
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

A Thousand Years (One step closer )


Army of Prayer & Rosary/ I Safely Passed By

 Today is Tues. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you

go to Days of the Week Music: you will find Tues.

between the Crosses+++your click will be your given


Praying in Unity to Our Loving Lord+

As I'm walking through

I see such wonder of God's

Holy joy!

You passed by me with

such gentle care.

Your tiny cry was music


I am blessed.

by Lori

Yours in Christ love,

Lori Foster


I Safely Passed By

I Won't Give Up

A Thousand years

You Make Me Brave

You Make Me Brave (live)

I Safely Passed By

 It's a gloomy and rainy day.

My Mom has an appointment

to see a doctor about me.

I am getting stronger every day

and I believe I am about ten

weeks old. 

My Father goes with her to

the clinic but they both

are anxious and nervous.

My Father awaits in the

waiting room and my

Mom's name is called.

My Mother is comfortably

sitting on a table of some sort.

I believe she is waiting for the

doctor to examine her about me!

I hope I am causing no trouble

and everything will be fine with me

and my mom!

O' Lord help my mom today!

I can hear conversation between

my mom and the nurse.

They give her some information

about how to end her pregnancy

and that involves me!

The nurse leaves the room and

my mom awaits to see the doctor.

Suddenly, I can feel a nudge against

 my body! It feels like a small tap but

I realize it's my mom!

She is weeping!

I can hear another voice

and my mom is listening

to her doctor speak.

He examines her and

some more words are


My mom's weeping 

went away and I don't feel

anymore nudging against

my tiny frame.

My mom is alone in the

room and she is free to


As my mom stands up

and looks inside

her purse. She pulls

out the information she

was given about how to

end my life. 

She puts the abortion

pamphlet inside the

trashcan and walks

down the hallway.

We pass by several


and wondering if any

mom is ending her

babies' life.

As we both are walking

down the hallway I 

realized I will be able

to continue my growth.

 I also realized I will

be known and


 because of 

my mom! 

"I safely passed by."


Dear Reader, this story reminds me

of Corrie Ten Boom.

She was released from the Death Camp

on January 1, 1945. She couldn't believe her

name was among the ones to be released that

day! She looked at her friends who wasn't so


She had tears of sadness and tears of joy!

She walked out of the gate with her small

belongings and held on tight to her dismissal


It was a cold New Years Day!

Everything looked beautiful and

gave her warmth inside.

{Corrie later found out that her

release was a clerical error. All

the women in her barracks had 

been taken to the gas chamber

a few days after Corrie was 

released. She would have been

among them.}

She safely passed by




by Lori Foster


Note: In the story "I Safely Passed By."

The Mom discarded the given pamphlets

that can kill her unborn baby. 

The Mom held tight to her unborn child

safely in her womb. And the child

receives Life of Freedom.'

In Corrie Ten Boom's release on

New Year's Day 1945, Corrie

passes by all the exit gates

holding her release papers

tight! Because of

a mistake due to clerical error,

she receives Life of Freedom.'


As I'm walking through

I see such wonder of God's 

Holy joy!

I see you pass by me

with such gentle care.

Your tiny cry was music


I am blessed.

by Lori Foster

I Won't Give Up

A Thousand years (One Step closer)

You Make Me Brave (As your love in wave after wave)

You Make Me Brave (live) You are for us you are not

against us)

The Hiding Place note: you can find "Corrie's Release."

at the bottom of post.

Anne Frank

Friday, January 27, 2023

Embrace the Cross/ The Hiding Place/ Anne Frank

 Today is Fri. "Embrace the Cross." May you go

to Days of the Week Music: you will find Fri.

between the Crosses+++your click will be your

given response.

Embracing the Cross of Jesus in prayer+

May we turn our nightlights on+

May you be Blessed by our Lord,

Lori Foster


The Hiding Place

Anne Frank


Place your Divinity Upon Ukraine+

We Weep+

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The 50-year Battle Upon the Voiceless ' Remember Me ?

 January 22 is the 50th Anniversary of Roe V Wade'

the Passed Law to Murder the unborn children.

May we go to Days of the Week Music: you will find

Special Events between the Crosses+++

The Silent Battle that was placed upon the voiceless

Must End! How does it finally End? By each of Us!

