
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ I Stand Near You My Jesus/ Cover Us Oh Lord/ A Bricklayer's Hands

 Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." 

May you go to Days of the Week Music: you will find

Thurs. between the Crosses+++your Click will be

your Lit Candle+

We often find you Lord in The Agony the Garden

Help Us along our journey in our everyday living!

Help us stand near others in their times of troubles

and not turn from them+

Yours in Christ love,

Lori Foster


I Stand Near You My Jesus

Cover Us Oh Lord

A Bricklayer's Hands

I Stand Near You My Jesus

 I go near you my Jesus!

The night is cold and the

sky is darkened with the 

wind of silence.

I go near you my Jesus!

I glimpse at the sight of you

kneeling at a rock that holds

you up!

Your tear drops fall !

Do I dare interrupt you in

your setting?

I see you weeping My Lord!

Your shoulders seem stiffen.

And there is no peace around you!

I go near you my Jesus!

I'm scared to approach you but

I want to join in your suffering!

I bend down and gently place

my hand on your back.

Your agony in the garden is great

and your love pours out to the 


Your tears flow down your face 

and lands purely on the large


I stand near you my Jesus!

O how I wish I could bring you


Please don't cry my Jesus!

I will wipe your tears and

hold you forever!

I stand near you my Jesus!

You lift your head quietly up

towards heaven and speaking

to our heavenly Father!

In your soft breath you humbly


"My Father, if it be possible,

let this cup pass from me;

nevertheless, not as I will,

but as you will" Matthew Ch:26


Your head falls to your knees

and your tears keep flowing!

I get a glimpse of your divine

face ever so breath taking!

I know I must go for I'm 

on the outside looking in!

My hands gently leave your

back and your tears of agony


As I leave you, in all of your

 divinity, I turn from 

your sight! For this is 

the moment with Your Father+

I take your agony in the garden

and place it in my heart and soul

Oh Lord!

I hear you saying "Go to others

in their agony in the garden

listen to them 

and stand by their side"

I humbly respond to you My Lord

I will stand near them O Lord+

Show me the way!

Lord, I will always keep you with me

in all of my test and trials.

I will give you Lord to others in 

anyway, I can!

I will hold on to you 

in all of my days

I stand near you my Jesus!


The Agony in the Garden 

note: This video is 

fitting for" I Stand Near You My Jesus"

After I wrote it and viewed the video for the 

second time, I noticed

the angel comforting Jesus in his agony, 

placing his hand upon Jesus' back. 


Lonely Wind

Dust in The Wind

Hold On

Miracles out of Nowhere

Embrace the Cross (song)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Cover Us Oh Lord

 Cover me Oh Lord

There are moments where

I need a push and a shove

and you are there!

 Cover me Oh Lord 

I see people helping people

and I am in awe!

I see a man holding a baby

as he navigates through the

store with his children following

behind, pushing the cart!

I'm in awe My Lord!

Cover them Oh Lord!

I see a bus driver helping 

a person in a wheelchair 

to climb aboard!

It's most inspirational to the world

for they have touched you!

Cover them Oh Lord!

I see a person who have life difficulties

but they press on in their daily tasks!

They are most brilliantly inspiring 

to us all!

Cover them Oh Lord!

When we are weak Oh Lord

Show us your compassion

and your kindness!

Give us a soft place to land.

Show us your face of holiness+

Cover us Oh Lord!

When we are emotional in our

settings bring yourself to Us!

Show us you are near!

Cover us Oh Lord!

We sit quietly in church 

and we are in prayer to you

Oh Lord!

At times we are beside ourselves

and often feel alone!

Your words in prayer places

a soft blanket before us!

Your songs in praise

remind us  we are

together as one in your glory!

You show us yourself as you

are lifted high!

We as your people see your

Glory and Praise before us!

We as your people are in awe

as you are raised above your

holy altar!

For you are the lamb of God

who takes away the sins of the

world!  Blessed are they who 

are called to the supper of 

the lamb. John Ch. 6

Oh Jesus !

Bless your people of faith

Cover us with your unbloody

sacrifice on the altar!

Fill us up in the 

richness of your Divine love!

