Fri. is "Embrace The Cross" and Sat. is "Army if Prayer & Rosary." May
you go to Days of the Week Music ; You will find Fri. and Sat. between
the Crosses+++
May we turn our nightlights on +++
Blessings Always,
Enjoy !
Echoes In The Rain
One By One
Carribbean Blue
O Come O Come Emmanuel ( Christmas in July)
Listen To The Rain
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."
Friday, July 31, 2020
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Monday, July 27, 2020
Army of Prayer & Rosary is Tues. & Thurs./ So Will I / No Longer a Slave
Tues. and Thurs. is "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to
Days of the Week Music / 7-11-2017 you will find
Tues.and Thurs. between the Crosses +++
Blessings always in Christ !
Psalm 91 (Security Under God's Protection / 8-3-16
So Will I / Mix of Music / 8-2018 (You will find some recent song's
towards the bottom.)
No Longer Slaves (Live) / by Zach William 9-24-2019
No Longer Slaves (lyrics) 2-4-2020
My Speech / What The Rosary Is / 7-2020
Days of the Week Music / 7-11-2017 you will find
Tues.and Thurs. between the Crosses +++
Blessings always in Christ !
Psalm 91 (Security Under God's Protection / 8-3-16
So Will I / Mix of Music / 8-2018 (You will find some recent song's
towards the bottom.)
No Longer Slaves (Live) / by Zach William 9-24-2019
No Longer Slaves (lyrics) 2-4-2020
My Speech / What The Rosary Is / 7-2020
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Saints Praying for Us
A Visit of Comfort and Peace / 11-18-2017 (Scripture of Saints praying
for Us.)
note: You will find Scripture between the Crosses
Rev. Ch. 5 Verse 8 of Saint's bringing our
prayers to God.
for Us.)
note: You will find Scripture between the Crosses
Rev. Ch. 5 Verse 8 of Saint's bringing our
prayers to God.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Embrace The Cross and Army of Prayer & Rosary
Friday's is "Embrace The Cross" may you go to
Days of the Week Music / you will find Friday's between
the Crosses+++ Sat. is "Army of Prayer & Rosary" you will find
it also between the Crosses+++
May we turn our nightlights on !
God Bless You and Your Loved One's Always+++
My Speech / 7-24-2020
Days of the Week Music / you will find Friday's between
the Crosses+++ Sat. is "Army of Prayer & Rosary" you will find
it also between the Crosses+++
May we turn our nightlights on !
God Bless You and Your Loved One's Always+++
My Speech / 7-24-2020
My Speech
Dear One's , I have a speech that I was asked to give in a Protestant Methodist Church.
A local pastor from a small town heard about (the crosses appearing in my home in Feb. 1994.)
This kind and humble pastor came to my home and spoke with me. He was interested
in "My Story" and what I felt about prayer and the world ! We spoke about how the world needs prayer and conversion. I accepted his invitation of speaking in front of his congregation and it
terrified me. I had never spoken in public before and I knew I better practice my speech well.
My Speech given on Jan. 15. 1995
Hello, my name is Lori Foster, I am a housewife and mother of four small children.
I am very grateful to be here. I am going to tell you about the signs in my home, and
how prayer can better our world. I am also going to talk a little about my feelings of
the world today !
I am here through the grace of God , to tell the world we are in urgent need of prayer.
Through the power of prayer it can change mankinds hearts and obtain peace in our world.
Since January 1994, my life has been of serving our God, from the bottom of my
heart in showing other's God's love and telling them the importance of prayer. Prayer
will help one's own self look deep inside their own soul and see where they stand with
Prayer will help our physical and emotional well being as well. Spiritually it will continue
to draw us closer and closer to God ! It will make us more humble and loyal to him.
Through prayer it will allow God's light to flow through us and help show other's
the way to him.
On January 17, 1994 , the day of the California Earthquake , I was inspired to write
"Army of Prayer and Rosary." It is an army of many people uniting together in spirit ;
from home to home on three given days weekly, in prayer and rosary in asking our Lord
and Blessed Mary , mother of God for HELP IN OUR WORLD !
