Today is Friday "Embrace The Cross." May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Friday's between
the Crosses+++you will also find "The Short way of
Embrace The Cross. "
May we turn our nightlights on +++
Blessings always,
Lori Foster
Today is Friday "Embrace The Cross." May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Friday's between
the Crosses+++you will also find "The Short way of
Embrace The Cross. "
May we turn our nightlights on +++
Blessings always,
Lori Foster
Note: you can find more of Ashes Remain (# 10 post )
music on "Bundle of Music" use web version on mobiles ;
you will see the link on the upper left hand side .
Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Thurs. between
the Crosses+++
Dear one's,
I want to tell you a story taking you back around 1980. I was close to
17 years old.
This story makes me want to cry every time I think about it ; but I want people to know
things can happen out of nowhere and when we are caught off guard.
It was a sunny warm summer day , and My mom and I wanted to visit my
Aunt Julie. I always loved going there to see my close cousins . I had just received my drivers permit and asked my Mom if I could drive ! She knew I needed to learn ; therefore she allowed me to drive. We both put on our seatbelts and headed down the long country roads.
I was doing fine on all the back roads and trying to be careful staying on my side of the road. About 15 minutes of driving , I proceed to pull out on a main highway. I only had to drive a few miles to reach
my aunts home . My mom's vehicle was a medium size car and I was feeling comfortable in my driving skills. As we became closer to my aunts road ; I noticed some large work trucks sitting on the road , that I needed to turn left on. I could see my aunts farm house in the distance , I was hesitating and sitting on the highway ! I looked in my rear view mirror and I could see a semi -truck in the distance and coming up behind us !
My mom said ,"Lori ! If you're going to turn you need to soon !" And as my Mom said those words the semi passes us on my left side , crashing the front left side of the vehicle ! The crash happened so quickly and I could hear and see metal flying all over the highway ! I looked at my mom and she said ,"Lori ! Are you o-k ?" I emotionally answered her , "Yes ! Are you o-k Mom ? " Remarkably we both were untouched and
the police were quickly on the scene. They helped us out of our car and I could see the long , semi skid marks on the pavement ! The semi driver was alright as well and walked over to see if we were alright.
I remember one of my cousins riding his bike up to the scene ! He was so surprised to see it was us !
The police drove us to my aunts and we were grateful !
I remember when my Father came to pick us up , I felt so bad for wrecking their car , but he was so thankful we were alright ! I was also thankful that nobody else had gotten hurt , and that it happened in the late afternoon , before rush hour. The timing was perfect due to the fact of the time of day ; and ironically me being slow ! Because seconds had already passed by, and if I would had turned when my mom said to ; the outcome probably would have been tragic ! The semi would have hit my door and who knows if we both would have made it.
I often think of that day and sometimes wonder why did God spare my life and my Mom's ?
I believe I will never know that answer , instead I ask myself ," What am I going to do with my life ?"
Dear one's ,
I know it's our nature to make mistakes , even unknowingly ! I believe we need to step back ; and take a good look at the picture God wants us to see ! If the picture is too busy or unclear ; we need to make
a change ! That change will have to come from us ! We must ask ourselves , "How can I become
closer to God ?" May we take a look around in our homes, children, spouses, and our loved ones . ask them and ourselves , "How can I make a difference ?"
May God Bless You , in His Divine Love,
Lori Foster
note: you can find this story on click here: My Favorites #2 3-4-2018 ( underneath Stories , by Lori Foster )
use web version for mobiles ; you will find "My Favorites" on the left side.
Wed. Pick-Me-Up / 4-28-2021 ********
April 28 th 1994 ( An important date I carried for 19 years.) ; 4-28-2021
Wednesday's Pick-me-up / 4-2021 ***********
Pro-Life Videos and Stories / 8-2016 ( You will find more video's of
"The Giver " & "The Boy in the Striped Pajama's " on this link ;
underneath Video's of Movies .)
Wednesday's Pick-me-up !
