
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world."

Monday, November 28, 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016

My Favorite's Post

Please go to embraceholycross.com  underneath my favorite links, when you get to the
website, you will find the links provided on the left-hand side. Note: You will have to use
a computer or laptop to view the links.


Lori Foster's TIMELINE/ 1-28-2025

*Embrace the Cross; the original or longer prayer method IS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE embraceholycross.com website. (When you make the sign of Cross five times as stated, reflect on the five sorrowful mysteries; then place your kiss. Next, Pray the "Divine Mercy Prayer" then the
"Prayer to the Heavenly Court". Lastly pray the "Additional Prayer" as stated.) end the prayer
method in saying; ( I join my cross to your cross)


*The Short Way Embrace the Cross; (While you make the 5 crosses (slowly) on your forehead, say the 5 wounds of Christ; After you pray the two short prayers 3 times, end by saying (I join my cross to your cross)

*The Quilted Rosary(Embrace the Cross can be given to those in need at our schools, after school ends or during lunch break. May you have Embrace the Cross on a note pad etc... in the staff break room or office) Please read the Quilted Rosary and see some of the places where Embrace the Cross can be given.

Army of Prayer and Rosary ; posted Sept.27, 2016

Bishop Barron and The Holy Rosary videos:

The Joyful Mysteries (said on Mon. and Sat.)

The Sorrowful Mysteries (said on Tues. and Fri.)

The Luminous Mysteries (said on Thurs.)

The Glorious Mysteries (said on Wed. and Sun.)


FR. LAMPERT A PRIEST AND DOES EXORCISMS (videos, sacraments, and scripture)

Near Death Experiences:

MOVIE PREVIEWS: The Boy in the striped Pajama's/ The Giver ; 4-2017


Anniversary of EMBRACE THE CROSS ; posted Feb. 5 2017
Anniversary of ARMY OF PRAYER AND ROSARY ; posted Feb. 23, 2017

THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS *****++++++++++++++++
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS NOTE: you will find them underneath (divine mercy in prayer)
NOTE: Remember every Sunday Mass we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus!

using your right hand (touch forehead in saying; in the name of the father
with same right hand (touch your chest in saying: son
then go to your left shoulder saying: holy
then go to your right shoulder saying: spirit, amen

THE HOLY EUCHARIST JOHN CH. 6 ; posted Jan. 19, 2017
CORPUS CHRISTI ; posted June 18, 2017

Spiritual Communion   (song)
St. Alphonsus Spiritual Communion (song)
Inspirational Prayer


Immanuel means:  God is with Us

PLEASE NOTE: THE NUMBER'S ARE NOT IN ORDER / I would have had to redo all my links. Thanks, Lori

1)How Embrace the Cross began; posted May 2,2016

2)Soldier of The Army of God, The Rosary ; posted Aug 18,2016


**May 13, 1917 -- Oct. 13, 1917 Our Lady of Fatima Feast Day Oct. 2017



       Full of Grace (trailer)reflects on the book of Acts
        Full of Grace Trailer ; posted Jan. 17, 2017
       Full of Grace Movie Review ; posted Jan. 11 2017
THE ASSUMPTION OF BLESSED MARY ;posted Aug. 14, 2017(songs/video's)
   Today is Blessed Mary's Birthday Sept. 8th ;  posted 9-8-17

11)Keep Building the "Army of God" ; posted Dec. 8,2016 at the bottom of post
     Faith and Good Works  James Ch 2 Verses 14-26(Scripture)
      Hebrews Ch 3 and 4 Harden Not Your Hearts ; posted Jan. 12 2017 (Scripture)
12)Pro Life Commercials to View and Stories; posted Aug 17,2016 / you will find
     Roe Verses Wade Jan. 22, 1973 ; posted Jan 19 2017
     Woman's Rights and The Rainbow ;posted Jan 22 2017
WHAT IF ?????? 1-11-2018  (story)

 Turn to the Lord in your need and you will live; posted July 10,2016 (Scripture)

15)1 Timothy Ch 2; posted Sept. 17,2016 (Scripture)

16)Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus; posted Oct. 20 powerful ! (say your intention
at the place where stated in prayer.) Your intention of offering may be for yourself,
a loved one, a community, ect...

