
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Years Eve & New Years Day !!

 Happy New Years Eve  &  Happy New Years !!!  May you go to

Days of the week Music ; you will find Holidays between the 

Crosses+++ note: your click will be your response. 

May we turn our nightlights on for Both days +++

May you rest upon Jesus and Trust in Him all of your days +++

God Bless All who are Embracing The Cross of Jesus+++

yours in Christ love,

Lori Foster



"I will trust the voice that speaks."

Holy are you God

Holy is your name

with everything I've got

My heart will sing

How I love You +++

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday !!


Happy New Years   videos 

Scorpions , Yes, Kansas , Boston, Triumph, and more

Send Me An Angel

Dust in The Wind

Point of Know Return

Hold On

Don't Look Back

Closer To the Heart

Time is Time


Recent stories pulled from my journals ( Lori Foster's personal

life of happiness, confusion, sadness, and Trusting in God)

Embracing A Child

A Mother's Echo

Present and Knox

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Echo , by Tauren Wells


Army of Prayer & Rosary

Today is Thursday "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you 

go to Days of the Week Music ;you will find  Thurs.

between the Crosses+++ your click will be your given


In Unity of prayer to Our Lord , Jesus +++

Blessings in Christ,

Lori Foster


Present and Knox 



Just Love Her

Do Not Harm My Children (scripture)

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Army of Prayer & Rosary

 Today is Tues. "Army of Prayer & Rosary."  May you go to

Days of the Week Music; you will find Tues. between

the Crosses +++ your click will be your given response.

 Prayerfully Uniting in the Army of God +++

Embracing A Child 

Embracing a Child

 Dear Ones , 

I received this dream in 1995 ,

But before I tell you , here is a 

message of room for thought :

{What if Blessed Mary allowed you to hold

her son, Jesus , as a toddler.  She gently

places him into your arms with his bare

skin and only a cloth diaper on. }


Here is my dream: note: (I am going to use 

the word  You instead of referring to myself )


You are standing in a kitchen 

and holding baby Jesus in your arms

with his bare skin. 

 He is a toddler 

and only had on a cloth diaper !

 You're in awe

for you know you are holding God.  You

touch his soft curly hair.  Blessed Mary

placed her trust in you to care for her son.

You are  at a Christmas gathering and

your niece begins to sing a Christmas

song at the dining room table. 

You are still standing there  

holding baby Jesus in your arms. 

Jesus begins to sing along with her !

 His voice is so

beautiful , none like you've ever heard

before, and you automatically know he is

very intelligent. Jesus sang of a 

different language and his voice

was striking and not of this world !

 Suddenly you are no 

longer holding Jesus, instead you see him

sitting in a high chair only viewing the

back side of him.  You see a crown of

thorns on his precious head.  Jesus is in

agony and pain.  Next thing you know,

Jesus turns into a little old man, such as a

homeless person. He lets himself out the 

door and you sadly wave good-bye , for

now you are worried about him, in

wondering how will he be treated by

others.  Once he was a beautiful child who

could sing with joy, and he was very loved.

How will others see him for they don't know

him and all his great beauty.  when we

hold a child we are embracing Jesus,

and he trust us with His children, whom

he created.  Jesus knows each of us by our

own name.  When we look into their eyes

we see Jesus' eyes and how are we going

to treat that child ?  Are we going to show

them kindness , love , and patience ?  Are we

going to teach them to sing ?  When they 

grow up are they going to be able to show

God to others ?  When we are taking care for

another person, we are taking care of Jesus, 

for we are all made in his likeness and image. 


We Have a Savior , by Hillsong

We Have a Savior (lyrics)

I'll Stand by You

Show Me

Time is Time

Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas Eve & Merry Christmas !

 Have a Blessed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 

with all your loved ones +++

May Jesus Bless you in a special way +++


May you go to Days of the Week Music ; you will

find Holidays between the Crosses +++

May we turn our nightlights on for both days +++

May Jesus Bless You all ,

Lori Foster


Silent night , holy night !

Wondrous star, lend thy light !

With the angels let us sing

Alleluia to our King !

A Christmas Message

I Am The Light of The World

God is More Precious than Silver and Gold

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Army of Prayer & Rosary

 Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary."  May you go to

Days of the Week Music ; you will find Thurs. between the 

Crosses +++ your click will be your response.