God Bless you always,
Lori Foster
Courage and Rejection / 4-2021
What Are You Painting Today ? / 4-2021
April 28 th 1994 ( I carried this date for 19 years )+++
How can it be that God gave you to me
Oh ' what a gift.
Your eyes are like diamonds from Heaven.
I didn't have to travel or climb any mountains,
for you were brought to me.
You are diamonds from Heaven.
I don't have to see fireworks in the sky.
The spark of life is in front of me.
For it is you , you are like
Diamonds from Heaven.
As our time together goes on
I will help your diamonds keep shining ,
for you are my Diamonds from Heaven.
by, Lori Foster
I wrote this short poem during my travel ; to my granddaughter Noelle's
2nd Birthday !
More Precious than Silver and God (song)
More Precious than Silver (song) you will love this video
God is More Precious than Silver and Gold (scripture)
A Bricklayer's Hands (poem by William Beaver my granddaughter's
Sat. is "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Sat. between
the Crosses+++
Jenn Johnson and More ; 5-2018
Bundle of Music ; 5-2017 note: you will find Jenn Johnson & more link
on #35.
You Make Me Brave ; 5-2018 (Album) note: you can find this link on
Bundle of Music # 36 Enjoy !!
Courage and Rejection ; 4-2021
Note: You will find (several songs )posted at the BOTTOM
of Jenn Johnson's post .
You will see (Osby Berry , Josh Sherman, Dante Bowe,
Barnes & Naomi Raines , Chandler Moore, and
Tauren Wells.)
Today is Friday "Embrace The Cross." May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Fridays between
May we turn our nightlights on +++
Blessings always to you and your loved ones+++
Deuteronomy 31: Verse 8 : "He will never leave
you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not
be discouraged."
Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Thurs. between the Crosses+++
Blessings Always,
Lori Foster
Dear One's,
Every April hits a nerve inside my soul. It takes me back at the beginning of "My Journals in 1994." As you have read "Lori Foster's Story." I try to explain how the crosses began appearing
on my bedroom wall and how Blessed Mary's image began to appear on March 1, 1994. Then remarkably her image left the main wall onto another on April 28, 1994. Then soon after; her image appeared on all four of my bedroom walls. May you go to link provided below "Lori Foster's Story." it will explain why and how the signs were given.
note: The Crosses are still appearing around my crucifixes daily.
During April 1994, I was in awe of what God allowed me to witness. Since
(Jan. 17, 1994, "The Day of the California Earthquake.") I never kept my story quiet. I told my story to my Priest, family and friends from the very beginning. The given signs were very inspirational. But learning about the Rwanda Genocide in July of 1994 , made me think about humanity.
How can people go up to another person and kill them ? How can people wipe out a group of people just because of their differences ? Watching the genocide unfold on the news; after it was all over was most devastating . Witnessing Blessed Mary's image form and appear on my bedroom walls was very peaceful but ; also meaningful. I had no answers at that time why ? The only answer I could think of was "urgent prayer" and to keep building the "Army of Prayer and Rosary."
Now that it has been 27 years since the Rwanda Genocide , and seeing how they have rebuilt their
country, is inspirational to the world. Since that horrific day of April 7, 1994, they have worked from the inside out in "reconciling "towards one another . They gathered up resources that could help build the bridges of reconnecting in their villages, and their cities. They asked God for help and he has blessed them in abundance. With their obedience to the Lord and through the power of prayer has helped them flourish. May our God Keep Blessing them !
Our Lord did give me a piece of that horrible time in the History of mankind. He gave me a short dream of placing me in Africa. It was terrifying and as if I was in a movie . I had carried this dream almost 20 years ; before I built up the courage to take it to my priest. He was receiving and showed
compassion on what I had to say ; and that gave me peace within. Overtime , I had tried to build up courage in trying to connect with a genocide survivor. I wanted to present the survivor a hand written letter I wrote on April 4, 2013 , but I never have been successful .
