
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Saturday, May 29, 2021

God Bless America ! God Bless Our World !

Today is Saturday "Army of  Prayer & Rosary."  May you go to

Blessings to All on this Memorial Day Weekend !
May we turn our nightlights on +++

Friday, May 28, 2021

God Arises His Enemies are Scattered



Psalm 68 

God arises; his enemies are scattered,

and those who hate him flee before him.

As smoke is driven away, so are they driven;

as wax melts before the fire,

as the wicked perish before God.

But the just rejoice and exult before God;

they are glad and rejoice.

Sin to God, chant praise to his name

extol him who rides upon the clouds,

Whose name is the Lord;

exult before him.

The father of orphans and the defender of


is God in his holy dwelling.

God gives a home to the forsaken;

he leads forth prisoners to prosperity;

only rebels remain in the parched land. 

Psalm 73

How good God is to the upright;

the Lord, to those who are clean of heart !

Bus , as for me, I almost lost my balance;

my feet all but slipped,

Because I was envious of the arrogant

when I saw them prosper though they were


For they are in no pain;

their bodies are sound and sleek;

They are free from the burdens of mortals,

and are not afflicted like the rest of men.

So pride  adorns them as a necklace;

as a robe violence enwraps them.

Out of their crassness comes iniquity;

their fancies overflow their hearts.

They scoff and speak evil;

outrage from on high they threaten.

They set their mouthings in place of heaven,

and their pronouncements roam the earth;

"So he brings his people to such a pass

that they have not even water!"

And they say, "How does God know?"

And, "Is there any knowledge in the Most


Such, then are the wicked;

always carefree, while they increase in


Is it but in vain I  have kept my heart clean

and washed my hands as an innocent man?

for I suffer affliction day after day

and chastisement with each new dawn.

Had I thought, "I will speak as they do,"

I had been false to the fellowship of your


Though I tried to understand this

it seemed to me too difficult.

Till I entered the sanctuary of God

and considered their final destiny.

You set them, indeed on a slippery road;

you hurl them down to ruin.

How suddenly they are made desolate!

They are completely wasted away amid


As though they were the dream of one who

had awakened, O Lord.

so will you, when you arise, set at nought

these phantoms.

Because my heart was embittered and

my soul was pierced,

I was stupid and understood not;

I was like a brute beast in your presence.

Yet with you I shall always be;

you have hold of my right hand;

With your counsel you guide me.

and in the end you will receive me in glory.

Whom else have I in heaven?

and when I am with you, the earth delights

me not.

Though my flesh and my heart and my portion


For indeed, they who withdraw from you perish;

you destroy everyone who is unfaithful to you.

But for me, to be near God is my good;

to make the Lord God my refuge.

I shall declare all your works

in the gates of the daughter of Zion.

May God Bless You and Your loved ones,

Lori Foster

Ashes Remain ; 4-2021

What Are You Painting Today ?/ 4-20-2021

Thursday, May 27, 2021

For The Lord Your God Is A Merciful God



Deuteronomy Ch: 4 Verse 31

For the Lord your God is a

merciful God. He will not leave

you or destroy you or forget the 

covenant with your fathers that

he swore to them.

Matthew Ch:28 Verse 20

....And behold , I am with you

always , to the end of the age."

Hebrews Ch:4 Verse 16

Let us then with confidence

draw near to the throne of grace,

that we may receive mercy and

find grace to help in time of


Romans Ch:8 Verse 28

And we know that for those who

love God all things work

together for good, for those who

are called according to his


Philippians Ch:4 Verses 6-7

Do not be anxious about

anything, but in everything by

prayer and supplication with

thanksgiving let your requests

be made known to God. And the

peace of God, which surpasses

all understanding , will guard

your hearts and your minds in

Christ Jesus.+++


Everything , by Lifehouse ; 2-1-2018

Jesus Wept ; 5-16-2017

Rest ; 5-15-2017

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

But as for Me , the nearness of God is my good


Psalm 73-28

But as for me, the nearness of God is my good;

I have made the Lord God my refuge,

That I may tell of all your works.

Psalm 16:8

I have set the Lord continually before me;

Because He is at my right hand, I will not be


Psalm 34:18

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted

and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 145:18

The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,

to all who call upon Him in truth.

Psalm 119:151

You are near, O Lord,

And all your commandments are truth.

Psalm 119:151

The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,

to all who call upon Him in truth.

Isaiah 50:8

He who vindicates Me is near;

who will contend with Me?

Let us stand up to each other;

Who has a case against Me?

Let him draw near to Me.


Who You Say I Am / 8-2018

You Say / 9-2018

Say I Won't / 5-2021

Say I Won't (video) 5-2021 (It's an honor to be able to

share this video)

Let go , by Hillsong

Rescue Story , by Zach Williams

Less Like Me , by Zach Williams

Echo , by Tauren Wells


Saturday, May 22, 2021

Pentecost Sunday !