Cover your world Oh Lord

and give us your Holy peace+


Behold Our God

The Body of Christ

Cling to Christ

Oh The Deep Deep Love 

My Soul Clings to You O My Lord (scripture)

John Ch.6 The Holy Eucharist (scripture)

Jesus of Nazareth The Last Supper (video)

One Bread One Body (video)

Monday, April 15, 2024

A Bricklayer's Hands (poem by William Beaver)

A Bricklayer's Hands.."they say,

As he tries to hide them away

From placing brick by brick,

His fingers have become hard and thick.

He worked each day,

Never home it seems,

But all around could say,

He built his families hopes and dreams.

"A Bricklayer's hands.."he would say,

As he shyly reached out to the baby's face.

We won't remember how he hurt when he knelt.

The stones, the tools, the rough sand.

What we will remember is how good it felt,

To be touched by the Bricklayer's hands.

One more time he will try to hide them away,

But this time, he will hear Jesus say,

"No need to say more, I see the Bricklayer's hands.

Welcome to the Promised Land."

His fingers will hurt no more,

But he will in heaven, still lay brick by brick,

Only not with fingers hard and thick.

He will be using his Bricklayer's hands,

To build us all a place in the Heavenly Land.

By William Beaver who went to our Heavenly

Father's arms+ (My daughter-in-law Hannah Foster's


{He shyly reached out to the baby's face}



What a Beautiful Name

He Who Is Mighty


Diamonds from Heaven/ 4-25-2021

 (a short poem I wrote for my granddaughter 

Noelle and William Beaver's


Note: You can find these poems underneath

My Favorites #2 under Lori Foster's Stories


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ My Tears Flowed

 Today is Tues. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go 

to Days of the Week Music: you will find Tues. between

the Crosses+++your Click will be your lit candle+

Together going forward hand in hand in The Army of God+

May Jesus Bless You and yours,

Lori Foster


My Tears Flowed

My Tears Flowed

 On April 2, 2013, I pulled into my driveway and noticed a package sitting on my

front porch. I was so surprised when I opened it; for it was the book called

"Left to Tell."  I had been

wanting to read this book that explains the 1994, genocide in Rwanda Africa.

The young lady that sent it to me was visiting my home during her spring break. I had

just shared my story to her and some of my writings from my journals. I also showed

her the church magazine article about the Rwanda genocide, and I told her I needed to read

that book!

I remember when "Left to Tell." book first came out, my sister-in-law mentioned how

good the book was and very sad. I knew the book had something to do with

the genocide that took place in 1994, but I never asked my sister-in-law any

questions about the book. The only knowledge I had of the Rwanda genocide

was what I had viewed on a Christian TV. program in the summer of 1994. 

They showed horrific footage of what took place during April to July of 1994. 

My first given dream or vision was given to me in the late summer or early fall

of 1994. The given dream was me being placed into Africa; you can find it on

Lori Foster's Story below and underneath 'My Favorites."

Getting back to receiving my given book, I was so eager to read it! My children

were in school and I had some quite time to myself. I took my padded stool

in my kitchen and rest my back against the wall and began to read.

I didn't want to get too comfortable for I knew I had to give my full attention

to this book.

It's as though Blessed Mary was telling me,

to read this book for its something I needed to know."

I was almost halfway through the book, and ran across

 a chapter called "Farewell to the Boys." My tears flowed! 

O' how they fell onto the pages! 

I have read "Left to Tell" several times now and my tear stains still remain on the pages.

As I read this book during the two-day time period, I would always glance at

my crucifix hanging in my dining room. It's as though God appreciated me

for taking the time to learn about an important event that took place in my time period. 

An event that had jealousy, greed, and envy of others! All these sins escalated into hate and

evil! The Hutu Extremist took their evil plan and did the unthinkable! 

      I'm thankful for reading the genocide article in my church magazine in 2008. Furthermore, I'm

 thankful I shared "My Story" and some of

my writings to the one who sent me my book.

God Bless Rwanda Africa,

Yours in Christ love,

Lori Foster

note: I wish I could place the genocide survivor's name on my blog, 

but the survivor doesn't know "My story."


Dear God,

May your grace shine upon us

renew our minds and heal

our spirits in Jesus' name.



Lori Foster's Story

Courage and Rejection


Rwanda Video's & Movie Clips

Pleading for Help

April 28th 1994

Our Lady of Kibeho Feast Day Nov. 28