I did try to reach out to the Genocide Survivor's book publishing Co. only to be called "Spam , and for me not to contact them again." During that time period , I was new at learning how to answer emails and didn't know what "Spam" meant. But I knew it wasn't good. I could have sat at my computer and cried ; I only sat there in great disappointment.
( I did reply back in saying , " The documents was to be forwarded to the Genocide Survivor These documents are from my writings of twenty years time. It is obvious my writings are not to be in your care. I will not contact you again. )
For several more years I tried to reach out to the Genocide Survivor , but I never received any response.
My sadness of being rejected wasn't so much about my writings not being observed ; for it's not what I had asked of them. My only request was to simply forward my documents to the Rwanda Genocide Survivor .
I explained to the "Book Publishing Co." I had given them over twenty years of writings and they were personally for the "Genocide Survivor. " They dismissed my writings in about a 15 minute time frame.
In April of 2016 , I began writing on my blog and kept praying about "My Story." On Dec. 13, 2017 , I got brave and began writing "My Story " on my blog. I Knew that if I wanted my story to be known , I must be the one to tell it.
Yours In Christ Love,
Lori Foster
Lori Foster's Story ; 12-13-2017
April 28, 1994/ Because It's your Heart I See
A Visit of Comfort and Peace / 11-2017
Today is Tues. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Tues. between the
Crosses +++
Blessings in Christ Love,
Lori Foster
What Are You Painting Today ; 4-20-2021
Revelation , by Newsboys one of my favorite !
What are you painting today ' says the Lord !
What ? I am not a painter , what
do you mean ?
Do you love color ?
Do you enjoy fresh clean sheets ?
Yes , Lord , but that is not painting !
Think again , my child
Your home is like a painting to me
Your home is like a painting to your
family !
So I ask you again !
What are you painting today ?
But , My Lord , I am really
not a painter !
Every time you straighten up your
bedrooms ; you are beginning to
paint your home.
Every time you begin to do the
dishes ; you are painting a
beautiful painting for me and
those around you !
Lord ' you mean when I am
sweeping my floor ,
I am painting ?
Yes ! very much so !
I am the first one that
will see how you make
your first stroke of paint
on your page.
Lord , what about doing my
laundry ? Do you consider that
art work ?
Yes ! Look around !
A good painter will
vision his scenery ;
he will begin to place
his paint brush , ever
so gently on the page.
The painter always
loves to think of colors
and how to mix the colors
together !
But , my Lord ! What does
that have to do with my
house and daily chores ?
Your home is a place where
the most important people ,
whom you will ever meet , are in
your presence. Your family are the
most important people , whom
you should always hold on ,
and give your attention to.
Lord ! Are you telling me ,
that I am painting my home
for my family ?
Yes , my child ! But much
more ! You are painting
your home for me !
I see your home daily and
many things draw my attention
to . It's not only your physical
work , but your emotional and
spiritual well being as well !
What are you saying , my Lord ?
What you place your
ears to hear , and your eyes
to see , are instruments
that must be taken care of on a
daily basis.
Your ears are the color of
"yellow" It's being aware and
listening to those around you ;
such as a caution light.
Try not to be lacking in
your "attentiveness "of
your families needs and
those around you.
When you listen to sound
and music ; what kind of
signals are they producing?
Are the sounds soft and calming
or loud and scattered ?
But ' Lord ! Sometimes I need
energized !
Yes that is fine , however be
careful of what you choose for
your setting .
Your eyes are the color of
"blue , green or brown"
It's seeing the great
beauty all around you ;
such as the ocean , trees,
and the sky !
Who is that beauty , my Lord ?
You are ! " Yourself and your
family !" They are the greatest
beauty of them all !
But one of the greatest
instrument's of all is your
Voice . the color of "white."
Your voice is like the
background of the artist
page. It's the important
piece that keeps your
painting all together !
It's the platform that
your eyes , and ears ,
depend upon.