 May 23, 2021 is Pentecost Sunday ; the Birth of the Christian Church and  

Sat. is "Army of  Prayer & Rosary" .

May you go to Days of the Week Music; you will find Holy Days and Sat. 

Between the Crosses+++

May we turn our nightlights on +++

Pentecost Sunday ( videos and scripture)

Jesus calls Peter

Friday, May 21, 2021

Edition 2 "The Giver" Rosemary's piano scene

Piano & Violin Videos / Ludovico Einaudi and Stanton Lanier and more

 Piano & Violin Videos and more:

{Suggestion: May you listen to these piano and violin

pieces while you are getting ready for the day, washing dishes,

 housework, exercises on treadmill etc. 

floor exercises. Maybe you just want to simply relax. 

You will find them soothing and uplifting}


Rosemary's Theme Giver (Alternative Ending) / 5-2021

Rosemary's Theme (piano & violin) The Giver/5-2021  one of my favorite*

The Giver (piano scene) / 5-2021

Edition 2 'The Giver" Rosemary's Piano Theme / 5-2021 

Rosemary's Theme ' The Giver / piano cover 'Synthesia Tutorial / 6-2021

Ludovico Einaudi ; Nuvole Blanche /5-2021 one of my favorite*

Missed the Train (excellent pianist)/5-2021

Jacob's Piano / 5-2021 one of my favorite*

Ludovico Einaudi (experience)

Ludovico Einaudi (Fly; The Intouchables) 6-10-2021

Ludovico Einaudi (The Water Diviner) 6-10-2021

Jacob's Piano (Relaxing) 4 soundtracks ; 6-17-2021

Jacob's Piano (28 mins.) 6-18-2021

Ludovico Einaudi (10 pieces) 1hr / 6-18-2021

Jacob's Piano 3 original pieces (emotions) 14 mins. / 7-2-2021

Jacob's Piano 8 original pieces (light) 30 mins. / 7-2021

Giorni Dispari , by Ludovico Einaudi / 8-30-2021

Night , by Ludovico Einaudi / 8-30-2021

L E Onde, by Ludovico Einaudi (video) 8-30-2021

LE Onde , by Ludovico Einaudi / 8-30-2021

Oltremare ; by Ludovico Einaudi / 8-2021

Time Lapse (Visualizer , by Ludovico Einaudi / 9-2021

Svanire , by Ludovico Einaudi / 9-21-2021

Water Ways , by Ludovico Einaudi / 9-21-2021


Stanton Lanier:

Bread of Angels / 12-2022

Walking on Air / 8-6-2024

Open Spaces / 8-11-2024

Taken by a Cloud/ 8-11-2024

Awaken the Dawn/ 8-11-2024

Vive la Joye/ 8-11-2024

Embrace The Cross

 Today is Friday "Embrace The Cross" May you go to

Days of the week Music ; you will find Fridays

between the Crosses+++

May we turn our nightlights on +++

God Bless You and Your Loved Ones,

Lori Foster

One by One

Flora's Secret

Echoes in the Rain

Wild Child

The very best of Enya

Piano and Violin videos ; 5-2021

note: you can find this link on" Bundle of Music " link 

towards the top. 

Missed The Train (skip ads in between songs) excellent pianist / he nails it in the middle of the video !

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Ludovico Einaudi Nuvole Bianche

Rosemary's Theme ; Giver (Alternative ending)

Rosemary's Theme (piano & Violin) The Giver


Stoning of a woman ; Jesus of Nazareth

The Prodigal Son ; Jesus of Nazareth

He Will Make Straight Your Paths



In all your ways acknowledge him , and he will make

straight your paths.

2 Timothy Ch. 1 Verse 7 : For God gave us a spirit not of

fear but of power and love and self-control.

1 Peter Ch. 5 Verse 7 : Casting all your anxieties on him,

because he cares for you.

Note: The Bible teaches that we consist of body,

soul and spirit: " May God himself, the God of 

peace, sanctify you through and through.  "May your whole spirit , soul, 

and body be preserved blameless at the coming of Our Lord Jesus." 

Thessalonians Ch. 5 Verse 23 ) Our material bodies are 

evident , but our souls and spirits are less distinguishable. 

1 Peter Ch. 5 Verses 6-7: Bow humbly under God's

mighty hand, so that in due time he may lift you high.

Cast all your cares  on him because he cares for you.


In John Ch. 10 verse 30 ; Jesus stated ,"The Father and I are one."

Many of the Jews wanted to stone Jesus for blaspheming.