17)St. Patrick's Breast plate prayer powerful ; posted Oct. 12 video
     St. Patrick's Breast plate prayer (words)  If you wish to sing along go to my home
     page ; if using mobiles  Click on (view web
     version) you will see the months on the right. 
    go to the( Oct.2016, month) scroll down to the 12th  and click on ( St. Patrick's Breastplate
     video) then sing along with the words above video.

St. Patrick's Breastplate , by Donna Cori Gibson ; posted Feb. 22 2017

18)Jesus of Nazereth The Last Supper video, movie ; posted May 31,2016

19)Jesus Love for Us/ Carrying Our Cross; posted Sept. 27,2016 (Scripture)

20)If I Could Tell You Today : posted Nov. 3,2016 (Story)
      I Have an Appointment with you, My Jesus ; posted Mar. 17, 2017 ( Story)
22)It's The Simple Things in Life ; posted Sept. 1,2016 (Story)

23)The Seven Blessed Sacraments, Message of Marriage, and The Rosary ; posted Aug.16,2016
      MESSAGE OF MARRIAGE / P 6-27-17

24)I Am Missing You / Sins Against the Holy Spirit; posted Aug. 18,2016 / The Seven Deadly Sins / (story & scripture)

25)Place Your Confidence In The Lord ; posted Nov. 4 ,2016 (scripture)

26)Praise of God The Protector of The Just ; posted Oct. 26 ,2016 (scripture)

27)Where Are You My People? ; posted Oct. 20 ,2016 (story)

28)Exaltation Of The Holy Cross ; posted Sept. 15,2016 (scripture)
 THE SEVEN SORROWS OF BLESSED MARY 9-14-2017 (scripture)

29)In Christian Charity/Christian Suffering ; posted Sept. 11,2016 (scripture)

35) Why Do They Persecute My Son ; posted May 2 (story),2016 Please watch the two video's beneath the written story.

       Sunrise, by Our Last Night (acoustic)
       Sunrise, by Our Last Night Band lyrics
        The Bully Project Trailer
        Our Last Night Sunrise
        I'm Fine / short bullying film (5mins)
         I'm Truly Sorry / short bullying movie (10 mins)
*****Why Do They Persecute My Son Message 12-2017

36)The Boy's On The Church Steps ; posted May 12,2016 (story)

37)Cry's Of Silence ; posted May 2,2016 (prolife story)

38)The World Keeps Passing Me By; posted April 24,2016 (prolife story)

39)Project Rachel and Gabriel for Pregnancies, Depression, Addictions; posted July 20, 2016
      Brady's Hope RX to Heroin Connection ; posted Aug. 24
      Brady's Hope The Call " When life changes forever" 8-24-2016
       Brady Noonkester / Life of Brady / 4-10-2018
       Brady Noonkester/ Brady's Hope / 4-10-2018
      Please view  (Every 15 minutes program) on embraceholycross.com (three videos beneath)

       Psalm 91 Security under God's Protection ; posted Aug. 3,2016 (scripture)

40)A message about Candles and Nightlights; posted Aug. 6 ,2016 (Embrace The Cross)

41) A Christmas Message ; posted Dec.16 ,2016 (story)

42)John Ch.6 (Holy Eucharist) ; posted Dec. 14 2016 (scripture)
#43 Is Scripture:
43)Prepare the Way for The Lord; posted Dec. 15,2016 (story) Rainbow Our Lords Gift to Us

46)Hosea, Matthew, Psalm, and A Message of A Candle ; posted July 8 (scripture)

47)An Inspirational Prayer ; posted Oct 3(scripture)