What do you mean , my Lord ?
Your voice sets the tone for
the rest of the body to receive.
A good artist knows that his
background is the important
piece that balances his artwork.
What does that have to do with
my voice , my Lord ?
Your voice and how you choose
to speak ; carries out the
rest of your body !
The tone in our voice can bring
forth fear and pain or on the
other hand ; happiness and joy !
Maybe it's the way people speak
to their spouses , or discipline
their children. Our voices helps
to keep our ears, and eyes in
balance of our everyday living !
Please , explain that Lord , to me
better !
A good artist always knows how
to capture his art piece.
The scenery will be placed in
given order. The artist has to
know his colors to mix and the
brushes to use . An art piece often tells
a story and there will be something
unique about his or her style.
The people looking at the art piece, will
be astonished or amazed ! Maybe the
artist doesn't always paint beauty , but
always shows character of something or
The artist tries to tell a story to his
audience through his or her painting.
Lord ! Are you telling me , that
my house tells a story ?
Yes ' my child !
Your house is part of your
soul ; so to speak.
It's our actions we give towards
others , and it's our voice that
sets the stage.
If we appear to be standoffish or
disengaged of those around us , it
can cause pain , loneliness, and a
sense of feeling unimportant. If
neglected , our house becomes
uncared for and broken.
Our ears, eyes, and voices are what
sets the tone for a successful and
prosperous home. They also bring
forth concern for others needs
and wants.
If a person is always feeding their
soul into grim , sad, and darkness,
their home will become dull and
So , I ask you my dear child of mine
"What are you painting today !"
Oh ' My Lord ! My answer will be
"My Love."
I will begin to paint my home
today !
May you hold on to your
paintbrush and gently
paint your picture ,
my child ' I will be
your guide +++
_Diamonds from Heaven /4-2021_
Audrey Assad Song by Song / 8-2017
Top Christian Songs Mix / 9-2017
Isaiah 64: Verse 8 : And yet , O Lord, you are Our Father. We are the
clay , and you are the potter... God you are the potter , I am the clay.
Jeremiah Ch:18 Verse 22 Like the clay in the potters hand so
are you in my hand O house of Israel
I wanted to tell you about a time in 2015, during my early writings of
"Embrace The Cross." A few years before 2015, I had been wanting
to build a website called "Embrace the Cross." I knew my son, Seth
being in Computer Science, and knowing how to build websites, could
probably build me one. Because. he had a full-time job at a university and he
was such a busy person, I didn't know if he would have the time. Throughout
the years I had cancelled it twice and told my son," I am still in prayer about it."
He would always answer me in a caring way "O-K Mom, I will hold on to all your
Finally, in July of 2014, I asked my son if he could still build me
a website and he replied, " Yes ' Mom, perfect timing! I had just built one
for my professor!" I was so excited of his response and a lot surer of myself.
I remember being at a family gathering and he showed me the "Embrace the Cross"
image on his phone.
Well, as time evolved, he kept working on my website and I was
continuing on writing short stories on paper. He said it would be a lot easier
if I could type all my stories, that I had so far, and email them to him.
I said, "Yes ' I know how to type.
I hadn't typed since the early 1980's, but I was eager to help! My daughter
at that time was 15 and she helped me with the computer.
I didn't know anything about the computer; however, my typing skills did kick in!
One day I had been working on "Embrace the Cross " website and I had been
at my computer for hours. Seth had already had much of my writings on my
website, but I accidently deleted all my writings! I was so sad and didn't know
what to do! Immediately, I called my son, and he told me that I didn't lose it
completely, furthermore, He said he could get it back. I was forever grateful!
My husband saw me sitting at my computer in distress and I sadly said to him, " Oh ' no ' I lost it!" then
he said, "If I was you, I would be crying!" I replied back in saying," Seth said
he could get it back!" It's somewhere out there in outer space!" It took my son
at least 2 hrs. to get the "Embrace the Cross" website back. (Note: my son
lives several hours away.)
