On April 2, 2013, I pulled into my driveway and noticed a package sitting on my
front porch. I was so surprised when I opened it; for it was the book called
"Left to Tell." I had been
wanting to read this book that explains the 1994, genocide in Rwanda Africa.
The young lady that sent it to me was visiting my home during her spring break. I had
just shared my story to her and some of my writings from my journals. I also showed
her the church magazine article about the Rwanda genocide, and I told her I needed to read
that book!
I remember when "Left to Tell." book first came out, my sister-in-law mentioned how
good the book was and very sad. I knew the book had something to do with
the genocide that took place in 1994, but I never asked my sister-in-law any
questions about the book. The only knowledge I had of the Rwanda genocide
was what I had viewed on a Christian TV. program in the summer of 1994.
They showed horrific footage of what took place during April to July of 1994.
My first given dream or vision was given to me in the late summer or early fall
of 1994. The given dream was me being placed into Africa; you can find it on
Lori Foster's Story below and underneath 'My Favorites."
Getting back to receiving my given book, I was so eager to read it! My children
were in school and I had some quite time to myself. I took my padded stool
in my kitchen and rest my back against the wall and began to read.
I didn't want to get too comfortable for I knew I had to give my full attention
to this book.
It's as though Blessed Mary was telling me,
to read this book for its something I needed to know."
I was almost halfway through the book, and ran across
a chapter called "Farewell to the Boys." My tears flowed!
O' how they fell onto the pages!
I have read "Left to Tell" several times now and my tear stains still remain on the pages.
As I read this book during the two-day time period, I would always glance at
my crucifix hanging in my dining room. It's as though God appreciated me
for taking the time to learn about an important event that took place in my time period.
An event that had jealousy, greed, and envy of others! All these sins escalated into hate and
evil! The Hutu Extremist took their evil plan and did the unthinkable!
I'm thankful for reading the genocide article in my church magazine in 2008. Furthermore, I'm
thankful I shared "My Story" and some of
my writings to the one who sent me my book.
God Bless Rwanda Africa,
Yours in Christ love,
Lori Foster
note: I wish I could place the genocide survivor's name on my blog,
but the survivor doesn't know "My story."
Dear God,
May your grace shine upon us
renew our minds and heal
our spirits in Jesus' name.
Lori Foster's Story
Courage and Rejection
Rwanda Video's & Movie Clips
Pleading for Help
April 28th 1994
Our Lady of Kibeho Feast Day Nov. 28