49)Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy ; Psalms ; posted Sept 27 (scripture)

51)I Am The Light Of The World ; posted Dec 13 (scripture)

52) All Souls Day ; posted Nov. 2 (scripture)

55) Video's of Jesus of Nazareth, The Passion of Christ,,Litany, Chants, and More ; posted Jan. 11 2017

56) Psalm 91 (Security Under God's Protection) ; posted Aug.3 (scripture)
      Only In God Psalm 62  by John Michael Talbot posted Aug.4 (song)

      Silent Night song by Hillsong ; posted Nov. 25(song

61) The Feast Day of St. Peter and St.Paul ; posted June 29, 2017(scripture)

62) The Transfiguration of Jesus ; posted Aug.6, 2017(scripture /videos)

63) We Together will Stay Strong  ; posted 8-18-2017(story / video's)

64) Blanket Our Towns Oh' Lord ; posted 9-7-2017 (story / songs)

 65)  Sept. 5th in Honor of St. Teresa of Calcutta ( video's & songs) 9-5-17

66) Trust in My Love for I Am Near (story & songs) 9-9-17

68) My Love for You will Never be shaken (story & videos / scripture) 9-11-17

69) An Angel's Visit (given dream / songs) 9-12-17

70) My Name Was Called (story / songs) 9-18-17

 71) In The Name of Jesus / St. Michael ( given dreams) songs 9-13-17

72) Shield Me Oh' Lord (story/ songs) 9-19-17

73) In Honor of All Saints Day Nov 1st. / 10-31-17

74) Happy Thanksgiving / Nov. 2017

75) Looking Up to Our Flag & The Wave of the Flag (story) 10-2017

76) Martin Luther King Day 1-15-2018

77) Would You Recognize Me 12-11-2017 (story)

78) I Will Carry You /12-2017 (story)

79) My Gift For Jesus  / 12-2017(story)

80) The Small Wooden Cross / 12-2017 (story)

81) Because It's You / 2-2018 (story)

82) Ash Wednesday with Video's / 2-2018

83) Who Was St. Valentine / 2-2018

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Friday, November 4, 2016

Place Your Confidence in the Lord

Philippians Ch. 1 Verse 6
For I am confident of this very thing,
that he who began a good work
in you will perfect it until the
day of Christ Jesus.

Philippians Ch. 4 Verse 13
I can do all things through him
who strengthens me.

Joshua Ch. 1 Verse 7-9
Above all, be firm and steadfast,
taking care to observe the entire law
which my servant Moses enjoined on you.
Do not swerve from it either to the
right or to the left, that you may
succeed wherever you go.
Keep this book of the law on your
lips. Recite it by day and by night
that you may observe carefully all
that is written in it; then you will
successfully attain your goal.
I command you; be firm and steadfast!
Do not fear nor be dismayed for the
 Lord, your God, is with you
wherever you go."

Hebrews Ch. 4 Verse 16
Therefore, let us draw near with
confidence to the throne of grace
so that we may receive mercy and
find grace to help in time of need.

Deuteronomy Ch. 31 Verse 6
Be brave and steadfast; have no
fear or dread of them, for it is the
Lord, your God, who marches with you.
he will never fail you or forsake you.

Proverbs Ch.3 Verses 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
on your own intelligence rely not.
In all your ways be mindful of him,
and he will make straight your paths.

Isaiah Ch. 41 Verse 10
Fear not, I am with you.
be not dismayed; I am your God
I will strengthen you
and help you
and uphold you
with my right hand of justice.

Matthew Ch.11 Verse 28
Come to me, all who are weary
and Heavy-laden
and I will give you rest
(I will refresh you)

Psalm 18: Verse 29
For by you I can
run upon a troop, and
by my God I can leap
over a wall.

Psalm 143: Verse 10
Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God,
Let your good Spirit lead me
on level ground.

Joshua Ch.1 Verse 7
"Only be strong and very courageous
careful to do according to all the
law which Moses my Servant
commanded you.
do not turn from it to the
right or to the left
so that you may have
success wherever you go.