This Army for God will be built upon all different kinds of people and no one shall
be left out. Those who receive this message are asked to HELP spread this Holy Plan
to others . People must know that prayer is the only answer to have love and peace
in our homes and in our world.
That night on January 17 , 1994 , I completed writing the holy plan for our God, however
I needed some kind of inner strength to give me complete confidence that this is what God is
asking of me to do . I went to bed and prayed "Dear God and Blessed Mary , please show me
some kind of sign whether or not I should send this Holy plan to my church."
A few moments more like seconds after I said those words a very bright light started
glowing on my large wreath I have hanging in my bedroom. It had a very small narrow stream
of light shining on it from a nightlight in my bathroom however, this light got very bright and
as big as my hand. The light would slowly get smaller and then bigger repeating six or seven
times. I then woke up my husband to help figure it out neither one of us could. My husband
waked over to the bright light , he raised his hand up to the glowing light and instantly it
disappeared. The light then returned back to a narrow stream of light and we never seen it
again. I told my husband " I believe it was sign from God and Blessed Mary!" I then
explained to him about the Holy plan that I had just written and how I had just sealed it
into an envelope ready to be sent out to our church. The next day my mission for God
began in mailing out forms of the "Army of Prayer and Rosary " to many people and even
some catholic and protestant churches.
On February 11, 12, and 13 , I put the "Army of Prayer and Rosary" in the local newspaper.
On February 12 on a Saturday at 6:30 a.m. , my husband and I saw many crosses appearing
all over our bedroom wall, glowing in and out around our crucifix. We were both extremely
amazed for we knew we were witnessing and act of God ! I then told my husband about the
article I had just put in our local newspaper !
The crosses appear around all of our crucifixes we have in our home. Wherever we move
the crucifix the glowing crosses will appear around it. Many people have seen them appear.
Some go to church and some do not. The crosses get very bright and more of them appear
when we pray or say the rosary.
Since March 1, 1994, the image of my Blessed Mary statue started appearing on the wall .
The images glow in and out the same as the crosses do !
Since April 28, 1994 During prayer or rosary the image of my Blessed Mary statue
started to appear on a few other walls in my bedroom as well. The images are now appearing
on all four walls in my bedroom. The reason for this is , I believe Blessed Mary is truly praying
constantly for all of God's children and our world.
I want to tell you a short story about two men. I am going to take you back into
January 1994. When I began sending out forms of "The Army of Prayer and Rosary" to my
family and friends. I had two great uncle's of mine who were brothers, and they were both
in their sixties. Those two men were the one's I thought would probably ignore the message
however, they both were one of the first to respond to our Lord. They both joined back
into the church on the very same week and without either one knowing about it ! That my
friends is the true miracle our gracious and most loving God is waiting for . With my own
faith and hope in those two men by sending a simple letter of prayer and rosary to their homes !
Allowed them both to see God's light and to help save their own souls.
One of the brother's recently passed away. He had a very peaceful and blessed death.
He was prepared to meet our God. Always remember Blessed are those who believe
and do not see for theirs is the kingdom of God!
I believe the signs in my home are one of many other signs all over the world. God
is trying to wake up his children. He is asking us all to surrender our lives to him. God is
patiently waiting for our heart to join his heart.
I believe our loving Lord is allowing his mother, Blessed Mary to intervene all over the
world to help save souls. She is trying to tell the world to turn away from Satan's work and
to stay away from all evil. She is asking us to amend our lives to her loving son, Jesus Christ.
Those who will respond to the call of God must pray, repent, obey and love him. We all
must make sacrifices for our God. We must pray daily for conversion of sinners, for
many souls are on the road of damnation.
We all must try to be imitators of Jesus, to our children, spouse, families, and to
the world. Through our Christian example of Jesus, will help prepare our children
for the world and hopefully teach our world how to live under God. We all must
live by the book of the Holy Bible, obey and live by the ten commandments of God.
Mankind must stop pushing God further and further out of Our World !
We must put God back into Our Country , schools, and homes. Only then will we be
One Nation Under God. People today do not call sin , sin anymore. God's justice will
befall onto Our World if we continue to live by man's way and not by God's way.