Uniting in Prayer at the feet of infant Jesus +++

Blessings to you and your loved ones,

Lori Foster


Joy to the World

Room for the King

Gift of Love

I believe in Father Christmas

Mary did you know

Carol of the bells 

Room For A King


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Army of Prayer & Rosary / snuffed ( I was a candle that kindled the lonely hours)

 Today is Tues.  "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to 

Days of the Week Music ; you will find Tues. between

the Crosses +++ {your click will be your added


In Unity  in God 's Army of Prayer +++

May God continue his holy embrace upon you ,

Lori Foster


The Message of the Candy Cane : The pure white stripes around

the cane mean that our Lord was pure of sin.

The red stripes say he gave his life 

so all might live again.

The cane looks like a shepherd's staff.

He leads and guards us every day.

two canes together form a heart.

An upside-down cane makes a J +++


Snuffed ( I was a candle that kindled the lonely hours)

Gabriel's Message 

Celtic Thunder Gabriel's Message

Friday, December 17, 2021

That Spirit of Christmas , by Zach Williams


Army of Prayer & Rosary

Sat. is "Army of Prayer & Rosary"   May you go to

Days of the Week Music ; you will find Sat. 

between the Crosses+++

Uniting in Christ more precious than silver & gold +++

Your  click will be your response+++

May God lift us up into himself ,

Lori Foster


God is more precious than silver and gold 

Momma Mary

That Spirit of Christmas

Momma Mary , by Roger Whittaker (My two sister's and I sang this song with our Father during Christmas)


Embrace The Cross+++

 Today is Friday "Embrace The Cross." May you go

to Days of the Week Music ; you will find Friday's

between the Crosses+++

Uniting together at the feet of Jesus +++

May we turn our nightlights on +++

your click will be your response+++

Yours in Christ Holy Love ,



The Small Wooden Cross

My Gift For Jesus

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Today is "Army of Prayer & Rosary"

 Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary."  May you go to 

Days of the Week Music ; you will find Thurs. between

the Crosses +++ 

Your click will be your added response+++

Together we will unite in prayer in The Army of God+++

Blessings Always in Christ love,

Lori Foster


Some of my recent stories pulled from my journals 

Silent Night

When I Think Upon Christmas

Peace Upon Earth

Prince of heaven

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Our Journey Continues 5th Story

  November 6, 2001, I took a home pregnancy test and it showed that I was

pregnant.  My husband and I was so happy we were going to have another

child.  It would also give Rachel a little playmate.  Her big sister is fifteen now

and spoiling her.  She is like a little mother to her.  The boys are also helpful with 

Rachel, especially when I am busy around the house.

She is helping them all become good and responsible people !

My children's ages are now 15, 13, 11,  9 , and 1. 

December 6, 2001, sadly I began to miscarriage my baby.  I was around 

6-7 weeks and I miscarried at home.   I knew what to expect due to

having one  in 1987 , after our first child. 

 When I had my first miscarriage , the  doctor had to help remove my unborn baby for me.

But this time I was able to miscarry at home.  

On January 10, 2003, I took a home pregnancy test and it was positive!

Oh ' Lord Be with me and my baby.  I have been feeling sick especially

at night. 

May 20, 2003 , we found out that we are having a boy !

We already have his name picked out "Isaac !"

He is about to enter into a beautiful , noisy , caring, 

and loving family !  He will be such a happy baby !

September 15 ,  is my due date and I haven't had any contractions


September 23 , 2003, My husband and I went to my doctor's 

appointment.  I  took my bags with me in case he sends me

to the hospital.  Well we are on our way to the hospital !

We will be having our little one soon !

Well , it wasn't so soon and my baby was posterior . The

doctor had to turn him first before I could push him out !

I was so thankful I didn't have to have another cesarean. 

On September 24, 2003 , Isaac was born at 8:00 a.m. 

He was 7 pounds and twelve ounces and twenty -one inches

long. He is so beautiful ! 

I was thirty-six when we had Rachel and thirty-nine when

Isaac was born.  

After having the tubal reversal , we knew we  wanted us to have

two more children.   I am now fifty-seven with eight grandchildren

and my husband is sixty.  Rachel is in college to become

an art teacher and Isaac is a senior.  Amongst our children

Rachel is the only dark-haired child and Isaac is the only

brown eyed child.  Our family has been very blessed and 

our journey continues . 