John Ch. 10 verse 36-38; Jesus replied, "Do you claim that

I blasphemed when, as he whom the Father consecrated

and sent onto the world.

I said, "I am God's Son"?

If I do not perform my Father's works ,\

put no faith in me. 

But if I do perform them,

even though you put no faith in me,

put faith in these works,

so as to realize what it means

that the Father is in me

and I in him."

Verse 39; At these words they again tried to arrest

him, but he eluded their grasp.

Return to the Jordan Ch: 40-42;  Then he went back

across the Jordan to the place where John had been

baptizing earlier, and while he

stayed there many people came to him.

"John may never have performed a sign."

they commented. "but  whatever John said

about this man was true."  In that place

many came to believe in him.


John the Baptist (Jesus Cousin meets Jesus) / 3-1-2017

The Stand

Blessed Be Your Name :  ( When the darkness closes in Lord,

 still I will say Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Blessed be your name.)

The Prodigal Son

The Stoning of a Woman

note: you can find these two videos and more on "My Bundle of music"  click on

link #8 Jesus of Nazareth / Passion of Christ Video's 


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Snow Memory scene / The Giver


The Giver

 The Giver Short Movie clips / 8-2020

note: you can also find this link on "My Favorites #2 

underneath VIDEOS ; towards the bottom . And

you can also find it on Pro-Life Videos and Stories . 

The Giver (Ceremony)

Piano Scene "The Giver"

Come to Me All of you who are weary

Matthew Ch: 11 Verses 28-30 

Come to me, all you who are weary

and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,

for I am gentle and humble in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls.

for my yoke is easy and

my burden is light . 


Proverbs Ch:3 Verses 5-6 

Trust in the Lord with all your

heart and lean not on your own

understanding; in all your

ways submit to him,

and he will make your paths



Isaiah Ch: 40 Verses 29-31

He gives strength to the weary

and increases the power of the 


even youths grow tired and weary,

and young men stumble and fall ;

but those who hope in the Lord

will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like


they will run and not grow weary,

they will walk and not be faint.



All  you ever wanted / 1-2016

You Are Mine / 11-2016 (Do not be afraid I am with you )

O Come Emmanuel / 1-2017 (love this video)

Hallelujah / 1-2017

We Found Love / 9-7-2017

Life of Praise / 5-17-2017

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Colored Image of Jesus

 Dear Ones,  I asked my son if he could place the "Colored Image" of my given

vison "Jesus Dying on The Cross" on the blog. 

My son ,  had done a colored copy shortly after the original black and white drawing

in Aug 2009.   I mailed the colored copy to him a few years ago

to be placed on "Embrace The Cross" blog.

I recently asked him if he still had the "Colored Image" and he did.  I then

asked him if he could place it on my blog and keep the black and white Image

of Jesus on the original "Embrace the Cross" website. 

On May 9, 2021 (Mothers Day)  my son Placed the colored Image on my blog. 

I wanted the viewers to know my given dream was in color and very graphic.  

you may read the given vision on the link below:

May God Keep Blessing You All,

sincerely yours in Christ love,

Lori Foster 

Jesus Dying on The Cross ; 1-2017 

My Given Dreams by Lori Foster ; 9-2017

Note: you can find "The colored image of Jesus" and "My Given Dreams" 

on My Favorites #2 .

You , Lord are forgiving and good


The Colored Image of Jesus ; 5-2021

Psalm  86: Verse 5

You , Lord, are forgiving and good,

abounding in love to all who call

to you.

Mark Ch: 11 Verse 25

And when you stand

praying, if you hold anything

against anyone, forgive

them, so that your Father

in heaven may forgive

you your sins.

Psalm 32 Verse 1

Blessed is the one whose

transgressions are forgiven,

whose sins are covered.

Matthew Ch: 18 Verses 21-22

"Then Peter came to Jesus

and asked, "Lord, how many

times shall I forgive my 

brother or sister who sins

against me?  Up to seven

times?"  Jesus answered,

"I tell you, not seven times,

but seventy-seven times."


"Be kind and compassionate to one

another, forgiving each other, just as in

Christ God forgave you. " For if you forgive

other people when thy sin against you,

your heavenly Father will also forgive you."

"Bear with each other and forgive one another

if any of you has a grievance against someone."


You Say / 9-2018

Look Up Child / 3-2019

I Am Not Alone / 7-2020

Because He lives / 4-2017

Friday, May 14, 2021

Miracles Out of Nowhere , by Kansas

The Works of The Lord

 Psalm 107 Verses 23-32

They who sailed the sea in ships,

trading on the deep waters.

These saw the works of the Lord

and his wonders in the abyss.

His command raised up a storm wind

which tossed its waves on high.

They mounted up to heaven; they sank to

the depths.

Their hearts melted away in their plight.

They reeled and staggered like drunken men,

and all their skill was swallowed up.