All the murder's of the born and unborn must stop ! We must pray for the
unborn babies who are being murdered daily, for they are the innocent and the
forgotten ones ! However , they are not forsaken and they are not undone. Pray for
those mother's to look at the fetus as a human life, who has a soul , and are God's
most greatest gift of all.
We all must start thinking about the well being of our own future and all the innocent
children's as well.
We all deserve to be able to live in Our World of love and peace of God however, we
don't deserve to live in a selfish and sinful world mankind has become.
Remember always not to make this world your Heaven, for this is not God's Kingdom.
We are to pray, sacrifice, serve our Lord, and enjoy his many gifts of this land ! For our
reward in Heaven awaits us all !
May we allow ourselves to look beyond our differences and concentrate on seeing
one another through the eyes of God. Pray for patience and understanding for we are
all One Body In Christ !
Let us all reflect our daily lives on Christ Birth, Death, and Resurrection , for he came
into our world as a baby to show mankind how to live by his example.
Christ agony on the Cross showed his unconditional love for all of mankind . Through his
painful death brought us Salvation so we all may have Eternal Life ! He promised us all
that we will be rewarded in Heaven and be United with him and all the Angels and Saints
if we love , obey, and follow him.
Whoever believes God is the Truth and the Light and whoever believes in him will
have Eternal Life.
In conclusion of my message, let us allow ourselves to focus on our souls , and our loved one's
spiritual well being as well. We all must always stay close to one another and not take one
day for granted.
In this 1995 New Year ! May the "Army of Prayer and Rosary" continue forth in being
built for our Lord. Let us always remember that we are Uniting Together Spiritually with
many other's across U.S.A. in Prayer or Rosary in asking our God and His mother,
Blessed Mary for HELP IN OUR WORLD ! Through the Power of the Holy Spirit may this
Army be given many strengths to help better our world and to save souls ! May it go
wherever God leads it !
Thank you for listening to "My Story" and the messages.
God Bless Our World !
Addition: At the end of my speech and before my prayer ; I spoke about the Holy Rosary +++
And this is what I said :
I want to bring to your attention I have brought forms on the
"Army of Prayer and Rosary" and it tells about the signs in my
home. Also , there is an attached page that only explains what the
Rosary is and what it contains, for some of you may be wondering
what is the rosary ? Hopefully this page will answer some of your
questions. Also I want to add this page does not teach how to
pray the rosary. Please feel free to take one before you leave
church today.
WHAT THE ROSARY IS : note: This link "What the Holy Rosary Is "/ 10-12-2018
was the forms
I gave to the congregation before they left church. The people were
so kind to me and began telling me their own stories !
I was truly blessed !
A local pastor from a small town heard about (the crosses appearing in my home in Feb. 1994.)
This kind and humble pastor came to my home and spoke with me. He was interested
in "My Story" and what I felt about prayer and the world ! We spoke about how the world needs prayer and conversion. I accepted his invitation of speaking in front of his congregation and it
terrified me. I had never spoken in public before and I knew I better practice my speech well.
My Speech given on Jan. 15. 1995
Hello, my name is Lori Foster, I am a housewife and mother of four small children.
I am very grateful to be here. I am going to tell you about the signs in my home, and
how prayer can better our world. I am also going to talk a little about my feelings of
the world today !
I am here through the grace of God , to tell the world we are in urgent need of prayer.
Through the power of prayer it can change mankinds hearts and obtain peace in our world.
Since January 1994, my life has been of serving our God, from the bottom of my
heart in showing other's God's love and telling them the importance of prayer. Prayer
will help one's own self look deep inside their own soul and see where they stand with
Prayer will help our physical and emotional well being as well. Spiritually it will continue
to draw us closer and closer to God ! It will make us more humble and loyal to him.
Through prayer it will allow God's light to flow through us and help show other's
the way to him.
On January 17, 1994 , the day of the California Earthquake , I was inspired to write
"Army of Prayer and Rosary." It is an army of many people uniting together in spirit ;
from home to home on three given days weekly, in prayer and rosary in asking our Lord
and Blessed Mary , mother of God for HELP IN OUR WORLD !