Thank you for listening to my story,

Lori Foster

Some of my recent stories pulled from my journal ; 12-2121

some of my recent stories pulled from my journals (Lori Foster's personal life of happiness, confusion, sadness, and Trusting in God)

 Dear Ones, I have been going back into my writings and I wanted to 

share a little bit of "My Story" I hope you will find them interesting!

Thanks, and God Bless,

Lori Foster

note: {You can also find these stories on My favorites # 2  

use web version for mobile devices and you

will find links on the left-hand side.}


You Can't Give Up

Note: The next stories are in order (they all connect to 

one another)

Our Sister's Words  ; 1st story 

My Struggle and Success ;  2nd story

My Happy News and Sad Good-byes ; 3rd story

Our New Arrival  ; 4th story 

Our Journey Continues ; 5th story 

extra: Casting into the waters' the reward will always come (story by Seth Foster)

note: a little bit about Isaac , our youngest child .  You will find my message at 

the bottom of "Casting into the Waters' the reward will always come.

Our New Arrival 4th Story

 My first visit to see my Doctor is on April 13, and I am so

excited !  It's March 20, 2000 and I've been feeling real

sick with this baby.  I am going into my third month

 and  feel  tired and the smells of food and

detergent, candles etc.  makes me feel nauseated.  I hope

my sickness passes real fast .  I'm so excited about this

pregnancy and we have so much to do before our little

one arrives ! Dear Lord continue to bless us !

March 22, 2000 , my lovely Aunt passed away . She was one

of the most caring and giving ladies I have ever known. I am 

so thankful I got to see her with my parents a few weeks ago.

 She was a Blessing to her family and those who knew her.

She always showed God's love +

{My Aunt was the "Special Woman " in my given dream

Souls entering into heaven 4-2018}

May 11, 2000 , I am four months pregnant and we could hear my

babies heart beat. I also had a dream that I delivered a baby girl

and she looked like our daughter Jessica.  Jessica is fourteen and very

excited to have a new baby brother or sister.  She had been

helping me get the nursery room ready and things for our

little one's arrival ! 

A few days later

I had a dream that I had a little boy !

Oct. 3, 2000 , I woke up at 4:00 a.m. and I could feel water 

underneath me. I realized my water had broke. My due date

wasn't until Oct. 18.  Anyway , I was told if your water breaks

you must go to the hospital.  My other four pregnancies my doctor

had to break my water during labor.  Anyway , I woke my children 

up to get ready for school.  My water kept leaking and thankfully

I was already packed.  I said good-bye to my children and said, " We

will be having Rachel today"! 

 My husband   and I arrived at the hospital around 8:30 a.m. As I was

walking into the hospital my sciatic nerve was going down my right

leg.  My husband  had to wheel me to the labor and delivery floor. It was hard

to believe We'll be having our baby soon !  

10:00a.m. I was given medicine in my IV to begin my labor.  My contractions

was coming along good and were getting stronger.  My daughter Jessica , will be

watching her younger brothers after school ; until their father could get home. 

 5:00 p.m. my labor pains were getting harder and closer to be able to

have an epidural . A new nurse came in the evening and she looked at

the babies heart monitor. She kept checking and she had a concerned 

look !  She explained to me the babies heartbeat is dropping every time

I have a contraction.  I wasn't making any progress and I was still at four

centimeters and the baby was in trouble.  It was getting

close to midnight and my doctor came in my room and said that I 

will probably need a C-section . Since I was thirty-six years old

I am also underneath a surgeon's care as well.  The surgeon could

also see the monitors in his home and said he is on his way to the

hospital to do an emergency cesarean.   I instantly flashed back to 

my given dream of " The nurses concerned look!"  I began signing

papers needed for the procedure and they wheeled me into the

operating room.  I had never had a cesarean before and was terrified !

My husband was allowed to be with me and I was awake through it all.

It didn't take long for my surgeon to arrive and  I felt a little more at

ease.  Both Doctors performed the C-section and discovered the cord

was wrapped around our babies neck and she was beginning to swallow

some fluid.  I remember seeing our  beautiful baby girl being handed

to a nurse to be checked .    