Note: Moses was given "The Ten Commandments" 
you can read them on "embraceholycross.com" underneath "MY Favorites" you will find the Ten Commandments underneath The Stations of the Cross. note: you will have to use a computer or laptop to view the links on the upper left side. 

Note: If you wish to look up scripture of " The Ten Commandments"
you may find them in: Exodus Ch. 20 Verses 1-17 and Deuteronomy Ch.5 Verses 6-21

Thursday, November 3, 2016

If I Could Tell You Today !

You are not alone; for you have Jesus!
When you are facing difficulties; Jesus will help build you up.
When you "Embrace The Cross" you are not alone; for you will
meet Blessed Mary, His Mother.
When you "Embrace The Cross" many will be spiritually with
you in prayer.
When you pray- ask Our Lord to help ALL who are
"Embracing The Cross"
When you "Embrace The Cross" and pray; God's light will
become radiant upon your face.
When you are in pain and sorrow; Jesus will clothe
you with His blanket of pure love.
Jesus, will help you bare and endure your pain
of sorrow.
Jesus, will ease your sorrows and
remove the weight of pain from
your shoulders.
When you "Embrace The Cross" of Jesus;
in kissing him, as mentioned on
the prayer exercise; on his cross,
crucifix, photo of Jesus; He
will kiss your face of tears.
When you say "Lord I Am Yours; Do With Me What You Will."
He will cradle you in his hands, and help shape you
in what he wants for you and your needs. 
He will say" Thank you for Embracing My Cross."

Placing your Confidence in The Lord ; 11-2016

Dear one's , may you try your best to go to the given prayer method exercise given
on embraceholycross.com  ( you will find it underneath my favorites)
go to "The Short Way of Embrace the Cross" and the
"Quilted Rosary" ( The Divine Mercy Prayer Card)
(Prayer to the Heavenly Court) and the
(Army of Prayer and Rosary) note; the " Times" have been expanded on the blog. of
the three given days! (The post for " Army of Prayer and Rosary" on the blog is Sept. 27, 2016 ) You are All in my daily prayers, Please pray for Everyone
Embracing the Cross of Jesus.  Thank you, and May Our Lord Bless You 
and Your loved one's!  Lori Foster

NOTE: When you have the time, Please view the October 12 ,2016 Post
" St. Patrick's Breastplate  (Powerful ,Beautiful, & Strong) If you can fast forward it towards the ending ; where it says "Christ within me " ect......  You may wish to go to the
 St. Patrick's Breastplate prayer above the video, and read the words towards the end "Christ within me." ect.... 
Dear one's this is a long prayer, however extremely powerful for one's soul. This prayer is very pleasing to Our Lord, for it constantly reminds us how much WE NEED HIM. 
When you are able , try to listen to the complete video or song , and sing along with the words above the video. May you enjoy it each and every time ! take care, Lori

***NOTE***If you wish to sing along to St. Patrick's Breastplate video / Use web version /
 click on (OCTOBER'S MONTH LINK / then scroll down & click on  OCT. 12, 2016 St. Patrick's Breastplate video link / then scroll up above, are the WORDS TO THE SONG !

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Raising of Lazarus; John Ch 11

All Souls Day

PSALM 23: The Lord, Shepherd and Host; a psalm of David
The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want
In verdant pastures he gives me repose.
Beside restful waters he leads me.
he refreshes my soul
He guides me in right paths
for his name's sake.
Even though I walk in the dark valley
I fear no evil; for you are at my side
With your rod and your staff
that give me courage.
You spread the table before me
in the sight of my foes.
You anoint my head with oil.
my cup overflows.
Only goodness and kindness follow me
all the days of my life.
And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
for years to come.