They cried to the Lord in their distress;

from their straits he rescued them.

He hushed the storm to a gentle breeze,

and the billows of the sea were stilled;

They rejoiced that they were calmed,

and he brought them to their desired haven.

Let them give thanks to the Lord for

his kindness

and his wondrous deeds to the 

children of men.

Let them extol him in the assembly of the


and praise him in the council of the elders.

Note: meaning of Strait:  A narrow passage of

water connecting two seas or two other large

areas of water. 


Friday is "Embrace The Cross."  May you go to 

Days of the week music ; you will find Fridays

between the Crosses+++

Ever Be ; 5-2018

God I Look to You ; 6-2020

King of the World ; 2-2020

There was Jesus ; 11-2020

 Shine Like Gold ; 4-2020

May we turn our nightlights on +++

God Bless You Dear Ones,

Lori Foster 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

May 13 th "The Ascension of Jesus" & "Army of Prayer & Rosary"

 May 13th is "The Ascension of Jesus." May we go to 

Days of the Week Music ; you will find Feast Days between

the Crosses+++  Also , Thurs. is "Army of Prayer & Rosary" 

you will find Thurs. between the Crosses+++

May we turn our nightlights on +++


The Ascension of Jesus (scripture & videos)

The Ascension , by Phil Wickham

Blessed Redeemer

The Well 

Just To Be With You

Salt and Light

Show Me your Glory

I've Always Loved You

Wednesday's Pick-me-up

 Today is Wednesday's Pick-me-up !

May Our Lord Bless You in His love +++

City on the Hill

Follow Me

Praise You with a Dance

Stay and Wait

Touch the Sky 

I Am For You ; 3-1-2020

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

I Give You A New Command Love One Another

So Will I

For The One

No Longer Slaves



John Ch: 13 Verses 34-35

I give you a new command: Love

one another. Just as I have loved

you, you are also to love one

another.  By this everyone will know

that you are my disciples, if you love

one another.

1 Thessalonians  Ch: 3 Verse 12

And may the Lord cause you to 

increase and overflow with love for

one another and for everyone, just

as we do for you.

Ephesians Ch: 4 Verse 32

And be kind and compassionate to

one another, forgiving one another,

just as God also forgave you in


1 Thessalonians Ch: 5 Verse 11

Therefore encourage one another

and build each other up as you are

already doing. 

Galatians Ch:6 Verse 2

Carry one another's burdens ; in this

way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

V-E Day

 Nazi Germany Surrenders on May 7, 1945

May 8 was declared Victory in Europe (V-E) Day 

A day still celebrated as a public Holiday in

some European Countries; including Russia.


Motherland, by Natalie Merchant

The Hiding Place ( Lori Foster's Notes.) 2-20-2021

Anne Franks Notes from Lori Foster's journal /  3-1-2021

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Happy Mothers Day !

 Dear Mothers,

May you be blessed by Jesus +

May you be surrounded by his love+

May God's peace be given always

to all of you and your loved ones.

Yours in Christ Love,

Lori Foster

Happy Mothers Day to Blessed Mary

Our Heavenly Mother of Peace+

May we turn our nightlights on +++

Blanket Our Towns Oh' Lord ; 9-2017

Anchor / 3-2018

Gentle Woman / 5-2021

Closer to Your Heart / 7-5-2020


1 Corinthians Ch: 13 Verse 4-7

"Love is patient and kind ; love

does not envy or boast; it is not

arrogant or rude.  It does not insist

on its own way, it is not irritable or

resentful, it does not rejoice at

wrongdoing, but rejoices with the 

truth .  Love bears all things,

believes all things, hopes all

things, endures all things."

Galatians Ch: 5 Verse 22-23\

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love,

joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness, self-control; against

such things there is no law."

Gentle Woman


Friday, May 7, 2021

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

For by Grace you have been Saved through Faith


Jesus in Disguise ; 5-2017

Yours Will Be ; 5-2017

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus ; 5-2017

How Beautiful ; 5-2017 (communion song)


What Are You Painting Today ? 4-2021 ***

Ephesians Ch 2: Verses 8-10 

For by grace, you have been

saved through faith.  And this is not your

own doing: it is the gift of God, not a

result of works, so that no one may

boast.  for we are his

workmanship, created in Christ, Jesus

for good works, which God prepared

beforehand, that we should walk in them.

2 Corinthians Ch 4: Verses 16-18

So, we do not lose heart. Though our outer

self is wasting away, our inner self is being

renewed day by day.  For this light

momentary affliction is preparing for us

an eternal weight of glory beyond all

comparison, as we look not to the things

that are seen but to the things that are 

unseen.  For the things that are seen are

transient (momentary) but the things that are unseen

are eternal.