Rachel was born at 1:30 a.m. on October 4, 2000 !  She weighed six pounds

and six ounces and was twenty inches long . My husband filmed her while

the nurse was weighing and measuring her.  He also got to help in giving

 her a warm bath.   I couldn't take my eyes off of her and I needed

distraction while they sewed me up. They used the same incision of my tubal


My husband met his mother in the waiting room.  

They both went to the nursery window to see our beautiful  little girl.  

My mother-in-law had always been with us during our all children's labors.

My mother was always the one who watched our children during our births and 

I know she was happy to do it. 

 They both were such a blessing to My husband and I. 

The nurses brought my little one to me while I was in the recovery room.  Rachel

looked so healthy and beautiful and began nursing right away !

It was getting late in the early morning and  my mother-in-law left to go home . 

My husband gave his kiss to me and our little one and went on home as well.  I finally

got to my room and slept ! 

Oh '  I wanted to mention to you about the $10,000 dollar bill on one of my

previous stories called "My Sister's Words "  

After my tubal reversal I received the  bill  for my two day hospital stay.

The bill was much larger than we expected !  I sat up a payment plan

and we paid the balance off early with our tax return and they deducted

$2,000 !  

Some of my recent stories pulled from my journals ; 12-2021

My Happy News and Sad Good-byes 3rd Story

 June 3, 1999,  I had my follow up appointment for my tubal reversal surgery.

The doctor said my incision was healing great.  He wanted us to set up an

appointment to have some charting and testing done to help us to conceive. 

We knew it would take extra money we simply didn't have.  We told them

we were going to wait and see if we could conceive on our own.

Oh' Lord ' please let me have another child.

February  25, 2000 ,  three days ago , I took a pregnancy test and it showed that I am 

pregnant ! The test showed that I was right away !  Tears flowed

and I thanked God.  I told the happy news to my husband  and we

began telling everyone !   But today  my parents are moving to 

 Albuquerque , New Mexico .  My Father retired and is going to do

some carpenter work for my brother's business.  My brother's family

lives in Albuquerque and my younger sister helps run his company.

My sister's family lives in Albuquerque as well .  I went with them

to say good-bye to my Mom's parents and then we drove to one of  

my Mom's younger sister's house.  She is my  lovely Aunt who is very sick 

and we prayed and  stayed with her for several hours.  

It was real hard on my Mom to say good-bye 

 and she cried as we drove away. We went back to my house

so they could say good-bye to my children after school.

They hugged and kissed our daughter and boys. They hugged

me and I told them I loved them. My Mom was real quite for it 

was hard for her to speak. I remember her looking out of our dining

room window where our swing set stands. She told me she loved

me and she cried and said ," I hate good-byes." Their jeep was loaded

down ready for their journey -- I cried as they drove away !

Some of my recent stories pulled from my journals ; 12-2021

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

My Struggle and Success 2nd Story

 On Oct. 19 , 1998 , My husband and I went to speak with

a surgeon about reversing my tubes to be able to conceive again.

He looked at my medical report and said that he could reconnect

them.  He also told us that I would have to stay in the hospital

for two days for recovery.  My husband told me we can have it

done and lets save our money.  I am excited and scared and 

we must put our complete trust in God. 

On February 10, 1999 , I called the same doctor's office

we had our consultation with and made an appointment

to have my surgery !

March 1, 1999 ,  I cancelled my appointment that I had set up for

May 6 .  It was a scheduled appointment to have my tubes reversed.

It was something I had been thinking about for several years . 

Since I had made my appointment I been letting doubt and fear

overcome me .  

  My  husband  had already agreed that I could go 

 through with the operation . I'm still worried about the

financial part because we have to pay out of pocket. 

Being able to have another child  was what both  our hearts were wanting .

  I had  the courage to set up the date a week ago over the telephone but

 now I am scared .  It all seems so unreachable  and I am feeling discouraged.

On March 14, 1999 , I had a dream :

I was in a hospital and having labor pains.  I remember lying on the hospital

bed and I could hear nurses voices coaching me on ! They were telling my 

husband  and I that they could see the baby coming and it's almost here !

I remember seeing a nurse come in and  she kept checking the monitors.

And I could see a concerned  look on the nurses face while reading them. 