Walk Away and Embrace the Cross Movement

 for the voiceless' 

Your Click will be your given response. +

May we turn our nightlights on for All of

the helpless unborn who could not fight to live. +


Placing Icing on the Cake

There is Only One you

Present and Knox


(You are the potter we are the clay

the work of your hands) Jesus is Pro-Life+


All That I'm Asking For (love speaks in silence)

Faiths Song  (I gave my heart although it's lost

it's still beating; I gave my soul and although

I'm broken I am still breathing)

Lori Foster's Thoughts on Abortion / The Baby

remains silent/ Why was I so ignored

The Silent Killer on the Unborn

Monday, January 16, 2023

The Story Behind the song Amazing Grace with videos

 Amazing Grace was written by a former slave trader John Newton.

Once sailing a ship full of slaves from Africa his ship was hit by

a fierce storm.  Newton feared for his life and got down on his

knees and begged the good Lord to spare his life. He promised

the Lord that if he would only spare his life he would change

his ways and stop trading slaves. 

The storm calmed down and Newton wrote the song 

"Amazing Grace", full of sorrow and love and hope

that he would be forgiving of his sins.

One of the most powerful songs ever written and this is one

of the most beautiful versions recorded. 

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound

that saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost, but now I'm found.

Was blind, but now I see.

Twas grace that taught my heart to feel

and grace my fears relieved.

How precious did that grace appear

the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers toils and snared

We have already come.

'Twas grace that brought us safe that far

and grace will lead us home.

When we've been there ten thousand years

Bright shining as the sun,

We've no less days to sing God's praise

Than when we'd first begun.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost, but now I'm found.

Was blind, but now I see.


Amazing Grace (song)

Amazing Grace 


No Longer Slaves

Rescue Story

Martin Luther King's Day / Farewell to the Brave/Heroic Acts

Today is Martin Luther King's Day! May you go 

to Days of the Week Music: you will find Special Days and

Events between the Crosses+++Your click will be your

given response.

We as a people of Christ holiness praying together+

May we turn our nightlights on+

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori Foster


Martin Luther King Day

Farewell to the Brave

Heroic Acts

My thoughts on rioting in America and our world

Amazing Grace (The Story behind it)

The Story behind the song Amazing Grace with videos

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Embrace the Cross is the 5th of the month /Army of Prayer & Rosary/ Pope Benedict XVI Quotes

 Today is Feb 5th "Embrace the Cross" and 

Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you

go to Days of the Week Music; you will find

5th of the month and Thurs. 

between the Crosses+++your click

will be your given response.

At the feet of Christ in his infinite love+

Jesus, we love you Embrace Us on our 

daily path to you+

May we turn our nightlights on+

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori Foster


Pope Benedict XVI Quotes

Pope Benedict XVI Quotes

Pope Benedict XVI

was born on April 16, 1927. 

Parents Joseph Alois Ratzinger In

Marktl am Inn, Germany,

he was the youngest of three

children to Joseph and Maria


Pope Benedict XVI went to be

with Our Lord Jesus on

December 31, 2022+++

He was the head of the Catholic

Church and sovereign of the

Vatican City State from April 19, 2005

until his resignation on

 February 28, 2013+++

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI: last words

"Lord, I love you."


note: there are videos at the bottom

of post.

 1) "If you follow the will of God, you

know that in spite of all the terrible

things that happen to you, you will

never lose a final refuge. You know

that the foundation of the world is

love, so that even when no human

being can or will help you, you may

go on trusting in the One that loves


2)"Truth is not determined by a

majority vote."

3)"The world offers you comfort. But

you were not made for comfort. You

were made for greatness."

4) "We are not some casual and

meaningless product of evolution.

Each of us is the result of a thought

of God."

5) "Each of us is the result of a thought

of God. Each of us is willed. Each of

us is loved. Each of us is necessary."

6) " To have Christian hope means to

know about evil and yet to go to 

meet the future with confidence. The

core of faith rests upon accepting being

loved by God, and therefore to believe

is to say Yes, not only to him,

but to creation, to creatures, above all,

to me, to try to see the image of God

in each person and thereby to become

a lover. That's not easy, but 

the basic Yes, the conviction that God 

has created men, that he stands 

behind them, that they aren't simply

negative, gives love a reference

point that enables it to ground hope

on the basis of faith.