This Army for God will be built upon all different kinds of people and no one shall
be left out. Those who receive this message are asked to HELP spread this Holy Plan
to others . People must know that prayer is the only answer to have love and peace
in our homes and in our world.
That night on January 17 , 1994 , I completed writing the holy plan for our God, however
I needed some kind of inner strength to give me complete confidence that this is what God is
asking of me to do . I went to bed and prayed "Dear God and Blessed Mary , please show me
some kind of sign whether or not I should send this Holy plan to my church."
A few moments more like seconds after I said those words a very bright light started
glowing on my large wreath I have hanging in my bedroom. It had a very small narrow stream
of light shining on it from a nightlight in my bathroom however, this light got very bright and
as big as my hand. The light would slowly get smaller and then bigger repeating six or seven
times. I then woke up my husband to help figure it out neither one of us could. My husband
waked over to the bright light , he raised his hand up to the glowing light and instantly it
disappeared. The light then returned back to a narrow stream of light and we never seen it
again. I told my husband " I believe it was sign from God and Blessed Mary!" I then
explained to him about the Holy plan that I had just written and how I had just sealed it
into an envelope ready to be sent out to our church. The next day my mission for God
began in mailing out forms of the "Army of Prayer and Rosary " to many people and even
some catholic and protestant churches.
On February 11, 12, and 13 , I put the "Army of Prayer and Rosary" in the local newspaper.
On February 12 on a Saturday at 6:30 a.m. , my husband and I saw many crosses appearing
all over our bedroom wall, glowing in and out around our crucifix. We were both extremely
amazed for we knew we were witnessing and act of God ! I then told my husband about the
article I had just put in our local newspaper !
The crosses appear around all of our crucifixes we have in our home. Wherever we move
the crucifix the glowing crosses will appear around it. Many people have seen them appear.
Some go to church and some do not. The crosses get very bright and more of them appear
when we pray or say the rosary.
Since March 1, 1994, the image of my Blessed Mary statue started appearing on the wall .
The images glow in and out the same as the crosses do !
Since April 28, 1994 During prayer or rosary the image of my Blessed Mary statue
started to appear on a few other walls in my bedroom as well. The images are now appearing
on all four walls in my bedroom. The reason for this is , I believe Blessed Mary is truly praying
constantly for all of God's children and our world.
I want to tell you a short story about two men. I am going to take you back into
January 1994. When I began sending out forms of "The Army of Prayer and Rosary" to my
family and friends. I had two great uncle's of mine who were brothers, and they were both
in their sixties. Those two men were the one's I thought would probably ignore the message
however, they both were one of the first to respond to our Lord. They both joined back
into the church on the very same week and without either one knowing about it ! That my
friends is the true miracle our gracious and most loving God is waiting for . With my own
faith and hope in those two men by sending a simple letter of prayer and rosary to their homes !
Allowed them both to see God's light and to help save their own souls.
One of the brother's recently passed away. He had a very peaceful and blessed death.
He was prepared to meet our God. Always remember Blessed are those who believe
and do not see for theirs is the kingdom of God!
I believe the signs in my home are one of many other signs all over the world. God
is trying to wake up his children. He is asking us all to surrender our lives to him. God is
patiently waiting for our heart to join his heart.
I believe our loving Lord is allowing his mother, Blessed Mary to intervene all over the
world to help save souls. She is trying to tell the world to turn away from Satan's work and
to stay away from all evil. She is asking us to amend our lives to her loving son, Jesus Christ.
Those who will respond to the call of God must pray, repent, obey and love him. We all
must make sacrifices for our God. We must pray daily for conversion of sinners, for
many souls are on the road of damnation.
We all must try to be imitators of Jesus, to our children, spouse, families, and to
the world. Through our Christian example of Jesus, will help prepare our children
for the world and hopefully teach our world how to live under God. We all must
live by the book of the Holy Bible, obey and live by the ten commandments of God.
Mankind must stop pushing God further and further out of Our World !
