
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ Six Given Stories

 Today is Tues. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go

to Days of the Week Music: you will find Tues. 

between the Crosses+++your Click will be your

lit candle+

Together we will go forward in The Army of God+

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori Foster


Days of the Week Music

Six Given Stories


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ See the Beauty Within My People 'Says the Lord/ I Did This for You 'Trust in My Mercy

 Today is Saturday "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to

Days of the Week Music: you will find Sat. between

the Crosses+++your Click will be your lit candle+

Together we will go forward in The Army of God+

May Jesus Bless You,

Lori Foster


Days of the Week Music

See the Beauty Within My People 'Says the Lord!

I Did This for You 'Trust in My Mercy

Friday, July 26, 2024

Embrace the Cross/ Lori Foster's Conversion in 1992/ My Relapse

 Today is Friday "Embrace the Cross." May you go 

to Days of the Week Music: you will find Fridays

between the Crosses+++your Click will be your

lit candle+

May we turn our nightlights on+

Together we will Embrace the Cross of Jesus+

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori Foster


Days of the Week Music

Lori Foster's Conversion in 1992

My Relapse in 1995

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ My Given Dreams and Signs, by Lori Foster

 Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go 

to Days of the Week Music: you will find Thurs.

between the Crosses+++your Click will be your

lit candle+ 

Going forward in "The Army of God."

May you find rest in Our Lord Jesus+

yours in Christ love,

Lori Foster


Days of the Week Music

My Given dreams and signs, by Lori Foster

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ Lori Foster's Story

 Today is Tues. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go 

to Days of the Week Music: you will find Tues.

between the Crosses+++your Click will be

your lit candle+

Together we will join in prayer to Our Heavenly 


Blessings in Christ love,

Lori foster


Days of the Week Music

Lori Foster's Story

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ Will You meet me/ Trusting God

 Today is Saturday "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to 

Days of the Week Music: you will find Sat. between the Crosses+++

your Click will be your lit candle+

Jesus Light will always shine+

Going forward in The Army of God+

May we always be attentive to His Words

and what he desires for us+

May Our Lord Bless You and your loved ones,

Lori foster


Days of the Week Music

Will you meet me

Trusting God (scripture)

Friday, July 19, 2024

Embrace the Cross/ Would you recognize me/because it's you/ Because it's me

 Today is Friday "Embrace the Cross." May you go to 

Days of the Week Music: you will find Fridays 

between the Crosses+++your Click will be 

your lit candle+ 

Together we will Embracing the Cross of Jesus +

May we turn our nightlights on+

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori foster


Days of the Week Music

Would You Recognize Me

Because it's you

Because it's me

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ My signature is written on your heart/ My Holy Kiss/Clinging to Christ

 Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to 

Days of the Week Music: you will find Thurs. between the 

Crosses+++your Click will be your lit candle+

Together we will pray in The Army of God+

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori Foster


Days of the Week Music

My Signature is written on your heart

My Holy Kiss

Clinging to Christ

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ Shield me oh' Lord/ We weep/ We walk by faith and not by sight

 Today is Tues. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go 

to Days of the Week Music: you will find Tues. 

between the Crosses+++your Click will be

your lit candle+

May Our Lord Bless Us and Keep Us,

Lori Foster


Days of the Week Music

Shield Me Oh' Lord

We Weep

We Walk by faith and not by sight


Place your confidence in the Lord (scripture)

Sunday, July 14, 2024

We Walk By Faith and Not By Sight

 2 Corinthians Ch.5 V-5-7 Apostle Paul says,

"We live by faith, not by sight" 

"We walk by faith, not by sight.: By "we"

he's talking about followers of Jesus.

This means that Christians should not rely

on their own understanding or experiences

to guide them in life. Instead, they should

trust in God's promises and guidance.


Have you ever thought about Mass and how

beautiful it is? Have you ever just simply 

listen to the words and feel God's peace?

In the "Gloria prayer" the word "You" is

said (11 times) it's a beautiful and powerful

prayer that is said at the beginning of Mass+++

You can pray this prayer anytime you want or


{Click here: Glory to God (song)}

How many of us have children and had

to spend most of the Mass in the back of 

church or what we called the cry room!

We often find ourselves standing in the back

and attending to our child's needs and observing their 

attention span. 

Some may feel a little exhausted and lose sight of

what's happening in Mass. 

Sometimes we can't even see

the altar, but we can hear what is going on during Mass.

We can hear the prayers, readings of scripture,

 songs, and the homily of the priest.

Going forward in Mass, and praying the 

Holy, Holy, Holy 

we know 

the Heavenly Angels join us at the altar. 