Next thing I know the baby was born and My husband bent down to kiss it's

tiny face. We were both filled of love and joy !

Dream ended. 

I woke up and thought Wow !  What a unique and wonderful dream !

I could actually feel  the labor pains . 

On March 24, 1999 , I had been depressed about cancelling my

appointment.  The financial part is the only thing that is keeping

me from having the operation.  My husband and I had been

discussing it some more and agreed to take out a home

equity loan for my surgery. I called the surgeon's office and

asked if my original appointment on May 6  was still available. 

The nurse gladly responded Yes ! 

May 4 , 1999 , I have everything ready for my surgery tomorrow.

My surgery date was moved up a  day for May 5 .  It's hard to believe

it's here !  I've dropped our four children off at my parent's home. 

They will be watching them and sending them

to school during my two day stay at the hospital. Our children's 

ages are 7,9,11, and 13.  May God Bless my parents. 

May 13, 1999,  Dear reader , I have so much to talk about !

My surgery on May 5 went wonderful !  I wasn't that nervous going

into the operating room and  God kept me calm .  I remember the

 the operating room was bright with many monitors and equipment.  

 My surgeon was real excited and ready to 

perform the operation.  There were about ten nurses all for me !

I remember my surgeon telling me I'll be sleeping ; while they're

doing the work !  He waved good-bye and I was out !

My appointment was at 2:00p.m. and It lasted until 6:00p.m.. I 

didn't wake up in recovery until 8:00 p.m. 

My surgeon came in my hospital room and said it was a success!

He said he opened both tubes and he was pleased that the 

dye went into them great ! He told my husband and I that we 

have a 60 to 70%  of conceiving.  We thanked him greatly

and Our Lord .  

Some of my recent stories pulled from my journals ; 12-2021


Army of Prayer & Rosary

 Today is Tues. "Army of Prayer & Rosary."  May you go to 

Days of the Week Music (your click will be your added

response ) you will find Tues. between

the Crosses +++

Together we will unite in prayer in the Army of God +++

Blessings of God's Love,

Lori Foster


Pause of Silence / A Mother's Echo / You Can't Give Up

Our Sister's Words

Trusting God (scripture)

Our Sister's Words 1st story

 Good night , God Bless you , I love you, say your prayers, sorry for what I have done

to you, have pleasant dreams, see you in the morning !  

Those simple words were formed by three very small sisters, and they were 

"Our sister's words."

We faithfully recited them every night before we fell asleep. 

Those words were made up on our own and it created a special bond that

can never be broken.  It showed us sisters how small and fragile we really are

but with God Almighty wonderful things can happen. 

We came from a large Christian Catholic Family of nine.  We had four older

brothers and  us three sisters were born at the end of the line. We were all

a year apart except for the youngest . She  was four years younger than I . 

 I was the sixth child and the middle girl. Our parents were very consistent in

getting us to Sunday Mass every week and seeing that we attended Sunday School

as well. 

Our Mother made many of our dresses and we received many compliments!

I remember before going to church we would pick up two older women who were sisters.

We drove a brown rambler station wagon and with all of us nine and the two ladies 

we were packed.  I don't remember any of us complaining, for we knew our parents were

doing a good deed for the Lord. 

My family were raised very close together emotionally, physically, and more importantly

spiritually.  We always prayed together before mealtimes, in the evenings, and when times

were hard. We gave our thanks to God and bonded together as the years passed by. 

On January 17, 1994, is when my first page began in my journal. I had no typewriter

nor computer.  May you go to 

Lori Foster's Story and you will find my first written page. 

I watched my children grow up around me and they all knew how to operate a 

computer.  I really had no desire in learning how to run the thing, so I kept

on cooking, cleaning, and doing what was needed to be done for my family.

As my children were becoming older, we decided it would be best to purchase

a new computer, for we knew it would help with their homework. My husband and I

didn't know it could rack up the telephone bill to use it!  Back then it was dial up and

our bill climbed to $1000 in two months' time!   Of course, the Telephone Companies 

system was down and we never received a

 bill for two months!  Therefore, we didn't know our bill was climbing through the roof!

Well, to make a long story short we received another large bill, and

this is where Rachel and Isaac (our youngest two) come in my story!

May you read "My Struggles and Success."  It explains why the large bill!