We must put God back into Our Country , schools, and homes. Only then will we be
One Nation Under God. People today do not call sin , sin anymore. God's justice will
befall onto Our World if we continue to live by man's way and not by God's way.
All the murder's of the born and unborn must stop ! We must pray for the
unborn babies who are being murdered daily, for they are the innocent and the
forgotten ones ! However , they are not forsaken and they are not undone. Pray for
those mother's to look at the fetus as a human life, who has a soul , and are God's
most greatest gift of all.
We all must start thinking about the well being of our own future and all the innocent
children's as well.
We all deserve to be able to live in Our World of love and peace of God however, we
don't deserve to live in a selfish and sinful world mankind has become.
Remember always not to make this world your Heaven, for this is not God's Kingdom.
We are to pray, sacrifice, serve our Lord, and enjoy his many gifts of this land ! For our
reward in Heaven awaits us all !
May we allow ourselves to look beyond our differences and concentrate on seeing
one another through the eyes of God. Pray for patience and understanding for we are
all One Body In Christ !
Let us all reflect our daily lives on Christ Birth, Death, and Resurrection , for he came
into our world as a baby to show mankind how to live by his example.
Christ agony on the Cross showed his unconditional love for all of mankind . Through his
painful death brought us Salvation so we all may have Eternal Life ! He promised us all
that we will be rewarded in Heaven and be United with him and all the Angels and Saints
if we love , obey, and follow him.
Whoever believes God is the Truth and the Light and whoever believes in him will
have Eternal Life.
In conclusion of my message, let us allow ourselves to focus on our souls , and our loved one's
spiritual well being as well. We all must always stay close to one another and not take one
day for granted.
In this 1995 New Year ! May the "Army of Prayer and Rosary" continue forth in being
built for our Lord. Let us always remember that we are Uniting Together Spiritually with
many other's across U.S.A. in Prayer or Rosary in asking our God and His mother,
Blessed Mary for HELP IN OUR WORLD ! Through the Power of the Holy Spirit may this
Army be given many strengths to help better our world and to save souls ! May it go
wherever God leads it !
Thank you for listening to "My Story" and the messages.
God Bless Our World !
Addition: At the end of my speech and before my prayer ; I spoke about the Holy Rosary +++
And this is what I said :
I want to bring to your attention I have brought forms on the
"Army of Prayer and Rosary" and it tells about the signs in my
home. Also , there is an attached page that only explains what the
Rosary is and what it contains, for some of you may be wondering
what is the rosary ? Hopefully this page will answer some of your
questions. Also I want to add this page does not teach how to
pray the rosary. Please feel free to take one before you leave
church today.
WHAT THE ROSARY IS : note: This link "What the Holy Rosary Is "/ 10-12-2018
was the forms
I gave to the congregation before they left church. The people were
so kind to me and began telling me their own stories !
I was truly blessed !
{The end of my speech continued}
I would like to end my message with a prayer I wrote.
Dear gracious Father , Our Lord
Look down upon this lost and material
world who is wiping your face off our
lands. Help us Christian's who are your
flock to be able to show the world that
you alone are the mighty and Holy One !
Jesus show mankind that your flame
of love longs to be in every heart and soul.
Let the world know that we cannot survive
without your love and grace pouring out
constantly across the whole world. Allow
our conversations to be pleasing to your
ears and may we imitate you in our actions
towards others. help us not to become
victims of our own desires. When our
lives become difficult and we begin to
lose lack of strength and hope in you.
Dear Lord, show unto us your Sacred
Heart and remind us that you are with
us always ! Help sooth our sorrows and
heal our wounds. May your Divine Hands
guide us always to your light !
We surrender our lives to your Heart.
Help us show to others your merciful love
for them.
Dear Jesus we love and honor your Blessed
Mother, Mary. Through your will and grace
may she continue to spread her love to us
all and help show the World the Way to her
Son ! Let us always remind ourselves your
Agony on the Cross and your Sorrow for the
Worlds sins. We Glorify and love you most
precious Jesus , Our Father !
Oh ' Hear Us Almighty God !
note: Since "Embrace The Cross" website many people in other
Countries are able to " Unite together" in God's Army of Prayer and
Rosary !