{Click here: Holy, Holy, Holy (song)}

The Mass has beautiful prayers in song echoing

among the people and throughout the church!

We as the people of our Lord are in unity and 

waiting for The Transubstantiation: The Latin

meaning: The change of substance or essence of the 

sacrament of the Eucharist during the Mass, become

in reality the body and blood of Jesus Christ+++

The church teaches it's a mystery "The signs of 

bread and wine become, in a 

surpassing understanding "The Body and 

Blood of Christ.

{Click here: Transubstantiation/ The Holy Eucharist}

We know through the Power of the Holy Spirit 

through his Priest transubstantiation is taking place. John Ch:6


It's important to know that during the Transubstantiation

and the consecration of the Holy Eucharist the bells ring!

The ringing of the bells is giving our attention of the

Holy Eucharist at the altar+

We as a people can find ourselves sometimes being distracted or giving

attention to our children; until the ringing of the bells!

Christ pours out his blessings among all+

{Click here: Communion Song}

{Click here: Lamb of God}

We are one bread and one body in Christ+

May Jesus Bless You All and keep you in

all of His Glory+

Lori Foster

Note: If for some reason during Mass there

are no ringing of the bells, we know when the words

are said by the Priest and the chalice is lifted up

above the altar that transubstantiation is taking place+


Lori Foster's Conversion in 1992

Words in Songs of Prayer in the Holy Mass

Bells of Freedom

Forever Will I sing

John Michael Talbot Songs note: you will find

The Gloria Prayer at the bottom of this link. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/America! Stay Strong! Praying for Trump+ Praying for all in pain and sorrow+

 Today is Sat. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go 

to Days of the Week Music: you will find Sat. between

the Crosses+++your click will be your lit candle+ 

Praying together in The Army of God+

May Jesus Bless You and Your Loved ones,

May we turn our nightlights on+

Lori Foster


Days of the Week Music 


What a Beautiful Name (Jesus Lift Up America)

Friday, July 12, 2024

Embrace the Cross/ Christ Cross

 Today is Friday "Embrace the Cross." May you go 

to Days of the Week Music: you will find 

Fridays between the Crosses+++your Click

will be your lit candle+

Together we will Embrace the Cross of Jesus+

May we turn our nightlights on+

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori Foster


Days of the Week Music

Christ Cross

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ Be with me my Jesus/ I will meet you

 Today is Thurs. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you 

go to Days of the Week Music: you will find Thurs.

between the Crosses+++your click will be your

lit candle+

Uniting together in The Army of God+

Blessings to you and your loved ones,

Lori Foster


Days of the Week Music

Be With me my Jesus

I Will Meet You

Be Still and Know That I Am God (scripture)

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ Does God Hear Us? / Christ speaks to us alone/ writing a journal

 Today is Tues. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to 

Days of the Week Music: you will find Tues. between the

Crosses+++your click will be your lit candle+

Come to us in our daily lives O' Lord!

We trust in you keep us in the ways

of your holy cross+

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori Foster


Days of the Week Music

Does God Hear Us?

Christ Speaks to us alone

Writing a Journal

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Writing a Journal

 Did you ever think about writing a journal?

If you have thought about it, then go for it!

I can tell you a little bit about how mine began

and how it is now!

My journal was unexpected and unplanned.

I began my journal on January 17, 1994. And

I am now on my 19th journal. 

I have explained in "Lori Foster's Story" about

how my husband and I had seen a white glow

on our bedroom wall. You can find 

Lori Foster's Story underneath My Favorites.

You will see how I had to use my daughter's

preschool paper for my first page.

click here: Lori Foster's Story [use web version

for smaller devices}

Writing in a journal is an awesome experience

between yourself and God.

It allows you to write down important events

past, present and sometimes future. 

It's important to know there are no right or 

wrong ways to write in your journal.

If you mess up that's O-k! It's your journal!

There are some key factors I believe to be

very important!  Writing down dates are

a must! It gives you a timeline of where

you are and where you had been in the past.

It's important to know you don't have to write

in your journal everyday and you don't have to

write a full page. Sometimes you will only have

a small paragraph and sometimes you will have

several pages. 

If you make an error, you can simply cross it out

and re-write your word. If you want to be on the 

neater side; have some white-out nearby. 

It's your writings and do it your way!

You can choose to use fancy journals to write

in or simply notebook paper.

I personally write my journals in a five star

college ruled notebook. It has pockets inside

and you can use them to store important cards,

notes etc.... 

You can add your own personal touch throughout

your writings. If it's a moment of happiness

add a smiley face or even a cross. 