WISDOM Ch. 3 Verses 1-9 The Hidden Counsels of God: On Suffering
But the souls of the just are in the hand of God.
and no torment shall touch them.
They seemed, in the view of the foolish, to
be dead.
and their passing away was thought an
affliction. (Sorrow, misery, pain)
and they're going forth from us, utter destruction.
But they are in peace.
for if before men, indeed, they be punished,
yet is their hope full of immortality.
Chastised a little, they shall be greatly blessed,
because God tried them
and found them worthy of himself.
As gold in the furnace, he proved them,
and as sacrificial offerings he took them
to himself.
In the time of their visitation, they shall shine
and shall dart about as sparks through
They shall judge nations and rule over peoples,
and the Lord shall be their King forever.
Those who trust in him shall understand truth,
and the faithful shall abide with him in
Because grace and mercy are with his holy ones
and his care is with his elect.

ROMANS Ch. 5 Verses 1-11 Faith, Hope and Love
Now that we have been justified by faith,
we are at peace with
God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Through him we have gained access by
faith to the grace in which we now stand.
and we boast of our hope for the glory of
God. But not only that-we even boast of our afflictions! (Suffering, distress, hardships, pain)
We know that affliction makes for endurance,
and endurance for tested virtue,
and tested virtue for hope.
And this hope will not leave us disappointed
because the love of God has been
poured out in our hearts through the Holy
spirit who has been given to us. At the
appointed time, when we were still powerless,
Christ died for us godless men. it is rare
that anyone should lay down his life for a
just man, though it is barely possible that
for a good man someone may have the
courage to die. It is precisely in this that
God proves his love for us; that while we
were still sinners, Christ died for us. Now
that we have been justified by his blood,
it is all the more certain that we shall be
saved by him from God's wrath. For
if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him
by the death of his Son,
it is all the more certain that we who have
been reconciled will be saved by his life.
Not only that; we go so far as to make
God our boast through our Lord Jesus Christ,
through whom we have now received reconciliation.

JOHN Ch. 11 Verses 17-27 The Raising of Lazarus
When Jesus arrived at Bethany, he
found that Lazarus had already been in the
tomb four days.
The village was not far from Jerusalem-just under two miles-
and many Jewish people had come out
to console Martha and Mary over their
brother. When Martha heard that Jesus
was coming she went to meet him, while
Mary sat at home. Martha said to Jesus.
"Lord, if you had been here, my brother
would never have died. Even now, I am
sure, that God will give you whatever you
ask of him.:  "Your brother will rise again," 
Jesus assured her. "I know he will rise again, "
Martha replied," in the resurrection on the last day."
Jesus told her.
I am the resurrection and the life.
whoever believes in me,
though he should die, will come to life.
and whoever is alive and believes in me
will never die. 
Do you believe this? "Yes, Lord," she replied.
"I have come to believe that you
are the Messiah, the Son of God; he who is to come
into the world."
continue Verses 33-43
When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who
had accompanied her also weeping, he was troubled
in spirit, moved by the deepest
emotions. "Where have you laid him?"
he asked.: Lord, come and see," they said.
Jesus began to weep, which caused the
Jews to remark, "See how much he loved him!"
But some said, "He opened the
eyes of that blind man. Why could he not
have done something to stop
this man from dying?"
Once again troubled in spirit
Jesus approached the tomb.
It was a cave with a stone laid across it.
"Take away the stone," Jesus directed Martha,
the dead man's sister, said to him, "Lord, it has
been four days now; surely
there will be a stench!" Jesus replied,
"Did I not assure you that if you believed
you would see the glory of God displayed?"
They then took away the stone and Jesus
looked upward and spoke.
"Father, I thank you for having heard me.
I know that you always hear me
but I have said this for the sake of the crowd,
that they may believe that you sent me."
Having said this, he called loudly,
"Lazarus, come out!" The dead man came
out bound head and foot with linen strips,
his face wrapped in a cloth. "Untie him." 
Jesus told them, "And let him go free."

The Raising of Lazarus / video / 11-2016

Tuesday, November 1, 2016