Our New Arrival (4th story) It also explains the surprised $10,000 bill 

Some of my recent stories pulled from my journals ; 12-2021

Monday, December 13, 2021

You Can't Give Up

 I'm taking you back in my journal and there was a moment

that was inspirational to me and helped me when I needed it.

On May 13, 2019, I was sitting in my living room one morning

and I was very sad and lost for words.  My daughter Rachel, who

 was a Senior at that time, was sitting across from me

 in a soft brown chair.  I looked up to her

and I said, " I am done writing to " broken places." 

 I just can't write

anymore and tears flow from my face.  Rachel, blurts out and

says, " But Mom!  You can't give up!  They need you to write

to them too!

They need "Embrace the Cross!"    I looked at her and

never spoke a word.  I went into my kitchen and sat at

my table.  I pulled out some paper from my small black

desk and began to write my letter.   Throughout all my writings

since January 17, 1994, no one has ever told me not to give up!

I instantly knew she was right.  "Embrace The Cross" isn't about me

nor my feelings.  It's about people in need of prayer!

It's about others willing to join into others pain and sorrows.

It's about others asking for God's Help and in need of his strength.

My letter flowed.

May we find the strength from Our Lord to be able to help others

even if it is uncomfortable and painful.  


My recent stories pulled from my journals ; 12-2021

Lori Foster's Timeline; 1-28-2025

The Soft Brown Chair; 1-28-2025

I Won't Give Up / 09-2019 Still Looking Up

Everything / Our Lord is With You 

All I Am Asking for / In the Still of Your Hands / Love Speaks in Silence

By Your Side / Jesus is Our Hope and  He will never leave Us. 

Pause of Silence / A Mother's Echo / You Can't Give Up

Dear ones , May we continue our " Pause of Silence" for

all the Broken Communities +++

God Bless You Always,

In Christ Love,

Lori  Foster


Pause of Silence

A Mother's Echo

You Can't Give Up

Finding A Hidden Love Song

A Mother's Echo

The house is sort of busy and I'm feeling the need

to do "The Short way of Embrace the Cross." 

I often go to my own area that happens to be

my dining room. I turn on my built-in light from

my China cabinet and I also have a nightlight

that says, "Life Is Beautiful." 

I see my loved one's photo that I want to reflect

upon and I simply make the sign of cross over 

it and say silently {Water from the pierced

side of Christ wash me, Passion of Christ

strengthen me} I repeat those words three times

and end my prayer with {I join my cross with your

cross} I make five crosses on top of my hand and 

kiss my thumb.} The five crosses reflect Christ

wounds {crowning of thorns, piercing of hands

and feet and piercing of his side.} I often go

to my crucifix that is hanging on my dining room

wall and kiss the feet of Jesus with my fingers. 

I was instantly blessed by Our Lord, Jesus +++


note: making the sign of cross can be on your

forehead, chest, on top of your hand, or traditional way. 


It is late and I am relaxing on my recliner.

I know prayers need to be said before

my child or teen goes to go to bed. 

We begin praying

out loud, our usual

prayer {Angel of God my guardian dear

to whom God's love commits me here,

ever this day be at my side, to light and 

guard to rule and guide.  amen

Water from the pierce side of Christ wash me, Passion

of Christ strengthen me 3 times; Then we 

say I join my

cross with your cross.}

 We both

kiss our thumb and my child go upstairs

to bed. 

It's something I hope he or she remembers 

all of their days!

 Their Mother's Echo +++


May we find ourselves often in 

saying "The Saint Michael Prayer" and

"Prayer to the Heavenly Court." as well. 

God hears us no matter how or when we

pray.  He is always waiting for our response

and we receive Graces and Blessings of his own. +++


note: You can find "The Saint Michael Prayer"

and "Prayer to the Heavenly Court." 

on this link: My Book of Prayers 

note: It is on embraceholycross.com  

There are links on the left side of the website

but you have to use your computer.

note: you will also find "Prayer Before Meal



For The One


You Make Me Brave 

God I Look to You


You Can't Give Up 

Finding A Hidden Love Song 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Pause of Silence +++Broken Communities +++

 Today is Dec. 6, 2021 

     Dear Ones,  I am writing to you because I am at a pause of silence.

I will be taking several days off of any writings or post on my blog.  