May God Bless All Who "Embrace The Cross" of Jesus +++
Yours in Christ,
Lori Foster
Some Countries "Embrace The Cross" has reached / 8-4-2017
What The Rosary Is / 10-2018
How "Embrace The Cross" began / 5-2-2016
Lori Foster's Story / War Survivor's Letter / 12-13-2017
My Given Dreams and Signs by Lori Foster / 9-28-2017
Saint's Praying for Us / 7-26-2020+++
You Never Fail
From The Inside Out
Glorious Ruins
Let There Be Light
Dear gracious Father , Our Lord
Look down upon this lost and material
world who is wiping your face off our
lands. Help us Christian's who are your
flock to be able to show the world that
you alone are the mighty and Holy One !
Jesus show mankind that your flame
of love longs to be in every heart and soul.
Let the world know that we cannot survive
without your love and grace pouring out
constantly across the whole world. Allow
our conversations to be pleasing to your
ears and may we imitate you in our actions
towards others. help us not to become
victims of our own desires. When our
lives become difficult and we begin to
lose lack of strength and hope in you.
Dear Lord, show unto us your Sacred
Heart and remind us that you are with
us always ! Help sooth our sorrows and
heal our wounds. May your Divine Hands
guide us always to your light !
We surrender our lives to your Heart.
Help us show to others your merciful love
for them.
Dear Jesus we love and honor your Blessed
Mother, Mary. Through your will and grace
may she continue to spread her love to us
all and help show the World the Way to her
Son ! Let us always remind ourselves your
Agony on the Cross and your Sorrow for the
Worlds sins. We Glorify and love you most
precious Jesus , Our Father !
Oh ' Hear Us Almighty God !
note: Since "Embrace The Cross" website many people in other
Countries are able to " Unite together" in God's Army of Prayer and
Rosary !
May God Bless All Who "Embrace The Cross" of Jesus +++
Yours in Christ,
Lori Foster
Some Countries "Embrace The Cross" has reached / 8-4-2017
What The Rosary Is / 10-2018
How "Embrace The Cross" began / 5-2-2016
Lori Foster's Story / War Survivor's Letter / 12-13-2017
My Given Dreams and Signs by Lori Foster / 9-28-2017
Saint's Praying for Us / 7-26-2020+++
You Never Fail
From The Inside Out
Glorious Ruins
Let There Be Light
Monday, July 20, 2020
Friday, July 17, 2020
Embrace The Cross & Army of Prayer & Rosary
Fri. is "Embrace the Cross" and Sat. is "Army of Prayer
and Rosary." May you go to Days of the week music / 7-11-2017
you will find Friday's and Saturday's between the Crosses+++
The Garden
Lover of My Soul
All I Have is Christ
Heal Our land
God Bless You and Your Loved One's always +++
and Rosary." May you go to Days of the week music / 7-11-2017
you will find Friday's and Saturday's between the Crosses+++
The Garden
Lover of My Soul
All I Have is Christ
Heal Our land
God Bless You and Your Loved One's always +++
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Remember The Road and Path to follow
Remember the road and the path to follow!
We as American's set the steppingstone of
We cannot be broken for we have come to
We are hardworking and we love family!
We strive to improve what may come!
We make improvements and pause
when our country needs to be!
We love our music, food, entertainment
and good wholesome fun!
Our Freedom has been and always will
be fought for!
We keep our faith and raise our voices
to God!
We remember all the blood, sweat, and
tears that helped shape America!
Our freedom will always ring!
For you can't break brother to brother
and sister to sister!
It's our hearts we will protect and
it's the one thing the Enemy can't
Remember the road and path
to follow!
God Bless America!
God Bless Our World!
One Thing Remains / 8-2016
Stay and Wait / 8-2016
Army of Prayer & Rosary "Embrace The Cross" / you will find
some of my favorite songs ! ENJOY !!
We as American's set the steppingstone of
We cannot be broken for we have come to
We are hardworking and we love family!
We strive to improve what may come!
We make improvements and pause
when our country needs to be!
We love our music, food, entertainment
and good wholesome fun!
Our Freedom has been and always will
be fought for!
