
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Sunday, January 28, 2024

January 17, 1994

 On January 17, 1994, was the beginning of my first page

in my writings. Here are a few links to my story.

May God Bless You All,

Lori Foster


Lori Foster's Story

My Speech

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Pro-Life March for Life

 January 22, Roe V Wade the Right to have an

abortion. May you go to Days of the Week Music:

you will find "Special Events" between the 

Crosses+++your Click will be your given


Click: Walk Away and Embrace the Cross Movement"

began Feb. 5, 2022

May we together Embrace the Cross of Jesus+

May we turn our nightlights on for ALL the 

Unborn lives taken+

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori foster


Jona "The Giver" One Republic

The Piano Scene

{Jona got it right!

Can we all be Jonas?

Let's be Brave!

God is our Strength!}


The Baby Twin Release "The Giver"

You Can't Say I'm Not Human

Until an animal can speak for themselves you have to

Pro-Life Videos and Stories 

The Giver (short movie clips)

The Boy in Striped Pajamas / The Giver

Angels by Hillsong

Project Rachel and Gabriel Project for pregnancies, depression,


Were you born?

 We need to address a very important question

to those who are for Abortion.

*Question " Were you allowed to be born?'

They would have to answer "Yes."

*My reply back " End of Story."

However, someone who is for Abortion rights

would reply back " Well, if my mom chose

to abort me I would respect that because

she had a choice to have me or not!"

*I would answer back "So your life would

be at stake because of a feeling or a bad situation,

 and a

piece of paper giving approval?"

I would not call that respect!

The Pro-Choice person would reply, "Yes!"

and furthermore "I would be

fine with that!" I would never know what happened

to me anyways and it's her choice!"

*My reply back," So if something bad happens to someone

who have no memory or no control of their bodies, it would

be alright?" 

The Pro-Choice would reply, " No! that is different!"

*I would ask, "How is that different?"

The Pro-Choice person would reply, "They are already born !"

*My reply , "So if you are not able to be born yet and you are helpless

bad things can happen to you?"

The Pro-Choice person would reply, " Yes ' It's legal!"

*My answer would be "If someone came to your door and

showed you a passed law of taking your family from you

what would you do?"

The Pro-Choice person would say "No way!" And you would

have to kill me first!"

*My reply, " It's a passed law! 

The Pro-Choice person would say, " Abortion is a choice

and taking my family from me would not be a choice!"

*My reply, " The unborn babies are placed in that very same

situation only they are complete helpless!"

The unborn baby is crying out "No ' let me live!"

The Pro-Choice person would reply, "Well, it's to bad

for the unborn but I'm for the woman's rights!"

*My reply, " So are you are for a law that can take an

unborn person's life?

She would answer "Yes!"

*My reply," Were you born?"

Everything I Own (song)

Nobody else could ever know

the part of me that can't let go

Please don't let me go!"

The unborn+


With Arms Wide Open (song)

Welcome to this place I'll

show you everything with arms

wide open+


Don't Stop Dancing (song)

Jesus is with us in ALL of our pain

and sorrows+ He will never leave us+

But I know I must go on! Believe+

Lori Foster's Thoughts on Abortion

The Spirit of Christmas Past by Enya

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day

O Holy Night (beautiful)

The Bells of Freedom

Pro-Life Stories and Videos


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ Placing Icing on the Cake/Families Protection

 Today is "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to 

Days of the Week Music: you will find Thurs.

between the Crosses+++your Click will be

your given response+

Praying in unity to Our Lord+

We look up to you O' Lord even

when things seem dim and low!

We come to your gentle sacred heart+

Show us your kind Holy Spirit+

You are the King of Kings+

Lord of Lords+


note: Reading scripture, Christian prayer books or

quotes, listening to Christian music or reading 

inspirational stories etc. Are participating in The

Army of God+

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori Foster


Placing Icing on the Cake

Families Protection

City On a Hill

Chris Rice, Casting Crowns, Tenth Avenue

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Friday, January 5, 2024

Embrace the Cross/ Walk Away and Embrace the Cross Movement/ Place your Divinity Upon Ukraine/ We Weep

 Today is Friday and the 5th of the Month "Embrace

the Cross." May you go to Days of the Week Music:

you will find Fridays and the 5th of the Month

between the Crosses+++Your Click will be

your given response+

Embracing the Cross of Jesus in All 

his Holiness+

May we turn our nightlights on+


Walk Away and Embrace the Cross Movement

Place your Divinity Upon Ukraine

We Weep


NOTE: Corrie Ten Booms book in 

The Hiding Place.

A Jewish baby was brought to the Ten Booms

house to keep it safe. Corrie was holding

the baby. One of the men staying

inside the Ten Boones house said, "No. Definitely not.

We could lose our lives for that Jewish child!"

Corrie's father had appeared in the doorway,

"Give the child to me, Corrie," he said.

{Father held the baby close, his white beard 

brushing its cheek, looking into the little

face with eyes as blue and innocent as the 

baby's...."You say we could lose our lives

for this child. I would consider that the 

greatest honor that could come to my family."}

To my reader, the Ten Booms kept the baby and

nurtured it and found it a safer place to stay.

The baby was smuggled to an underground

home to hide the Jews.

We as a people must protect all babies of all

ages even inside the womb+

Help us O' Lord in all we do even when 

life gets difficult.

{When we do our part God always fills

in the blanks.} by Lori

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ It's The Simple Things in Life/ I Am Missing You

 Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go

to Days of the Week Music: you will find Thurs.

between the Crosses+++your Click will be your

given response+

Uniting in prayer in The Army of God+

{praying with prayer books, reading scripture,

Christain quotes,

listening to Christian music, watching Christian

videos etc... are participating in The Army of God}

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori Foster


It's The Simple Things in Life

I Am Missing You