Please pray for a "  Community in America " (Michigan ) that has been recently broken.

And for the recent communities in great sorrow of the tornadoes . Please lift them

up O' Lord +++May they all be given Peace and Comfort  +++

Please join me in doing "Embrace The Cross" daily for these people

who are in great suffering.  

May you join with me in "Pause of Silence."

God Bless You All,

Lori Foster

note:{ The Pause of Silence ' will continue until Tues. Dec. 14 .

Thereafter may we continue to pray for them and ALL

 in need during "The Army of Prayer & Rosary"

and "Embrace The Cross " prayer times. }

***Extra note: { Each day leading up to Dec. 14th may you

try to click on "Pause of Silence Post" for your DAILY  added

response +++




May you go to 

Days of the Week Music; you will find

the "Short Way of Embrace The Cross" between

the Crosses +++ 

 And  "Army of Prayer & Rosary " link is at the top 

with the Divine Mercy Prayer as well.}

How Embrace The Cross Began posted 5-2016

Together we will pray in " Pause of Silence " +++

May we turn our nightlights on +++

May we offer our prayers and pray for

all who are Embracing The Cross of Jesus+++


What A Beautiful Name 


10,000 Reasons

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Embrace The Cross / The 5th of the month

 Today is "Embrace The Cross" Dec. 5th ; May

you go to Days of the Week Music ; you will 

find The 5th of the month between

the Crosses+++

Together at the feet of Christ+++

May we turn our nightlights on +++

Blessings always,

Lori Foster


How Embrace The Cross Began

Hidden Gifts Among Us

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Army of Prayer & Rosary / Hidden Gifts Among Us

 Today is Sat. "Army of Prayer & Rosary" may you go

to Days of the Week Music; you will find Sat. between

the Crosses+++

Uniting together in prayer in the Army of God+++

Blessings always,

Lori Foster


Hidden Gifts Among Us

Hidden Gifts Among Us

  Galatians Ch. 6 Verse 2 "Carry each other's burdens and

so, you will fulfill the law of Christ"


Lori Foster's messages and

 pieces from my journals:

I was feeling stressed and worried about a 

loved one and I confide in someone.

That person could see my sadness and

says to me, "Why don't we pray together?"

I looked up to that person with

kindness and replied, " I would

really appreciate that but I

can't pray."  I told her 

that if she can pray for my

situation that would be great.

The person spoke a beautiful

and warm prayer over my

concerns and I realized I had  

just received a 

{Hidden gift among me}


I was in a parking lot at a 

bank and I could hear some

sort of stress coming from the 

car next to me. I could see a man

in the front yelling at a young

adult male in the back seat. 

He is sitting there taking all

the anger in!  I look over 

 to the car and wish

so bad the stress would ease.

I decided to drive away with

the man still in his anger.

I realized I got to drive away!

What about the young adult

in the back seat?  How can

he ever learn with someone

yelling at him?

I felt sad as I drove away!

The person in the back

seat was a beautiful gift 

of God's love.

I prayed out loud to our

Lord, " Take care of your

people Lord, take care of

your people!"

{Hidden and yet the most

beautiful gift from God}


I am with a person who is very

weak with failing health. I go

to be with that person and try

to give them care and comfort.

I could see in that person's eyes

of loneliness and sadness.  I pray

beside this person and ask for 

God's peace and his blessings

of love to be upon them.

As I look into this helpless

person's eyes I see Christ +

This person through their

most difficulties are blessing

me +

{Hidden beauty of God's 

love in the eyes of another}


You have a child or teen who has

an illness or some kind of flu or


Suddenly, your sleep is awakened

with cries and moaning.

You go see what the problem is

and the mess has gone everywhere!

They didn't have time to make it

to the bathroom. The mess is all over

your child.  You stay calm and figure

out what are the first steps to do!

You grab some laundry baskets

or trash bags.  You lay down towels

on the floor.  You tell your child or

teen to step on the towel.  You help

them undress and discard the 

dirty garments in a bag.  You help

your child gets washed and clean.

You find a clean outfit and place

the sick child on the couch.  

Then you go back and strip the

bedding and throw them in the

tub or shower or outdoor hose,

to rinse them off.

Then you can begin washing

the loads of soiled laundry.