So, a year passes by, and I am still sending Seth, my writings by email.
April of 2016, He mentions to me about having a blog. I said, "A blog! What's a blog?"
My blog began in April of 2016, and I have been writing ever since.
Army of Prayer & Rosary, began on March 1, 1994, and everything was sent
out by paper form; for many years. "Embrace The Cross" began Feb. 5, 2008, and was
given on paper form as well. They both were sent out together where God placed my
heart upon.
I ask God to keep blessing "Embrace the Cross" and all who are
"Embracing The Cross of Jesus." My prayer is
" Dear Lord, take "Embrace the Cross" where it needs to go and where you want it to go."
How Embrace the Cross began; posted May 2, 2016
The Boys On The Church Steps ; May 12 2016
My Signature is Written On Your Heart ; 4-5-2017 (My first website ; Embrace The Cross.) If you use a computer you can
view the links on the left side .)
Matthew Ch. 17 Verse 5 :While he was still speaking, a bright
cloud overshadowed them, and behold , a voice
out of the cloud said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom
I am will-pleased; Listen to Him !"
Matthew Ch: 28 Verse 3: And his appearance was like lightning,
and his clothing as white as snow.
Revelation Ch. 18 Verse 1: After these things I saw another angel
coming down from heaven, having great authority , and the earth
was illumined with his glory.
Overwhelmed (you will love this song & video)
Psalm 31 of David . In you, O Lord , I have
taken refuge ; let me never be put to shame ;
deliver me in your righteousness. Turn your
ear to me, come quickly to my rescue ; be my
rock of refuge , a strong fortress to save me.
Since you are my rock and my fortress, for
sake of your name lead and guide me. +++
The Storm is Near ; short story
Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Thurs. between the
I was looking back at some of my writings, and I found one that was titled
"The Angels Laugh."
written on May 12, 2017
I was at a gas station and a lady whom I had known for a long time
was on the other side of my pump tank. I haven't seen her for several
months and I wondered if she had transferred to another store.
I began to pump my gas in my car, and she started to pump her car
as well. I had high heels on, and I wanted to grab one of my websites
cards of "Embrace the Cross" from my purse, to present it to her.
I climb over the pump hose, and I almost fell! My foot had gotten caught
on the hose, however I caught myself on a post. Thank goodness 'I didn't
fall! I look in my purse for my website cards. I couldn't seem to find them.
I approached her before she drove away! I said "Hi" and I asked her if she
was still working at the store! She sadly shook her head "no." I said
"Wait ' I have something I believe you would like." I finally found my
website cards and handed her several of them. I explained a little
about what "Embrace the Cross" was. She seemed happy to have
received them and mentioned that her daughter would probably like one.
We said good-bye and I got back into my SUV. and laughed! I was
thinking how the Angels must be laughing at me, in saying "How far
will you go, for Jesus !!"
Today is Tues. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find Tues. between the
The morning sun is rising and its a new day.
I see your motivation is low and you are struggling
to begin your day.
It's alright my child for life can bring forth
difficulties and even sorrow.
May you begin your day with
Kissing Your Thumb+++
It will remind you of Me+++
Kissing Your Thumb+++
is where you will meet me
on my Holy Cross+++
Throughout the day remember
to Kiss Your Thumb or the
"Embrace The Cross" image+++
or cross or crucifix.
For you will feel my blessings
upon you.
This small action will help
carry you +++
Kissing Your Thumb will
spark my own love upon
you in a unique way.
Each and every time you
Kiss your thumb My Peace
will fall upon you+++
May you find yourself
doing this simple action
especially when you receive
a wave of anxiety.
Kissing Your Thumb will
remind you of My Passion
and Dying on the Cross+
By My Holy Cross
I have Redeemed.
the World+++
Kissing Your Thumb will
remind you "I Did This for You."