If it's a sad event or topic you can add 

a handmade crown of thorns or crosses

as well. 

If your writing is very important, you may

want to place a handmade Star beside your

date. Be certain to make your symbol large 

enough to be seen. I often place my symbols

near the date. 

You can place handmade crosses, 

near birthdays, weddings, graduations, and

funerals, etc.....

If you wish to use stickers that would

be perfect as well.

I find it best to leave your journal out where

you will be reminded. Maybe, on your kitchen

 or dining room table or bedside.

However, if you want it to be more hidden,

 place it in a nearby drawer where you will

be reminded and develop a routine in your


Journaling should never feel like a chore

but I must tell you it takes discipline. 

You must write down the number of

your journal! I write my number with

a marker on the front of my journal. 

As you begin collecting your journals

place them in a safe box with a lid. 

If you wish to type your journal that

is perfectly fine as well. Be sure

to place your pages in a large folder

and number your pages and clip them

all together. 

It's so satisfying to be able to look back

at them over time. Also, you may need to know

a date of an important event and

it can be found in your journal!

I also, find it a good idea to keep your

previous complete journal with your current one.

I usually leave the current one I'm writing in

with my last journal. You may have to refer to something

in the most recent dates and events that have taken place.

Journaling gives you strength and courage, and keeps you

more in tune with daily events. Journaling can help you

with your fears and anxieties. It allows you to read what

you were afraid of, and what or if any did you do something

about it. 

All your written journals should never be separated. Your

writings are yours and you are in charge of them.

In our writings we will find our weaknesses and that's perfectly

fine. Because our writings will become our steppingstones

to help better ourselves over time. 

Be proud of your writings even if they are painful at times.

Pray to Our Lord and speak to him through your writings!

May God Bless You Always,

Lori Foster

Note: Now write your 1st journal+

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ Looking back in April/ I was supposed to be me

 Today is Saturday "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go 

to Days of the Week Music: you will find Sat. between 

the Crosses+++your Click will be your lit candle+

Joining spiritually in prayer in The Army of God+


Days of the Week Music

Looking Back in April

I Was Supposed to be me

Friday, July 5, 2024

Embrace the Cross is on Fridays and the 5th of the month+

 Today is Friday & the 5th of the month "Embrace

the Cross." May you go to Days of the Week Music:

you will find Fridays and 5th of the month between

the Crosses+++your Click will be your

lit candle+

We Oh Lord' are at your holy feet'

Embrace us in your Divine Love!

May we turn our nightlights on+

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori Foster


Days of the Week Music

Walk Away and Embrace the Cross Movement

I Am for You

Do Not Harm My Children

America (message)

Thursday, July 4, 2024



She is the most beautiful!!

She has come so far in all

its making!

She has been given trials

after trials and never gives


She has fought many battles

with pain, sorrow, and 


She is brave and makes her way 

along the unforgiving grounds,

carrying her torch high!

She knows the Crosses she will

bear and will go forward!

Her trust is in God

who is that constant beam

of light+

Where are you America?

I am right here

I am in the faces of my people!

I stand tall and proud!

My heart is with the young,

old, and in between!

I listen to the echos of laughter, cries, and


I respond at any unknown task

before me, for my country is brave!


In your lovely design and character

What do you stand for?

I stand for freedom, equality, liberty, and justice, 

for all!

I stand for my beautiful flag of

"One Nation Under God"

America what do you see?

I see men and women working 

together to keep me all in tack!

I see men and women creating ways

of improvement!

They are proud and courageous!

America are great artist and inventors

 for the good of the people!

When America falls and is broken

I see people coming together

to give of themselves in

whatever they can!


She is filled with opportunities,

and exploring new things and


America loves family

America loves God's awesome creation!

America loves God's remarkable

wildlife and animals

made for mankind!

America loves unity and people of

all kinds!

America loves life+

God Bless America,

by Lori Foster


Song for America, by Kansas

Dust In the Wind

Hold On


Our Freedom (by Rachel (Foster) Roddel

Happy 4th of July/ family/unity



The Bells of Freedom

Happy 4th of July!! God Bless America & God Bless our world+

 Happy Fourth of July/ family/ unity

America (short story) 

May we turn our nightlights on+

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Army of Prayer & Rosary/ Three dreams I hold dear to my heart

 Today is Tues. "Army of Prayer & Rosary." May you go to 

Days of the Week Music: you will find Tues. between the

crosses+++your Click will be your lit candle+

Joining together in The Army of God+

Blessings in Christ love,

Lori Foster


Days of the Week Music

Three dreams I hold dear to my heart

Angels (scripture)