Then you have to scrub down

the shower or tub and make

sure, everything is clean in

the area they got sick on.

Be sure your sick child has 

a trash can or bucket beside 

them with a towel underneath.

Why am I telling you this?

Because when people are 

helpless and sick the last 

thing they need is to feel

guilty. It's up to us to kick

in gear and clean up the

mess the best we can.

It's all a learning process

but cleaning the mess isn't

the most important thing

that we learn; it's how we

approach it and respond is

what matters. 

{We are asked to do hidden

gifts among us even if it's

dirty, messy, and disgusting}


You see a family or community who

have been struck by tragedy and

you don't know what to do.

You see people organizing help 

for what is needed.  

You see that ministers and priest

are trying to help the situation in 

any way they can.

You see people stepping up to 

help in any way possible.

Maybe it's the gifts of speaking

to those who are hurting. 

Maybe it's the person who is

good at organizing a fund raiser

for their needs.

Maybe it's a person organizing

a prayer meeting to 

 pray for these people

whom are in great distress.

Maybe it's the community coming

together to show every person matters.

We often ask ourselves what we can

do to help! The first and most

important thing to do is pray +

Pray for God's hand to touch them

and lift them up +

Pray for God's peace and comfort

to be given among them+

Pray for God's Holiness

of care to

be given day by day+

Pray as a family 

for those who are suffering.

Maybe you can send a card,

note, a gift. 

Maybe you can go visit

with the people whose

lives have been deeply


We all have gifts to bring

to others. 

{Because they are the

hidden gifts among us}


So Will I

For The One

What a Beautiful Name

Wild Child


Because It's You

Because It's Me

Friday, December 3, 2021

Embrace The Cross

 Today is Friday "Embrace The Cross" may you go to

Days of the Week Music; you will find Fridays

between the Crosses+++

In Unity in Christ love +++

Galatians Ch. 6 Verse 2 " Carry each other's

burdens and so you will fulfill the law of


May we turn our nightlight on +++

May Our Lord Keep Blessing You 

and Your family+++

Lori Foster 


Hold On

Show Me

Time is Time

Nobody's Home

Fight the Good Fight

Send Me an angel

Dust in The Wind

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Army of Prayer & Rosary / Why should We Pray

 Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary."  May you go to

Days of the Week Music ; you will find Thurs. 

Between the Crosses+++

Going hand in hand in God's Holy Army+++

May our Lord wrap his blessings of love

around you and your loved ones +++


Why Should We pray 

Christmas Wish

Where Are You Christmas

Why Should We Pray

 Matthew Ch. 6 Verse 16 : Moreover when ye fast , be not, as the 

hypocrites, of a sad , countenance; for they disfigure their

faces, that they may appear.... "Moreover when you fast,

don't be like the hypocrites, with sad faces.

Luke Ch. 6 Verse 12: And it came to pass in those days,

that he went out into a mountain to pray, and 

continued all night in prayer to God.

Luke Ch. 21 Verse 36: Watch ye therefore, and pray always,

that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things

that shall come to pass, and stand before the Son of man.

Colossians Ch. 4 Verse 2: Apostle Paul gives us 

instruction for prayer: "Continue 

steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it

with thanksgiving."

2 Corinthians Ch. 11 Verses 25-28: Thrice was I beaten

with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck

a night and a day I  have been in the deep;  In journeying

often , in perils of waters , in perils of robbers, in perils by

mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils

in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, 

in perils among false brethren; In weariness and painfulness,

in watching often, in hunger and thirst, in fasting often, 

in cold and nakedness. 

Beside those things that are without, that which

cometh upon me daily , the care of all the churches. 


We Have a Savior ; 12-2019

Emmanuel ; 11-2021

Mary's Boy Child , by Roger Whittaker (One of my favorite growing up as a child and into my teens ) God Bless Our World +++

Christmas Truce of World War 1 (14 mins.)

Silent Night , by Zach Williams

The Call of Christmas

The Call of Christmas , by Zach Williams

Christmas Time is Here , by Zach Williams

Mary Did You Know , by Zach Williams

White Christmas , by Zach Williams

This Christmas , by Zach Williams

I don't Want Christmas to End , by Zach Williams

That Spirit of Christmas , by Zach Williams

Silent Night , by Zach Williams