We keep our faith and raise our voices
to God!
We remember all the blood, sweat, and
tears that helped shape America!
Our freedom will always ring!
For you can't break brother to brother
and sister to sister!
It's our hearts we will protect and
it's the one thing the Enemy can't
Remember the road and path
to follow!
God Bless America!
God Bless Our World!
To the World! May we draw near to
Our Lord and help build up Christ love
in our homes, communities, and the
One Thing Remains / 8-2016
Stay and Wait / 8-2016
Army of Prayer & Rosary "Embrace The Cross" / you will find
some of my favorite songs ! ENJOY !!
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Army of Prayer & Rosary & Embrace The Cross
Thurs. is "Army of Prayer & Rosary" may you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Thurs. between
the Crosses+++
Friday is "Embrace The Cross" ; you will find Friday's between
the Crosses+++
May we turn our nightlights on +++
God Bless You and Your family always
Lori Foster
Here Now Madness
Here Now Madness (lyrics)
Closer Then You Know (lyrics)
Closer then You Know (on top of tower)
Where Feet May Fail (live)
Where Feet May Fail
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Thurs. between
the Crosses+++
Friday is "Embrace The Cross" ; you will find Friday's between
the Crosses+++
May we turn our nightlights on +++
God Bless You and Your family always
Lori Foster
Here Now Madness
Here Now Madness (lyrics)
Closer Then You Know (lyrics)
Closer then You Know (on top of tower)
Where Feet May Fail (live)
Where Feet May Fail
Monday, July 6, 2020
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Rwanda Video's & Movie Clips
You can also find these video's on "My Favorites" 11-18-2016
and "My Favorites #2 " 3-4-2018
and "My Favorites #2 " 3-4-2018
Rwanda videos at the bottom of post+++
note: The Genocide in Rwanda Africa began (April 7, 1994, to
July 1994.) killing at least a million people of all ages in 100 days.
May our prayers continue for the people of Rwanda! May they
continue to heal and have peace of God's Love!
God Bless you and your loved one's!
Yours in Christ,
Lori Foster
note: The Genocide in Rwanda Africa began (April 7, 1994, to
July 1994.) killing at least a million people of all ages in 100 days.
May our prayers continue for the people of Rwanda! May they
continue to heal and have peace of God's Love!
God Bless you and your loved one's!
Yours in Christ,
Lori Foster
note: On day fifteen 280,000 people were murdered.
Sadly, the UN had 2500 troops on the ground and
pulled out 2,230, leaving 270 to take care of the
massive genocide. All the officials, including
were very aware of the genocide taking place.
They were presented with footage of the slaughtering
of the people and turned a blind eye.
The Hutus at that time period hated the Tutsis, because
of anger and jealousy between them. The Belgians viewed
the Tutsi minority as superior, and favored Tutsi for
leadership positions. This favoritism created ongoing and
deeper tensions between Hutu and Tutsi.
Tensions had begun to stir for decades between the Hutu
and Tutsi people of Rwanda. The country had been operated
under the Belgian colonial rule from after the
first World War until 1962. During this time period, the
colonial policies fostered divisions between the Hutu, who
made up the largest ethnic group on their country. And the
Tutsi, formed the second to largest ethnic group.
In the late 1950's and early 1960's, the Belgian rule gained
strength in Rwanda, and the struggles for independence
began. These struggles included violence between Hutu
and Tutsi as the two groups strived for power.
A 1959-1962 revolution led to national independence, with
Hutu leaders assuming control of government. Many
Tutsi were massacred or forced to flee Rwanda as the
ruling government portrayed them as threats to Rwanda.
The anti-Tutsi sentiments behind these attacks
contributed to the conditions for the genocide that
followed 32 years later. Many people at that time
didn't even know if they were a Tutsi or Hutu and
many were both.
The International Community largely ignored
the genocide in Rwanda. They had a weak
statement of labeling it an
internal conflict. They were informed of the
genocide taking place and turned a blind eye.
The evil plan continued of the massacres among
thousands and thousands of innocent lives on a
daily basis.
