soon betray him
and turn him in to be arrested.
*Eucharist: The Christian ceremony commemorating the Last Supper, in
which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed.
*Transubstantiation: Means the change of the whole substance of bread into
the substance of the Body of Christ and of the whole substance of
wine into the substance of his Blood. This change is
brought about in the Eucharistic prayer through the
efficacy of the Word of Christ and by the action of the Holy Spirit.
Giving Others the Needs of God
Spiritual Communion Song / 12-2016
Spiritual Communion Prayer / 1-2017
Videos of the Sacraments , Communion songs, and more / 2-2017
Corpus Christi Feast Day +++
Today is "The Feast Day of Corpus Christi" May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Feast Days between
May we turn our nightlights on +++
Blessings in Christ Love +++
Today is Corpus Christi / 6-2017 ( God's Words have the Power to transform reality at
the most fundamental level )
Fundamental meaning : forming a necessary base or core; of central importance.
John Ch: 6 The Holy Eucharist / 12-2016
What Faith is and What Faith Isn't / 2-2017
The Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist / 2-2017
Why Was The Cross Necessary ; Faith Seeks Understanding / 2-2017