If I Could Tell You Today ; 2-2019
Friday's is "Embrace The Cross." and Sat. is "Army of Prayer &
Rosary ; May you go to Days of the Week Music ; you will find
Fri. & Sat. between the Cross+++
This Sunday is "Divine Mercy Sunday." ; you will find
Holy days and Important events between the Crosses as well+++
May we turn our nightlights on +++
May God Bless You and your loves ones,
Lori Foster
Bible Verses about Mercy and Joy / 1-2017
I Will Meet You / 4-2018(short story)
Cathedrals (lyrics)
Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to
Days of the week music ; you will find Thurs. between the
Will you meet me my Lord ?
For it is you who knows my
pain !
I feel as though my world is
empty and at a standstill.
Will you meet me my Lord ?
Yes ' my child , I am here+++
My pain is so deep and I
know I can't bear it alone.
Yes ' my child , I will carry
it for you +++
I have so many unanswered
questions and unknowns.
I only need to know are
you here ?
Yes' my child , I am here
in this place.
I see your difficulties
and struggles +++
Oh ' my Lord ' help me
move forward for I
feel weak.
What ever you ask of
me , I will give to you.
I am holding you
in my arms .
My eyes are upon yours
and all I see is your
endless beauty+++
Oh ' my Lord' I need your
strength and courage !
Because you have asked
me , I will grant it to you +++
But when Lord ! When !
Beginning now ' my child
When each day comes I will
fall fresh upon your face.
My holiness will dwell upon
you and make you new again+++
Oh ' Lord my pain ! my suffering
is so strong.
Pick up your Cross and join it
with my Holy Cross+++
I will help you carry your
Think of me each and everyday
Pick up a cross or crucifix
with your given kiss or Kiss
me on your thumb in representation
of me on the cross
It is there you will meet me
You may Kiss the
"Embrace The Cross" my image
and you will be blessed +++
I will trust in you my God !
I will wipe your tears away
I will help you rise up each
and everyday +++
May you lean on my Cross++
My Cross is given unto you
and the whole world.
For by my stripes you are healed+++
May we keep on going FORWARD in Christ ARMY!!
May He Embrace Us in His loving arms +++
May God Almighty Bless you All+++
Lori Foster
***Death could not hold you , Yours is the Kingdom
Yours is the Glory, Yours is the Name above all Names +++
What a Powerful name it is +++ The Name of Jesus+++
John Ch. 16 Verse 33 : I tell you all this ,that in me you may find peace
You will suffer in the world . But take courage! I have overcome the world."
Romans Ch. 8 Verse 28: We know that God makes all things work
together for the good of those who have been called according
to his decree .
Romans Ch. 8 Verses 37-39: Yet in all this we are more than conquerors
because of him who has loves us. for I am certain that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, not powers,
neither height nor depth not any other creature, will be able to separate us
from the love of God that comes to us in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Romans Ch. 15 Verse 13: So may God, the source of hope, fill you with
all joy and peace in believing so that through the power of the Holy
Spirit you may have hope in abundance.
Philippians Ch. 4 Verses 6-7: Dismiss all anxiety from your minds. Present
your needs to God in every form of prayer and in petitions full of gratitude.
Then God's own peace, which is beyond all understanding, will stand
guard over your hearts and minds, in Christ Jesus.
Hebrews Ch. 13 Verse 5-6: Do not love money but be content with what you
have, for God has said , "I will never desert you, nor will I forsake you."
Thus we may say with confidence:
"The Lord is my helper,
I will not be afraid ."
How Can It Be You say that I am free+++
Love Alone is Worth the fight, by Lauren Daigle
Love Alone is Worth the fight , by Switchfoot
Short Stories:
My Signature is Written On Your Heart
Today is "Embrace The Cross." May you go to
Days of the Week Music ; you will find the 5th of the
month between the Crosses+++
May we turn our nightlights on +++
Holy Thursday , The Last Supper, Scripture
May we turn our nightlights on +++
Blessings always during this Easter Holiday +++
Lori Foster