The Rwanda genocide ended July 15, 1994, when the Tutsi
dominated rebel movement, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)
captured Kigali. The RPF overthrew the Hutu government and
seized power.
Hotel Rwanda (Beginning scene) 2-23-2021
Hotel Rwanda 2004/ Hutu Leave Scene/ 7-5-2020
Opening Scene of Hotel Rwanda / 7-5-2020
Hotel Rwanda / There's always room scene/ 7-5-2020
Hotel Rwanda / There will be no rescue / 7-5-2020
Hotel Rwanda / How can people not intervene / 7-5-2020 *************
A grave situation scene/ Hotel Rwanda / 7-5-2020
Hutu & Tutsi problem explained / Hotel Rwanda/ 7-5-2020
Rwanda Africa after the genocide / 7-5-2020
Rwanda April 1994/ 7-6-2020
Romeo Dallaire on 1994 Genocide (3 mins) 7-6-2020
Hotel Rwanda 2004/ Hutu Leave Scene/ 7-5-2020
Opening Scene of Hotel Rwanda / 7-5-2020
Hotel Rwanda / There's always room scene/ 7-5-2020
Hotel Rwanda / There will be no rescue / 7-5-2020
Hotel Rwanda / How can people not intervene / 7-5-2020 *************
A grave situation scene/ Hotel Rwanda / 7-5-2020
Hutu & Tutsi problem explained / Hotel Rwanda/ 7-5-2020
Rwanda Africa after the genocide / 7-5-2020
Rwanda April 1994/ 7-6-2020
Romeo Dallaire on 1994 Genocide (3 mins) 7-6-2020
Hotel Rwanda Official Video / 2-12-2021 (Until the day everything changed)
May God continue His Blessings of Love upon Rwanda Africa
and see all things new .
Prayers in Christ,
Lori Foster
Reomeo Dallair United Nations commander during the Rwanda Genocide ; He did everything
he could +++ God Bless Him always
July 5th "Embrace The Cross" Chants / Rwanda Video's
July 5th is "Embrace The Cross" may you go to
Days of the week music ; You will find the 5th of the
month between the Crosses+++
May we turn our nightlights on +++ENJOY
Rwanda Video's and Movie clips / 7-5-2020
Monks singing Gregorian Chant
Dominican Nun's Chanting
Nun's Chants of Arignon
Singing Monks of Norcia
Marian Chant from Norcia , by Monks
Voices Chant from Avignon
Closer to Your Heart , by Kari Jobe
Divine Mercy in Song (beautiful)
Days of the week music ; You will find the 5th of the
month between the Crosses+++
May we turn our nightlights on +++ENJOY
Rwanda Video's and Movie clips / 7-5-2020
Monks singing Gregorian Chant
Dominican Nun's Chanting
Nun's Chants of Arignon
Singing Monks of Norcia
Marian Chant from Norcia , by Monks
Voices Chant from Avignon
Closer to Your Heart , by Kari Jobe
Divine Mercy in Song (beautiful)
Friday, July 3, 2020
Happy 4th of July / Friday is "Embrace The Cross" & Sat. is "Army of Prayer & Rosary"
Happy 4th of July
Song For America
note: Fri. is Embrace The Cross go to
Days of the Week Music / you will find Fri. between the Crosses
and Sat. is "Army of Prayer & Rosary" you will find Sat. between
the Crosses as well !
May we turn our nightlights on +++
Song For America
note: Fri. is Embrace The Cross go to
Days of the Week Music / you will find Fri. between the Crosses
and Sat. is "Army of Prayer & Rosary" you will find Sat. between
the Crosses as well !
May we turn our nightlights on +++
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Army of Prayer & Rosary / Cathedrals /An Angel's Visit
Thursday is "Army of Prayer & Rosary" may you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Thurs. between
the Crosses+++
Cathedrals (lyrics)
Jesu Dulcis Memoria
No Man Is An Island
I Have This Hope
An Angel's Visit / 9-12-2017
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Thurs. between
the Crosses+++
Cathedrals (lyrics)
Jesu Dulcis Memoria
No Man Is An Island
I Have This Hope
An Angel's Visit / 9-12-2017
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