7) "Are we not perhaps all afraid in

some way? If we let Christ enter

fully into our lives, if we open

ourselves totally to him, are we not

afraid to give up something

significant, something unique,

something that makes life so

beautiful? Do we not then risk

ending up diminished and deprived

of our freedom?... No! If we let

Christ into our lives, we lose

nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing

of what makes life free, beautiful

and great. No! Only in this

friendship is the great potential of human

existence truly revealed. Only in this

friendship so we experience beauty

and liberation. And so, today, with

great strength and great conviction,

on the basis of long personal

experience of life, I say to you, dear

young people: Do not be afraid of

Christ! He takes nothing away, and

he gives you everything. When we

give ourselves to him, we receive a

hundredfold in return. Yes, open,

open wide the doors to Christ-and

you will find true life. Amen"

8) "Something I constantly notice is that

unembarrassed joy has become

rarer. Joy today is increasingly

saddled with moral and ideological

burdens, so to speak. When someone

rejoices, he is afraid of offending

against solidarity with the many

people who suffer. I don't have any

right to rejoice, people think, in a 

world where there is so much 

misery, so much injustice.

I can understand that. Ther is a

moral attitude at work here. But this

attitude is nonetheless wrong. The

loss of joy does not make the world 

better-and, conversely, refusing joy

for the sake of suffering does not

help those who suffer. The contrary

is true. The world needs people who

discover the good, who rejoice in it

and thereby derive the impetus and 

courage to do good. Joy, then, does

not break with solidarity. When it is

the right kind of joy, when it is not

egotistic, when it comes from the 

perception of the good, then it wants

to communicate itself, and it gets

passed on. In this connection, it

always strikes me that in the poor

neighborhoods of, say South

America, one sees many more

laughing happy people that among

us. Obviously, despite all their

misery, they still have the 

perception of the good to which they

cling and in which they can find

encouragement and strength.

In this sense we have a new need for

that primordial trust which

ultimately only faith can give. That

the world is basically good, that God

is there and is good. That it is good to

live and to be a human being. This

results, then, in the courage to 

rejoice, which in turn becomes

commitment to making sure that

other people, too, can rejoice and

receive good news."

9) "Evil draws its power from

indecision and concern for what

other people think."

10) "Purity of heart is what enables us to 


11) "The aim of all Christian education,

moreover, is to train the believer in

an adult faith that can make him a

"new creation", capable of bearing

witness in his surroundings to the 

Christian hope that inspires him."

12) "Wherever politics tries to be

redemptive, it is promising too

much. Where it wishes to do the 

work of God, it becomes not divine,

but demonic."

13) "The fundamental human right, the

presupposition of every other right,

is the right to life itself. This is true

of life from the moment of

conception until its natural end.

Abortion, consequently, cannot be a

human right-it is the very

opposite. It is a deep wound in 


{Presupposition: a thing tacitly, assumed

beforehand at the beginning of a line

of argument or course of action.}

14) "One who has hope lives differently."

15) "It is not by sidestepping or fleeing

from suffering that we are healed, 

but rather by our capacity for

accepting it, maturing through it and

finding meaning through union with 

Christ, who suffered with infinite


16) " Seeing with the eyes of Christ, I can

give to others much more that their

outward necessities: I can give them

the look of love which they crave.

17) " The human person finds his

perfection "in seeking and loving

what is true and good."

18) "It is when we attempt to avoid

suffering by withdrawing from

anything that might involve hurt,

when we try to spare ourselves the 

effort and pain of pursuing truth,

love, and goodness, that we drift into

a life of emptiness, in which there

may be almost not pain, but the dark

sensation of meaninglessness and 

abandonment is all the greater."

19) "Beauty, then is not mere decoration,

but rather an essential element of 

the liturgical action, since it is an

attribute of God himself and his

revelation. These considerations

should make us realize the care

which is needed, if the liturgical

action is to reflect its innate


{Liturgical: relating to liturgy or

 public worship}

20) "Knowing is not simply a material

act, since the object that is known

always conceals something beyond

the empirical datum. All our

knowledge, even the most simple, is

always a minor miracle, since it can

never be fully explained by the 

material instruments that we apply

it. In every truth there is

 something more than we would

have expected, in the love that we

receive there is always an element

that surprises us."

{Empirical: based on, concerned with,

or verifiable by observation or 

experience rather than theory

or pure logic.}

{Datum: A piece of information}

note: you can find this post underneath

My Favorites #2


How Beautiful (you will love this video)

Waiting in Silence

Bread of Angels

You Are a Priest Forever(beautiful)

Mary goes to Jesus (my favorite)

Oh Mary (beautiful)

Angel's (sing with the Angels)


Guardian Angels

John Ch. 6